Loppy Earred Mom wrote:
Megan! Welcome back! I've wondered where you had been! Im ina rental too my poor carpet :shock:
Giggles I didn't even mention how angry he was about that he softens uptho after he looks into her face but not the internet wire LOL Thatshis LIFE
I'm around! I've been really busy because my parents were visiting fromNew Mexico... my mom was here for a little over a month. I can see thismonth is filling up quite quickly too with holiday plans, then justbefore Christmas my parents are coming back again because my sister ismoving to a new apartment and my mom is coming to help her. So I'm justa busy beaver.
Mr. Wiggles liked to chew our speaker wire, he'd do it so fast, hewould go under something and before I had a chance to get him out he'dbite through the wire so we took the speakers away
The townhomewe're in is fairly new so we are lucky enough to have some scraps ofcarpet out in the garage. This renting thing is making me go insane! Ifit were my own house it wouldn't stress me out nearly as much.
Say, you're not looking to adopt a pair of older kittens are you????
I've been fostering two for the SPCA and they are just not getting anybites, it's really odd because they're GORGEOUS, they're longhairedsiamese. I'm hoping they find a good home soon because I'm becoming FARtoo attatched.
Also have you seen the ad's on TV for the holiday stuff happening inLeesburg this weekend? I don't think I will be here so I haven'tchecked the site, but go to idalee.org if you haven't heard about ityet. I think there's a craft fair or something.