my husband is SO angry!

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Check out the drywall sectoin at the hardwarestores. My dad is a drywaller so I am always going through his part ofthe barn and stilling suplies for my rabbits lol. Try the plasticcorner beads. They are super hard, and you can tack them to your walls.There is plastic ones that are rounded and they are for the corner ofdoorways or walls. It is called "rounded corner bead" (right from mydads mouth) I use that for my wires when I had a rabbit that would chewon things. It worked good because I just used a paper stapler and stuckit right onto the wall right above the trim. It blended in well and youcan even paint it to match the walls.
Megan! Welcome back! I've wondered where you had been! Im in a rental too my poor carpet :shock:

Giggles I didn't even mention how angry he was about that he softens uptho after he looks into her face but not the internet wire LOL Thatshis LIFE
Loppy Earred Mom wrote:
Megan! Welcome back! I've wondered where you had been! Im ina rental too my poor carpet :shock:

Giggles I didn't even mention how angry he was about that he softens uptho after he looks into her face but not the internet wire LOL Thatshis LIFE
I'm around! I've been really busy because my parents were visiting fromNew Mexico... my mom was here for a little over a month. I can see thismonth is filling up quite quickly too with holiday plans, then justbefore Christmas my parents are coming back again because my sister ismoving to a new apartment and my mom is coming to help her. So I'm justa busy beaver.

Mr. Wiggles liked to chew our speaker wire, he'd do it so fast, hewould go under something and before I had a chance to get him out he'dbite through the wire so we took the speakers away :) The townhomewe're in is fairly new so we are lucky enough to have some scraps ofcarpet out in the garage. This renting thing is making me go insane! Ifit were my own house it wouldn't stress me out nearly as much.

Say, you're not looking to adopt a pair of older kittens are you???? ;)I've been fostering two for the SPCA and they are just not getting anybites, it's really odd because they're GORGEOUS, they're longhairedsiamese. I'm hoping they find a good home soon because I'm becoming FARtoo attatched.

Also have you seen the ad's on TV for the holiday stuff happening inLeesburg this weekend? I don't think I will be here so I haven'tchecked the site, but go to if you haven't heard about ityet. I think there's a craft fair or something.

Megan my honey would KILL me I mean absolutely KILL me if i take in a kitty! LOL

I would LOVE to have one and he's a cat kinda guy but he would stillkill me! I work over the weekend so I'll miss it BIG BUMMER!

I only got Stitch by a slip up of what he said the day I got her hisexact words were "you go to the mall with the girls I'll go shootingwith dad." I Said OK can i get ANYTHING? i mean ANYTHING? he said "yeahwhatever you want dear" When i got home he said TAKE IT BACK! i said nou said anything! she's mine.

I not thinks that will work anymore LOL he is very careful about hiswords around me now. And I love cats they are good with your bun? Im soscared of another animal hurting my Stitch!

LuvaBun wrote:
Meganc731 wrote:
Mydog let Mr. Wiggles out of his cage a couple days ago

Oh Oh! looks like the four legged ones are starting to gang up on thetwo legged ones:shock:-Jan

Yep, they're buds the two of them, although Macy (dog) tends to go alittle overboard, so I let them play a bit and then seperate Macy. Theyhave MANY two legged ones in the house they'd like to gang up on, 4human ones and 9 birds plus 3 visiting birds, and babies on the way :DI'm sure our cat and the two visiting cats would like in on the actiontoo ;)

Loppy Earred Mom wrote:
I only got Stitch by a slip up of what he said the day I gother his exact words were "you go to the mall with the girls I'll goshooting with dad." I Said OK can i get ANYTHING? i mean ANYTHING? hesaid "yeah whatever you want dear" When i got home he said TAKE ITBACK! i said no u said anything! she's mine.
Sneaky girl!! Early this year I bought a cockatiel (our second) thatwas completely white (no orange cheeks) and when my husband came homehe said what is that??? And I said oh that's just a shadow. We ended upnaming her shadow :D

My cat does very good with Mr. Wiggles, she jumps in his cage andlounges in there with him, they're very cute. She's more Mr. Wigglesspeed. I'm sure there are some cats that bother rabbits, but mine aregood. Mr. Wiggles is also very laid back, I would have no idea rabbitsare territorialif I hadn't read it here so I think that makeseverything easy.

