My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Yay!!! Chickies :) I can't wait to see pictures. You must be feeling pretty relieved.

Haha, it's so true. We are all totally poop obsessed. It's either they're leaving their poops every where, or we are checking their poop to make sure it's normal looking. I guess it's one of the joys of rabbit ownership :)

I think to train Ellie it's more of capturing the behavior and immediately giving the reward so that she figures out if she does a certain thing then she gets a reward. You could try clicker training. I know Katie does it with Buster. Maybe ask her about all the particulars. I know with using treats you can use anything that she really likes. Fruit, carrot, oats, and you can use tiny pieces so you aren't giving her too much sugar.

Yeah that's a good idea! You ought to shape it I figure, because in my head I have a plan similar to one for a dog for go to a mat and stay there. That would work great I'm sure of it. Let me know if you need any help.

Omgosh! Those chicks are cute! Ahhh! That's a good idea bout an Easter picture of AJ, Ellie, and chicks! Lol!

Haha everytimy we talk about poop I laugh! Can't help it! HEEHEEHEE!
Thanks everyone! I think they're pretty adorable too! I went out there just a minute ago to open their door and let the rooster out. He crows inside the house and that has to be loud. haha. Hen and babies are doing well, there are more babies this morning! I saw a few that I didn't see yesterday, I think one may be the color I'm looking for! YAY! The day olds are doing so well, they're walking well and already so feisty. I'm pretty sure that the ones I saw this morning who were already eating chick food are the two yellows in the pictures. They look like them. But the little ones who hatched either late yesterday or last night are all hidden under Hen right now, its pretty cold here today. And raining.
She did fantastic with this hatch, I am so proud of her. Okay my sentimental moment for the day. When I first got this group of chickens and she first started laying eggs, I was so happy. I was like thrilled and so proud of her! Because if you think about it, hens make an egg a day, every 24-26 hours they lay an egg, it takes us humans a month to release an egg and it doesn't come in a hard shell. But she releases one every single day, that is pretty magical. They're sort of amazing if you think about it. And my hen is the most special of them all, she lays even in winter and hatches a clutch of eggs in the dead of winter! While she isn't the only chicken to do that, its still out of the ordinary for them to do that. She's a good girl.

And now on to Ellie, who is not a good girl! She is a mischievous little thing! She's snipping my broom bristles off again, we're sweeping at 50% bristles now. AND she has decided that pooping in front of the back door is just the bee's knees. I swept the poop away and she went back and pooped some more! AHHHH my little adorable baby is now...a hormonal evil defiant teenager. :grumpy: Also she is stalking me for food. I feel like I have to feed her every time I go in there, its probably why she's stalking me. She loves craisins and I'm not crazy about them, but we share them. I bite half of it off and she gets the other half and she will damn near bite my finger off to get them! I don't know why, they're tart and fattening. I've been giving her leaves of romaine instead of craisins though, it takes her longer to eat and occupies her for longer. haha. Sad.

We did share a banana this morning though, that was sort of nice. :D

Oh and my husband last night. He went into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal, he was like "hey rabbit. How are you? Are you warm in front of the fridge? OMG get off my pants! No really, get off me! BABY! The rabbit is on my foot trying to climb up my pants!"
me- "give her a craisin, she'll go away"
him- "wtf is a craisin? Is that even a real thing?"
me- "yeah, its a cranberry, their in the bag in the cabinet. It says craisins."
him- "why can't they call it a cranberry then? Thats so stupid...craisin. Can I give her an applejack?"
me- "NO!"
him- long pause...."too late"
hahahaha. It was so funny. She's fine and apparently she loves applejacks! Thats how things happen in my house. Its a little ridiculous, but leads to awesome stories.
Congartulations! The chicks are that makes me want chickens.

I don't know about you but no matter how mad Thumper makes me, I just can not stay mad at him! Bunnies are just too sweet and cute!

The pics of your son in the snow are just too precious, I love that he just stood there. That is just too funny.

