My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Uhhh, I'm also a headachey person! I get them when I do drink coffee and when I don't. Some days if I'm not at the house, I won't drink any coffee because I refuse to stop and buy some because its so expensive. But those days I won't get a headache, I'll drink something else with caffeine like a coke or pepsi, then lots of water. And most of the time I'm okay but I'm REALLY dragging. I also take vitamins everyday so I think that helps with the headaches too. But if for some reason I don't have coffee that second day I'm screwed. I have full on migraine and nothing will help except to sleep. Its horrible. So we usually don't let it get to that second day.
How many cups are you drinking a day Lisa? I'm anywhere between 3 and 8. That is so bad! But its what gets me through the day. Most of the time, its 3 in the morning while I'm watching tv and feeding myself breakfast, then 2 after lunch, then one in the evening at about 6. Sometimes I will forgo that later evening cup though.
I attribute my headaches to my terrible eating habits though. I mostly just drink coffee and water during the day and there are some days I won't eat at all except dinner. Then there are some days where I eat some tuna or something like that, just to get me through the day.
Lately its been a lot worse though, since I'm reorganizing my house, I'm trying to do so much at once in the house along with rebuilding a chicken coop and monitoring them to make sure they're okay.

I'm really glad I got the chick too, poor little hen. I don't know what to name her, I'm definitely keeping her though!
I've named like 2 of them, Big Blue the little blue roo and then a white hen who has a blue patch under her eye, her name is Patchy. Can you say cliche!
I'm moving them all into smaller crates I think tomorrow night, so I'll take some pictures of them when I move them. I'm separating the roos from the hens, so I can get an accurate head count and decide who is staying and who is going. I'll be able to take some single pictures and show you guys who is who!
The poor little chick. It was so lucky you went to check, I´d hate to think she wouldn´t have made it.

It´s sad to give up your Roo but he´ll probably be less trouble where he´s going and gives you a chance to try out something new. Would be great to see some pics of how they´re all doing. I´m curious to see how they´ve changed.

I only drink coffee when I´m out, always drink tea at home, yes typically British nothing nicer than a nice cup of tea. I just find the coffee when I´m out just tasted so much nicer. Am just back from lunch with a friend of mine and after my cold beer with lunch, I finished with a coffee, really nice.
I'm somewhere between 2-5 cups a day. I eat horribly too. I'm the exact same way and never eat all day. I drink coffee instead. It used to be tea. Then I eat one huge meal a day. Usually dinner. I've been like that my whole life. Feast or famine...nothing in between. So now my body is trained to only want big meals. It's horrible! I'm sure that's why I'm headachy too.
Thats how my body is too! I go into the kitchen because I'm "hungry" and I don't want anything. I'm like oh maybe I'll eat a sandwich, then I get everything out and look at the ingredients and then my stomach says NO! NO SANDWICH! haha. So I don't eat, I drink a cup of coffee or drink some tea.
Or I forgot to mention, I drink really strong english breakfast tea, its got super high caffeine.
But then sometimes my body will literally scream for protein. Sometimes I'll go into the kitchen and my stomach will growl and it will say "RED MEAT!" haha. Not very healthy. Then I eat dinner and I'm done for the day, haha.
Elvira is working her way into being a caged rabbit! I just caught her chewing on my cowboy boots! I'm so mad, she's chewed a hole in the leg of it. I yelled at her and told her to go on and she walked away for 2 seconds and then came back and started again. AHHHH! I put my boots up, but jeez. She's also been snipping more broom bristles off.
Would getting her spayed fix the chewing or is that just how she is? She has a ton of toys and balls and pine cones and paper, she's just a brat. But I've been leaning more towards getting her spayed, because she is a bad little bunny.
When she acts like this it makes miss Foo so bad, because Foo was such a great rabbit. Ellie is great too, but she's bad. Foo was never like this.
Ughh. :(
Those little naughty bunnies, I´ve just noticed another bit at the back of the sofa where a certain Lamb Chop has been munching...I could kill him. I must now look at a builders supply for a long piece of tubing to put behind there so they can go through but can´t touch anything.

I haven´t got kids but sometimes they seem like naughty kids who just do things to annoy you. Like Houdini and Snowy, they are like two little brats who just can´t resist egging each other on instead of ignoring each other. They just nose butt, they remind me of kids who push each other to see who gives in first. Just laughed as I could hear them both behind the sofa and as they came out and they saw me Snowy ran off and Houdini tried to turn and run but wasn´t fast enough and I picked him was so funny his little face.

