my husband's "pet rabbit "

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Kadish Tolesa

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Lagomorph County, Wisconsin, USA
Hi,everyone, I'm really enjoying reading this forum and havealready learned many useful tips ! Many years ago I had a house rabbitthat I named William. He was litter-trained and after hisinitial training period, he did'nt have any accidents on the carpet oron my furniture. I had the house "house-proofed"more securely than for a toddler:D. He was allowed to freelyroam my bedroom and livingroom, but the other roomshad to be supervised since they led to outside doors and Idid'nt want anyone to let him out w/o me .I lived alone then ,butfriends do stop by and some of them had the habit of standing andtalking w/the door OPEN in the summer. William had his ownkennel/cage to retreat to , but I usually left the cage door open so hecould have more exercise......People thought it was nuts to have ahouse bunny, but I got to know a rabbit's habits and personality muchbetter than if he were in an outdoor hutch ! BTW, no one ever walked inmy house and "smelled" bunny odors, William wasquite fastidious and I kept his litterbox clean (I usedregular cat litter in those days ; not knowing any better:?). William lived for 10 years and I haven't forgotten him:bunnyangel: .

Anyway, that was 15 yrs. ago , skip tothe present.... I'm now happily married with a 2 yr.old and a13yr.old. My husband is a wonderful man who is learning somecarpentry skills by building (drumroll please...) rabbit hutches! Yes, I do have some bunnies outdoors ---wish theycould all be in the house:p. Threemonths ago, I bought a Netherland dwarfwhich lives in our house ; he gets out of his "kennel"aftermy toddler is asleep! Although Ithink that even a veryyoung child can learn to handle a bunnygently--with alot of supervision . My 2 yr. old gets to pet " Gimli " alittle each day . Inamed this topic "myhusband's pet rabbit" since Gimli lives in our room. When I set upGimli's kennel in the corner, my husband said, "Oh, so It's going to beMY rabbit...okaaaay..." After about 2 weeks, I noticed hubby wascalling the bunny by it's name, and what's more, he will stop byGimli's kennel whenever he walks in,andrub hisback:D.

Well I've probably taken enough space inthis topic , but it's pretty neat IMO, to meet some other rabbit people!

Have a good day ! Kadesh Tolesa:purplepansy:

Welcome to the Forum .

Isnt it great the rough gruffhubbies melt like butterwhen exposed to ababy rabbit, gotta love it . Wewill be expecting picturessometime inthe near future, again Welcome .
Welcome to the forum!!! I wan't to seepictures!! We are picture people around here! I think it is great yourhusband gets along so well with your bunnies and stuff also. It is alsogreat your husband is a carpenter since my mom tried to make a rabbithutch and everytime the wind blew it KNOCKED it all the wayover:shock:!!
I know someone who has a Netherland Dwarf...her husband promptly dubbed it "Jaws".....

It's gotta be a sweet rabbit to make guys melt--watch what happens when bunny's got it in for Dad.




My hubby's gotten REAL into my bunnies nowtoo...even doing all he can to make Oreo like him...I think at somepoint she had a man not be real nice to her, he can pet her and suchbut she goes nuts if he tries to pick her up, yet I can walk right overand do so. Go figure!
Hi Kadesh Tolesa,

I have an agouti colored Netherland Dwarf called Pebbles who is a house bunny. Had her since November 2004.

I let my wife pet her sometimes. :shock:

Really we share the work and playwith our bunny. My wife gets togive the treats and I get to clean up. :p

Rainbows! :angel:
Hi, I have a Netherland Dwarf too. He was myhusbands idea, and we both adore him. Yesterday I walked into the bunnyroom to find James on the floor petting Mocha who was half asleep onthe only chair in the room. James told me he got kicked off. :p Andthen he told me that he had never realized just how great rabbits couldbe as pets, even though he had them when he was a kid. I just loveseeing a boy and his bunny!
Hi and welcome to the forum!

My bunnies haven't all managed to wiggle into Shawn, my boyfriend's,heart yet. But Sampson, my Flemish Giant, found his way inright away. Shawn takes him out of the cage and lets him onthe bed in the morning. Sampson thinks Shawn shouldn't haveany hair and keeps trying to pull the hair out of his head (he groomsmy hair, but doesn't pull it) but Shawn even loves him when he doesthis. I find the whole thing ratherfunny!


Is the hair pullling a grooming thing?Homer was doing that to his new g/f at first yesterday! Needless to sayI stopped it, but was just wondering.
Hi, Northerndancer , yes, he's Gimli after thedwarf in LOTR :) My 13 yr.old son named him soonafter I bought him---the rabbit, not my son :D. Imyself have read and re-read Tolkien's trilogy ,starting in highschool. There are quite a few masculine dwarf names to choose fromTolkien's works ( Balin, Dwalin, ect. ) , haven't found any femininedwarf names , though ! Of course, I haven't read ALL ofTolkien's works, either !

As soon as I figure out how to post pic.'s , I'll send some of Gimliand my other buns. Gimli's being trained to use a litter pantoday :cool:. I justhad to wait awhile for his neutering to heal. I've purchasedsome "Woody Pet" and am trying that out .

have a good day :), Kadesh Tolesa :rose:
Kadish Tolesa wrote:
Hi, Northerndancer , yes, he's Gimli after the dwarf in LOTR:) My 13 yr.old son named him soon after I boughthim---the rabbit, not my son :D. I myself have readand re-read Tolkien's trilogy ,starting in high school. There are quitea few masculine dwarf names to choose from Tolkien's works ( Balin,Dwalin, ect. ) , haven't found any feminine dwarf names , though ! Ofcourse, I haven't read ALL of Tolkien's works, either !

As soon as I figure out how to post pic.'s , I'll send some of Gimliand my other buns. Gimli's being trained to use a litter pantoday :cool:. I justhad to wait awhile for his neutering to heal. I've purchasedsome "Woody Pet" and am trying that out .

have a good day :), Kadesh Tolesa :rose:
Thats cool..:)..I think there is a rabbit called Arwen on the forumsomewhere too! It is funny how you see LOTR names around a lot thesedays. I saw a snack bar called "Lembas" the other day and have seen afew houses called "Rivendell"!

Look forward to seeing some photos.

Kind regards! ND

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