I remember once a few years ago while at work out of the blue getting "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" song stuck in my head. It just kept playing over and over again all day long. It about drove me batty and no reason for it to pop in there. Now it is always the "soft kitty" song from Big Bang Theory which is horrible because it's so short and just repeats so many times.
I think your chicken is awesome as well, it´s amazing how nature works things out. I always wondered where the shell comes from and how it forms inside their bodies with the egg inside. It´s actually mind boggling, I must now go on google and find out haha.

I´m sure it´s just great having all those little chicks, they are the cutest of things and I bet you are so proud of your beautiful hen.

Ellie is a naughty girl, she´s certainly keeping you on your toes. Her hormones are going mad now and she probably just does it now to annoy you. I do think it´s funny her stalking you for food....what a little minx. I´m a bit scared to feed mine raisins or craisins, I´m sure they´re Ok but sugars terrify me. And your husband is priceless, imagine feeding her an applejack lol, now she´ll be stalking you for those.
I thought about you the other day. Coming home with the girl who are 9,9 and 10 we had a discussion on which comes first the chicken or the egg. I have finally decided where I stand on the thought...the chicken because without the chicken the egg would not be kept warm enough to hatch...I just adore kids and they're thinking and that they often get you thinking of things you may not otherwise have thought of..
I'm pretty sure the chicken came first too. I think they evolved from dinosaurs and then laid eggs to hatch out more chickens.
They're still pretty close to dinosaurs though. I look at my rooster and his long claws and this long spurs and how they don't have arms and they look so much like dinosaurs, I call him a dinosaur all the time too. haha. They run like dinosaurs too!

I got my license to sell chickens in North Carolina today! It says Carolina Blues Hatchery on it! I'm so excited. :D

So I'm not really sure where the chick count is at, I can't wait for her to let them out of the house. I saw 4 yellows today all out together. I saw 2 black that look almost identical, they have yellow tips on their wings and yellow butts. I also saw the slatey gray color I'm looking for in one of the chicks. So thats up to 7 but I still think there is more, I saw one yesterday that was dark with different markings than the other darker ones. I just can not wait for her to get out of the house with them, so I can inventory!
They all seem really healthy and they're all walking well with nice straight legs. They're all eating and drinking. When I put my son down for his nap, I went out and sat in the coop and watched them. The chicks get out from under Hen and run around and eat, drink then they go back and bite her wattles and bite her beak. Hahaha. She just turns her head, she's so patient. Then they go back underneath Hen to warm up.
They're so cute! I'll try to get some more pictures of them tomorrow, when they're out from under the hen. She's such a good mama.

Ellie is such a good bun. My friend came over today and Ellie let her pet her and pick her up, she's so good! But then she is so bad, for pooping in my floor. hahaha. Hormones are terrible! I hope it doesn't get worse. I've had about all I can handle with this house and the floors. It snowed then it rained so the floors are a mess and everyone, myself included, keeps tracking stuff into the house. Its awful. I hate it. My son is so bad too, he keeps spilling things and purposely dumping stuff onto the floor, being defiant and difficult. DIFFICULT. :)
Haha! I've never purposely given Monty any cereal, but I learned the hard way that she likes the smell of Berry Berry Kix. I was sitting on the floor eating a bowl of them with milk, and she was jumping up and down and trying to climb me, and even hooked a couple of nails over the edge of my bowl and almost dumped it out. Now every time I open a cereal box, she runs over, even though she's never gotten to eat any. "Have bun. Will get attacked for breakfast cereal."
Missy, that did so make me laugh as they´re now advertising All Bran with berries over here and the rabbits are the wonder they think they´re allowed to eat it, they´re watching themselves on the TV lol.
Hehehe your applejacks story made me laugh. Your hen sounds super sweet.

Hormones are brutal aren't they, attest she's now peeing where she is not supposed to. Nothing smells worse than an intact females urine even if she's just a tiny young thing lol
I remember once a few years ago while at work out of the blue getting "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" song stuck in my head. It just kept playing over and over again all day long. It about drove me batty and no reason for it to pop in there. Now it is always the "soft kitty" song from Big Bang Theory which is horrible because it's so short and just repeats so many times.