I love Earl grey tea but with milk and sugar. I can drink loads during the day and it also has caffeine. I´m not a regular eater either. I often miss breakfast, just a couple of coffees and have a snacky lunch and not much for dinner although some days I do cook a proper meal. That´s the beauty of living on your own, you can eat what you want, loads or nothing.
Morgan I do think spaying would help a little. It might not eliminate all the chewing but if you take away their hormones they are just less wired, KWIM? Agnes is so chill but when she was a hormonal teenager....good grief she was nuts! Climbing and jumping and just raring to go all the time. Never relaxed. I kinda think of it this way.....right now Ellies body is telling her to make babies. She obviously can't. She doesn't understand it but something (hormones) are driving her right now. So since she can't make babies she chews on cowboy boots instead, haha. Take away those hormones and they have the chance to relax and chill :)
Why do they say to not eat the premade break apart cookie dough? Haha. I bought these chocolate chip cookies last night with the bright colored chocolate chips for easter. I'm just too lazy to make my own cookies so I bought the cheater kind. (shhhh, I'm going to tell my husband that I made them...lmao)
But on the package it says "do not consume raw cookie dough" well too bad for me I guess because I had 4 left over cookies that wouldn't fit on the sheet and I didn't want to do 2 batches with only 4 cookies on the second batch so...I ate them. LMAO! Is it because the "dough" has raw eggs in it? All I know is that junk is delicious and its so convenient to eat because its in those little two bite squares. I don't even want the cookies now since I ate 4 dough squares already. hahaha.

Oh crap, its Thursday, its my quarterly time to clean my bathroom (*wink ;) wink* Lisa should remember what I'm talking about!) hahahaha.
No really though, I have to pick up my son's cracker grave yard. Now he's trying to feed Noah to the cat, yes like biblical Noah, we have the "little people" ark set thing and little Noah almost became a cat snack. My kid is crazy.

Ohh, now I feel a little sick from the cookie dough, I probably shouldn't have eaten that. Now I get what they were talking about! The Mama's & The Papa's will make it better though!
Haha yes Morgan, I do. Thanks for the chuckle :)

I think it is the raw egg which I always laugh about because when my mom baked when we were kids my sister and I would always each get a beater to lick off covered with raw cookie dough and we never ge sick. So who the flip knows. Even though I think it's a bit over-worried about I still never eat it or let my son lick a beater. My rule following typeA self won't allow it.
I always lick the batter off the spoons! Especially the brownie batter.
Okay when my best friend and I were teenagers, we were making her brother brownies. We made two boxes and licked the batter out of the bowl and then couldn't stop. So we wound up getting a half bake brownie pan out of the oven to eat the batter. I couldn't even make that up! It was so GOOD but so BAD. That is one of the most hilarious memories I have from being a teenager, well that I can share on here with the filter. hahahah.

Oh Little River Band, you make me so happy. I feel like I need some super bell bottoms and some platform shoes and a halter top. :)
I love licking the bowls clean when I´ve been making cakes. And I keep tasting it all the time so you end up eating loads and I´ve never been sick with it. Our favourite was at Christmas when mom used to make a dozen fruit cakes and we used to sneak in the kitchen and eat the mixture with all the dried fruit in. It was better than when it was cooked. I think raw eggs are safe now, lots of people drink them in shakes and other weird things.
MMMMmmm. That is my guilty pleasure... Whenever I bake, I ALWAYS have to eat like spoonfuls of the dough! I use a lot of egg whites and I've never really gotten sick, I also substitute applesauce for any egg yolks or oil called for... It's much less fat and it's so sweet and tasty :)

I LOVE those things though, seriously.
I can hear Ellie in the kitchen right now going crazy! Haha. I cleaned up all the hay and broom bristles today and cleaned her cage out, so now she's probably destroying everything again. Imagine that!

The wind blew the chicken coop door open today so the hen and roo got out. I went out to check and make sure she had the babies with her, and the roo ran across the yard and tried to attack me! That just set in my mind that he needs to go! He is so crazy and its so irritating. I couldn't even walk into the backyard without him trying to get me. Ugh.

