My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Oh okay. Well I guess I was responding to other people who were saying they wash what I thought was store-bought eggs.

I'm gonna go lick Monty's nose now :p (yes, I'm being weird on purpose today...I have a really bad headache and had a really bad dream last night, so I'm trying to cheer myself up before I go to work yet again)
I get road rage myself. I do not have a problem so much with someone going a little slow, they might be lost.. I have been there. A little fast..I have been there as well. The people I want to spinning back fist are the ones that do totally stupid moves that threaten to kill someone else. Kill yourself fine but not me and mine. The ones that have to in less than a split second cross three lanes of traffic to not miss their exit because they were too busy texting to see the sign warning a mile back that the next exit would be theirs.

We wash the eggs right before we use them, not before but good tutorial. I haven't had it explained that way before just did as I was told. It's nice to learn the reason why things are done as they are.

Missy...When I said I wash eggs I meant the ones that come from my neighbors chickens. The store bought ones I don't. And no worries I am not afraid of some germs and do not bath in sanitizer, I also feel exposure to dirt and germs (limited of course. I won't roll around in pig poo for the fun of it :) ) tends to keep you healthier than those that try to live in a bubble. I don't even buy sanitizer and refuse to buy antibacterial anything . It's just a rip off if you ask me and will only help to make the germs stronger and us weaker if anything.
I have a bottle of hand sanitizer in my car, just for when I'm out shopping and maybe decide to eat or just feel grimy, but I usually forget to even use it. The alcohol dries out my hands anyway. There's a bad chest cold going around everywhere lately, and I only caught a "diet" version of it, right after I had a root canal so I was kinda weakened anyway from the tooth infection. It was like being kicked while I was already down, but like I said, it was a light version of it. I got off easy compared to everyone else I know who got sick recently.
It´s amazing how many different things are going on here.

Road road, i could go on about that for ages. I was going mad this morning as it must have been learner driver morning in Marbella, one of the local towns and boy, if they don´t teach them to drive properly, how the hell are they going to know what to do when they get in the car by themself. I was driving behind one car and we were coming to a roundabout and turning left. I usually get in the left lane but on this turnoff I stay in the right as when I head onto the next turnoff, no one will let you cross lanes. So, I´m in the right going round the roundabout (signal left) and then when I get to my turnoff signal right. The learner driver was in the middle (no signal) and then cut to the right and didn´t signal to turn right either. He was then in the left lane but went straight across the next roundabout. In the meantime on the middle of the first roundabout a scooter cut right across the front of me to turn right.....:tantrum: Another learner in front who never used their indicator either. Hate people using mobiles while driving, you can always tell cos they go slow and weave about the road. We get loads of tourists here who haven´t a clue where they´re going so you have to be a psychic on the roads over here. And motorbikes are the worst, they come at you from all over, they so put my nerves on edge that I want to scream sometimes.

And eggs, never washed them, I used to love buying eggs with the poop still on them, felt as though I´d got really fresh one and couldn´t wait to try them.
I use antibacterial soap on my dishes, but thats about it. I don't like hand sanitizer, it makes my hands feel sticky.

My cat and my son were just playing hide and seek! haha. He was hiding behind the curtain and she was running around looking for him. Then he poked his head out and she stalked him and pounced on his feet. It was so funny! I was laughing so hard. Then she went behind the curtain and she was hiding from my son. Then he jerked the curtain up and she ran and he chased her! It was hilarious. What a great cat I have who will play with my crazy child!
So my finger, that the rooster got, is so weak. It keeps getting weaker and weaker everyday. I don't know whats going on. I just had a coffee mug in my hand and I was putting in the microwave, I barely tapped my finger and I dropped the mug in the microwave. I mean tapped it so lightly I didn't even feel it. I'm actually not 100% if I even hit it or if my finger just gave out. I had my finger looped in the mug and was holding it with mostly my middle finger.
Anyway, it hurts a lot and I can't grip anything. It hurts to bend it, its not like it hurt before, it just feels sore or something or torn.
I have this huge hard knot around where the wound is. Its like to the right of the wound. Its almost like its where his spur went into my finger it tore everything up in there and now it HURTS!
Its really weird and I just want it to go away and stop hurting. Now I'm being a whiny baby, but its pretty sore.

I wish I could find the batteries for my camera! I need to take some pictures of the chicks to send to someone to see if they want them. BUT NO! I can't find the batteries. Plus the camera is still in the car.

I want to talk about my ad tailor on my computer. So apparently when I google things, it makes it part of the ads. Because I googled Dido once, the singer to see if she sang this one song, and now all my ads are for Dido. For her concert tickets and for her cd or whatever. As much as I love google, I think its pretty intrusive. LOL
You can delete your browsing history and cookies, to stop the ads, but you would have to keep doing it.