Omg! I'm not the only crazy person! I sing that song to myself too! I love the Big Bang theory haha! Yay!
Lol I loved the apple jacks story. Haha and the wtf is a craisin?! part that was hilarious and I can imagine my fiancé asking me that! That brightened my day. Little Buster hasn't seen the TV yet because he's a big great pansy but one day he will an he will see all those commercials and the Easter commercials. Those commercials are going to get on my nerves. I love Easter and all the candy but I don't like them showing all the rabbits then the kids are like ohhhhhh mommy daddy I demand u to buy me a bunny wabbit, then they do and two months later mr purple bunny gets too hard to handle and they set him free.... >:[ I'm mad now. I need ice cream to cool me down!
Hahaha. I've never heard of this kitty song from Big Bang. BUT I do sing Spongebob's Striped Sweater song A LOT. A lot a lot. I text it to my best friend and we sing it together in text, its sad.
Now I'm really singing it again. Jeez. I also have Eye of the Tiger stuck in my head...thank you Supernatural.
I listened to the soft kitty song last night, how hilarious! haha.

Hen came off her nest and left 4 eggs behind that didn't hatch. So she had 11 chicks, I didn't see any dead. She did such a great job! She still hasn't brought them out of the house yet because there is food and water in the house, but hopefully they'll come out soon so I can get some good pictures.

I want to share that I've found velvet to be the best type of blanket for rabbits. The velvet I have is only velvet on one side and it has a smooth back, but if there is a liquid on the velvet it doesn't go through the blanket like it would another fabric. I noticed Ellie peed on the velvet under her litter box and I was worried it went through to the floor, but it didn't! The bottom of the blanket wasn't even wet! It was awesome.

Elvira is making me nuts. She is constantly under my feet, I can't even walk to the washing machine without having her trip me. I'm really scared I'm going to kill her by stepping on her, she's a little bigger but still so small. I kick her all the time and I'm scared she is going to get hurt. I don't know why she is like this, she is just so friendly or so in love with me, I haven't decided yet. She isn't circling my feet or anything, so I don't know if its the hormones or if she's just so nosey and wants treats all the time. I need to clicker train her to stay put or need to do something. I'm just not really sure, but she's stressing me out a bit.
I need to get her cage done, thats what I NEED to do, but its amazing how life gets in the way of little project.
Congratulations on your license! I am sure that is so exciting. I wish I could raise some kind of animals (I like them all) but I would worry too much about the homes they went to.

I was singing "soft kitty" to my cat yesterday and wondering why I never thought of it sooner. I don't have a good singing voice, I mean it won't have you running from the room but I'd never make a living at it so I tend to only sing to my pets when no one else is around to hear. I had a bullfrog I named Jeremiah and I would sing "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog" song to him. To Thump I'll sing "Peter Cottontail". Yes, just called me weird.

I don't think I've ever seen chickens or roos as pretty as yours, they are obviously well cared for.

I was telling my hubby about you and the 99 red balloon song. A few minutes later he hollered at me because it got stuck in his head.
Thank you for thinking my chickens are pretty! I do the best I can for them, they're pretty low maintenance though. That rooster needs a bath! He is really dirty. I could really see how stained he is when it snowed, his white against the pure snow white, his white is a little dingy. haha. Maybe I'll give him a bath this summer when its hot so he won't get too cold.
Songs that get stuck in our many things set them off haha.

What a great hen, 11 little chicks, you must be so proud of her and I bet she´s looking after them really good. I can´t wait to see them all together, I bet they are just so pretty.

Oh yes Morgan, congrats on the licence and the name, I still love.

Elvira, that made me laugh you calling her by her full name, my mom used to do that when I was little and had been a naughty girl. Talking of songs, everytime I see your blog name, I start singing the song but I just can´t help it, it just pops out. Your fault for making me watch the video lol.

I´m sure she´s just so in love that she has to follow you everywhere. It would be so cool to train her to stay in one place.

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