Now for British tv, I'm watching this show called Shameless. Its so funny and crazy and silly. They're supposed to be from Manchester and their accents are THICK. Its a little hard to understand them and they don't pronounce the 'h' in a lot of words, its a little funny. Its a pretty good show though.
Ellie SPRAYED my cat! What does that even mean?! I swear I checked her not to long ago to make sure she is a SHE!
My cat jumped on the couch so I ran the back of my hand down her side and she was wet, I smelled it and sure enough its Ellie pee! I don't know what means, but I DO know that I need to get her spayed. I need to talk to my husband tonight about it. I'm going to take her in for blood work and to see Dr Hriez to make sure he thinks she's healthy enough and okay enough to go through the surgery.
Foo was never like this! I got her spayed because I wanted her to be better with the litter box and I wanted to make sure she didn't get cancer. But Elvira has some SERIOUS hormonal behavioral issues! I mean I don't want Ellie to get cancer either and her litter habits could improve too. So I feel like it will be a win-win, as long as she makes it home with me.
I'm super nervous though. I really hope everything goes well for her and for me too! I think because she's younger it will be a positive thing.

There were some wild ducks in my pond today. They were pretty cute!
Oh no!! Mis Ellie is hormonal for sure!!!!!!!! yup, females can spray too. It's not as common but they do. Ewww. Yah that would be the kicker for me too.

I'm sure it will still be nerve wracking but with the dr's advice and bloodwork that will hopefully put your mind at ease even more.
Yes, I just went into the kitchen and looked around for the first time and she pooped and peed everywhere! She is going to be a caged bunny for now, I'll let her out for a few hours a day because he cage is on the small side. But I just did the floor yesterday! It makes me so mad!
The only reason she didn't go back into her cage yesterday was because the rooster got out and I couldn't get her litter box off the back table without him attacking me.

I haven't heard from the guy who wants the roo. This is the second week that this has happened. I didn't separate him last night like I wanted to, but I guess I'm glad I didn't since the guy probably won't show up. He messaged me earlier this week but nothing since like Wednesday night. Now I've decided that I don't want him and yesterday totally helped me make that final decision and the guy isn't good at keeping his meet times up! ahaha. Its okay, I can take him with me to the chickenstock show I'm going to in May and sell him there. If the guy doesn't come get him, because if he comes to get him, he's taking him for free.

I'm just a little frustrated this morning. I'm just now drinking my first cup of coffee at 10am. My well was frozen this morning, forgot to put the light on it last night! haha. Sometimes it takes a little while for it to thaw. Plus the cats and the rabbit have made me a little nuts this morning.

I mentioned some ducks earlier, well now that I'm thinking about it, there were some ducks here at this time last year. I wonder if my pond is stop on their way to and from wherever they're going. They were pretty cute. Too bad wild birds carry diseases! :)
Ohhh, spraying is awful, isn´t she a little madam but it did make me laugh and the poor cat will have wondered what was happening. Yes, spaying will get rid of most of her bad habits and she is a lot younger and seems really healthy but get the blook work done and see what the vet says. So she´s in the sin bin for being a naughty girl...I do that quite often with mine when theý´re been a real nuisance and just won´t behave lol.

What a shame he´s let you down, I hate it when that happens when you have something planned and it all goes wrong. I hope he gets in touch to take him.

I had my first coffee today at 12.30 although I did have a cup of tea early morning before I left the house.

I love ducks, it would be quite exciting if they were migrating and stopped off at your place for a rest. Some ducks fly thousands of miles.
Chris, all I could think about when Ellie sprayed the cat was you getting sprayed in the face by Houdini and I tell you, I laughed hysterically.

I haven't even been back in the kitchen since this morning. Not even to get a drink or food, I just don't want to go back in there and deal with Ellie poop and pee. Its so maddening. But I guess I should go back in there, I would like some more coffee and I bet my kid is hungry. lmao.
I do remember that and he did it more than once. That warm, wet feeling is something I do not miss at all but I still bet that cat was really surprised by that little bunny.

You´re going to have to go in there so you might as well get it over with. She is such a scream, what a massive personality for such a small bunny lol.
Morgan, I forgot to tell you that I was in the supermarket the other day and they had Goldfish biscuits on offer so I got some to try, they are the ones made in the states and they´re the cheddar ones. They are so moreish, they´re the big bag not the individual ones so I have to make sure I don´t eat them all in one go lol. If you hadn´t mentioned them, i´d have never thought of buying them...I love savoury things :D

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