I hate not having batteries when I need them. I buy the ginormous Costco packs now. They last for YEARS, it's great! The rechargable ones are pretty good too.

That's so cute that your kitty would play with your son. That is a great kitty :) I wonder if Ellie will ever be like that, where she will want to play with you guys. I know some people have bunnies like that. Dash was really the only rabbit I've ever had, that would interact like that with me. I would be the scary monster chasing her, and she whip around to see if I was coming to get her, then take off.

That doesn't sound good, about your finger. I would be worried that something is severed in there, that shouldn't be. Have you been back in to have it checked since the initial appointment?
BAHAHAHAHA! Yall are so funny. Thank yall for brightening my day lol! I agree about the eggs. My daddy always told me, "a little dirt don't hurt" and I, too, believe if theres a little poop left on the egg that makes it even more fresh hahaa!!!! OH and the jehovahs witness people! YEAH! Well, we have security cameras right so when I hear the front doorbell ring I usually go check the cameras to see who it is because I keep hearing horror stories about "during the day ppl come knock on your door, if you don't answer they will break in" and that's been happening in surrounding neighborhoods. SO I checked and it was two women with long hair and long dresses so I yelled, "WTF YOU CANT READ THE DAMN SIGN IN THE FRONT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD???? NO SOLICITING!!! HOLY CRAP!" and they looked at each other and then waited like 15 seconds and rang the doorbell again. I was thinking "geez, I should really go open the door and yell at these people, but I am just not wearing enough clothes for that right now" The only solicitors I want to see are girl scouts selling cookies! I need cookies!!! >:C

Also, your rant about road rage. That is exactly what goes through my head. I feel like I am going to cry if I see the motorcycle dudes die after they act like complete tar-tars. Its like they're TRYING to hurt themselves or someone else! I was talking to an old lady the other day and she was telling me she never talked to her neighbors anymore after the death of their son, so I asked what happened and she said that the Mom bought her 25ish year old son a motorcycle for his birthday because he wanted one so badly and he loved it of course. He took off on it a few days later and he wasn't heard of again. So finally they found in one town over on a backroad, dead.. and the Mom blames herself but we all know that the boy would have eventually bought one himself one. Pretty sad.
And I CANT stand when people don't use their blinker! AHHH!
Morgan, you should have the finger checked out, you may need to do just some exercises to get it back to normal.

It´s good where we are cos they have to get through the door downstairs before they can knock at the front door so when someone rings the intercom, I just don´t answer. Most people I know always call before they come so I´m expecting them. If they do manage to get upstairs, I have a peep hole so I look through it and if I don´t know them, I don´t answer the door.

So sad about the boy who died but I´m always surprised more people don´t die on the roads when you see the way they drive...scary :nerves1
Missy...I keep baby wipes in all of our vehicles. We tend to eat while driving when we travel and they are what we use to clean our hands first> I also use them the once in a blue moon I grab myself something to eat after shopping. might want to have the finger checked. It could be though that stuff inside there, your tendons and what not are still healing.
Ya, watch out for those Jehovah witnesses. I don't like to be bothered at home by anyone unless their family or friends. I had some of them coming around for a while where we used to live. I was outside one day acid cleaning a cylinder and they came over. I explained what I was doing and I was doing it outside to try and avoid the fumes from the acid. I was hoping that would chase them away since most people don't know the fumes aren't that bad but shees nothing stops them...unless you move HaHa.

Chris...I hate round abouts. They've put in two over our way recently and it's made things even worse. At least before people had to stop at a light. Now no one stops.
Denise, then you wouldn´t like it here at all. Before we used to have loads of junctions and then, for some reason, they started changing them all and putting roundabouts there. Now, they are everywhere and because before you used to have to give way for traffic coming onto the roundabout, some older drivers still stop in the middle of the roundabout so you have to be really careful. As well here, if somebodies going right round the roundabout, they can go in the outside lane and if you´re going straight across, they suddenly cut right across the front of you. I´ve got used to it now but there´ve been many an accident as it´s the only country where logic isn´t used on the roads lol.
You know what else stops religious people from coming to your door? Answering it in your underwear holding a cat. LMAO. This is totally nuts and totally true...but when I was like 17, I had had a long night of drinking, came home at like 6 that morning and passed out on the couch in a tank top and undies. I woke up at like 10am to someone knocking at my door. Being totally hung over/still drunk I opened the door and grabbed the cat as she tried to run out. As I opened the door, I was like "jesus christ its so early, what do you wa..." To realize that there were two guys standing on my door step with bibles and pamphlets. Trying to talk to me, the one with no pants, about temptation. LOL I stood there and was like, "well, lucky for you guys, I know all about this and I've found jesus already. I found him at a bi-lo standing in front of my car. So you guys can leave the pamphlets in the mailbox and keep it moving" They never made eye contact, they just said to have a good day and they never came back! That solved that problem. They didn't even stop for a can food donation for a can drive they did every year.

About jesus at the bi-lo, which is a grocery store in my area I don't know about everyone else. But I went there one evening to get something. As I walked out of the store, I saw this guy standing in front of my car. I slowed my pace and looked at him. He had no shoes on, long brown hair, long beard, cut of at the knee jean shorts, a messenger bag and a Jim Morrison t-shirt on. I walked to my car, I was like "can I help you?" He just stared at me. I asked if I knew him, he just stared. I was like, are you friends with someone I knew and he just stared. I asked if he was Jesus, he just smiled at me and walked away. I am almost positive that I saw jesus that evening. Then family guy totally stole my experience of seeing jesus and used it in an episode, seriously.
Sorry if that offends anyone. Its true though, it was jesus.

I probably should go back to the doctor, but uhmm...I don't want to. hahaha. As terrible as that is, I just really hate going and I don't want to go back. I'll be like a little kid. I don't wanna gooooo! LMAO.
Sounds like Cellulitis. Can mail you some bactrim.

I was telling omar about your rooster and he said to get a wiffle bat. Hard enough to deter him but not hard enough to seriously injure him.

A taser, a brick, and a golf ball were also brought up.
I think it was Chris who said a few posts back that there is so much happening on here, that is for sure correct, hahaha. Religion solicitors, dirty eggs, antibacterial soaps, road rage..

Okay Morgan, can you please do super bed? I don't know how many of you watch The Office, but it is one of my top shows. Super bed reminded me of the time Jim was away from work for a period of time, so Dwight uses Jim's desk with his own together to make Mega Desk. Jim comes back and one-ups him by creating Quad Desk, a bigger and better version of Mega Desk. I tried to find a YouTube clip, but they only had one where someone was holding their camera in front of their TV screen, and I refuse to have people watch that low quality of a video, hahaha.
I REMEMBER THAT FROM THE OFFICE! I LOVE THE OFFICE! Ahem, sorry. I got a little excited and shouty.
I'm watching that episode with mega desk right now. If anyone has netflix, its season 6 episode 19 "st. patricks day"
I just want to say that I really hate Steve Carrell. He is SO annoying.

Yes there always is a lot going on in my mind and a lot going on on the blog. Hahaha. I have a hard time sleeping because my mind is always in the "crazy place."
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Sounds like Cellulitis. Can mail you some bactrim.

I was telling omar about your rooster and he said to get a wiffle bat. Hard enough to deter him but not hard enough to seriously injure him.

A taser, a brick, and a golf ball were also brought up.

Kaley when you said wiffle ball bat, I couldn't help but think of the beastie boys. lmao. But that is a good idea, it might be less abrasive than a stick!
What is bactrim? Is that like bactine?
I believe you that it was Jesus. That's an awesome story. :)

Haha Kaley! If y'all ever get a rooster, y'all will be real prepared with a widdle ball bat (reminds me of the Beastie Boys too!), a taser, a brick, and the golf ball
What is a wiffle bat...never heard of one but assuming it´s not as lethal as a baseball bat. Had to laugh at the taser, brick and golf ball.

Morgan, I do believe you saw Jesus, stranger things have happend.

I love The Office but have only seen the UK version which was great. Don´t think they´ve ever put it on Spanish TV so haven´t seen.
Its the ball with the holes in it and the plastic bat to play. When you hit the ball it doesn't go very far because of the holes in it, so its perfect for kids. We have wiffle golf balls to practice our swings, without killing something or hitting a car with a golf ball. LOL
But the bat is plastic and it doesn't hurt...that much. But I remember being a teenager and getting kicked out of walmart for being a guy I knew down with a wiffle ball bat, true story. It was hilarious.

I just let Ellie out of the cabinet, she seems pretty happy to be out. She's started this nasty habit of digging in her litter box! Eww! So I just gave her a phone book, she's ripping it up. I hope she likes it. Maybe I'll make one of her litter boxes into a dig box with some bits of paper. She'll probably use it to potty though, since a bad bun. haha. Hopefully she doesn't potty in the floor, I've been trying really hard to keep them clean! Its so hard with a man and animals who track all kinds of crap in. I leave my boots outside even AFTER I clean them. Biosecurity. hahaha. I say that all the time, but its so true.

Now to make some chicken salad with left over baked chicken! YUM! I'm starving.

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