Well I broke down and talked to im about the catsand followed it by "but i've always wanted a long haired cat" He said"baby with the animals running the house now bringing in a cat wouldjust make it more crowded you can have a cat when we get a bigger placeof our own because I want a cat for myself too"

heheh sometimes he's such a softy for animals but he really didseriously think about it and he said he will continue to think about itwhile he was at work so when he gets home ima give him a sad pouty sadeyed look and see if I can break him down LOL

Yeah whenever Stitch does a bad no no he alwaysmakes the stew comment but he would never ever hurt her its his way ofsaying your bunny was bad today she doesn't do things when Im homebecause I watch her all the time laying on the carpet while she runsaround and hops over my legs and onto my back I lay there with mylittle squirt bottle to get her quickly when she's chewing somethingshe's not suppose to.

He wouldn't ever harm her as much as he doesn't want to admit it headores her and when I was out walking her one day he drove up and a dogand owner was walking toward me I started to pick her up and he got theowners attention and let her know the rabbit was there she was standingthere with the dog talkign to another neighbor and let the leash thingout u know those ones taht extend? and was basically letting it roambut I thought he was to uncomfortably close.

Hubby is more bark then bite most definitly. He knows shes my heart.

Loppy Earred Mom wrote:
heheh sometimes he's such a softy for animals but he reallydid seriously think about it and he said he will continue to thinkabout it while he was at work so when he gets home ima give him a sadpouty sad eyed look and see if I can break him down LOL


Awww that's sweet that he thought about it so seriously. Don't worrythere will be PLENTY of longhaired cats waiting when you guys areready. In fact there's even a persain rescue in Ashburn :D I thinkafter I find these cats a home I might foster one cat at time for thepersain rescue. These cats have a stomach bug that they're gettingmedication for and to be honest I'm really getting frazzeled by all thework. For now they have to stay in the bathroom by themselves becauseof it. It's a lot of extra work taking care of these cats a long withthe rest of my crew,without having one of them get sick. Inow know I could NEVER have more than two cats at a time. I'm veryhappy to have just my one. I think fostering is a great way to providea needed temporary home for an animal as well as trying out livingsituation before making it permanent.

PS did I mention that I'm also watching my mom'spuppy for her? They were visiting from NM and went home for only 5weeks, so it made more sense for them to take their puppy because ittakes longer to drive with her. My sister was supposed to be watchingher, but apparently she was barking a lot when my sister was at work,so back to my house she came :D My mom and I are both Homemakers sothis little pup never knew that she was supposed to be home a loneSOMETIMES hehe.

Oh Oh what color is the persian?

LOL the funnies thing happened yesterday I was over at Giant with myson and his Girlfriend she hasn't been around animals as much as somefolks have been as a child she has never had animals actually her onlyanimal contact is going to other peoples homes that havethem. Anyway I told her about the long haired Siamese catsand said "ima ask Randy if i can have one" she said " OH really? whereare they bound" I said "HUH?" she goes "they are siamese right?" I said"Umm yeah" so she said "so are they bound by the head by the hip a legor something? " I said " OH NO siamese is a breed of cat not likesiamese twins that are bound at a body part or anything"

She's 19 and again not real animal saavy obviously LOL I tried SO SOHard not to laugh when she asked that of course my 18 yr old son had tocomment on it.


I think it's really great that you're fostering! I became a sort ofaccidental foster home and ended up keeping three of the cats
. It takesa special kind of person to do that, and I just wanted to say I thinkvery highly of you for sacrificing time and making a commitment tobetter these kitties' lives

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