Kadish Tolesa
Well-Known Member
Hi,everyone, I'm really enjoying reading this forum and havealready learned many useful tips ! Many years ago I had a house rabbitthat I named William. He was litter-trained and after hisinitial training period, he did'nt have any accidents on the carpet oron my furniture. I had the house "house-proofed"more securely than for a toddler. He was allowed to freelyroam my bedroom and livingroom, but the other roomshad to be supervised since they led to outside doors and Idid'nt want anyone to let him out w/o me .I lived alone then ,butfriends do stop by and some of them had the habit of standing andtalking w/the door OPEN in the summer. William had his ownkennel/cage to retreat to , but I usually left the cage door open so hecould have more exercise......People thought it was nuts to have ahouse bunny, but I got to know a rabbit's habits and personality muchbetter than if he were in an outdoor hutch ! BTW, no one ever walked inmy house and "smelled" bunny odors, William wasquite fastidious and I kept his litterbox clean (I usedregular cat litter in those days ; not knowing any better:?). William lived for 10 years and I haven't forgotten him:bunnyangel: .
Anyway, that was 15 yrs. ago , skip tothe present.... I'm now happily married with a 2 yr.old and a13yr.old. My husband is a wonderful man who is learning somecarpentry skills by building (drumroll please...) rabbit hutches! Yes, I do have some bunnies outdoors ---wish theycould all be in the house. Threemonths ago, I bought a Netherland dwarfwhich lives in our house ; he gets out of his "kennel"aftermy toddler is asleep! Although Ithink that even a veryyoung child can learn to handle a bunnygently--with alot of supervision . My 2 yr. old gets to pet " Gimli " alittle each day . Inamed this topic "myhusband's pet rabbit" since Gimli lives in our room. When I set upGimli's kennel in the corner, my husband said, "Oh, so It's going to beMY rabbit...okaaaay..." After about 2 weeks, I noticed hubby wascalling the bunny by it's name, and what's more, he will stop byGimli's kennel whenever he walks in,andrub hisback.
Well I've probably taken enough space inthis topic , but it's pretty neat IMO, to meet some other rabbit people!
Have a good day ! Kadesh Tolesaurplepansy:
Anyway, that was 15 yrs. ago , skip tothe present.... I'm now happily married with a 2 yr.old and a13yr.old. My husband is a wonderful man who is learning somecarpentry skills by building (drumroll please...) rabbit hutches! Yes, I do have some bunnies outdoors ---wish theycould all be in the house. Threemonths ago, I bought a Netherland dwarfwhich lives in our house ; he gets out of his "kennel"aftermy toddler is asleep! Although Ithink that even a veryyoung child can learn to handle a bunnygently--with alot of supervision . My 2 yr. old gets to pet " Gimli " alittle each day . Inamed this topic "myhusband's pet rabbit" since Gimli lives in our room. When I set upGimli's kennel in the corner, my husband said, "Oh, so It's going to beMY rabbit...okaaaay..." After about 2 weeks, I noticed hubby wascalling the bunny by it's name, and what's more, he will stop byGimli's kennel whenever he walks in,andrub hisback.
Well I've probably taken enough space inthis topic , but it's pretty neat IMO, to meet some other rabbit people!
Have a good day ! Kadesh Tolesaurplepansy: