My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Here are some pictures of my rooster. My hen wouldn't let me get a picture of her, she tried to attack me when I put my hand in the house. She's been a little bitchy as of late.


Okay and then today, I picked Ellie up to look at her. Well, it was really to make sure she isn't a boy. Shes NOT! haha. But I did notice that she had some stuff on her right front foot. I don't know what it is, but I took a picture then cleaned it off. My first thought was that she has been wiping her nose and got some shmutz on her foot, but her nose isn't running and I haven't noticed her wiping her face anymore than usual. So I don't know what it was. But here is a picture. PS she was not happy with me holding her and doing this, she does not like to be tampered with while she's being held.
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Maybe she lost track of a cecal and smeared it on herself accidentally? Don't mind me, everything brownish or smeary reminds me of cecals, and every odd smell reminds me of cecals. They're haunting me after Monty's first couple of days with the collar on, because I'd have to pick them up and feed them to her because she'd be struggling like mad to get to them. Crazy bunny, and OH THE SMELL

*washes hands again*
Yeah, I´d probably say the same thing as Missy just cos of the colour...everything that colour reminds me of poop.
Hahaha. I thought the same thing too, or maybe that she dunked her foot in her water or something and then got in the litter box and got some pine pellet dust on there.
I washed it and it came right off. It didn't smell like anything, but then again, I can't smell very well right now. And everything smells like hay to me. haha. I just checked her feet a few minutes ago and there was nothing on it, still white from being cleaned. And there was nothing on her other foot.

Its just a mystery.

PS. I'm trying to upload a video but tinypic is being a pain in the fanny. Its taking forever. I don't know if I've already showed you guys this video, but I don't think that I have. OH what had happened wasssss, I tried to upload it but my computer or tinypic(can't remember now) was being a ******. So I said screw it and left it for another! haha.

I've been so tired today, I've barely wanted to do anything. Ugh, I need to start going to bed earlier. But last night I was doing some chicken research and trying to get my ducks in a row for a breeding program, but I can't get anything together without seeing the chicks! haha. I'm counting my eggs before they hatch again! lmao.

Anyway, in 6 days when the video loads, I'll upload onto here.

OMG, how many of those stupid little lines can I use in one post! You know the ones that everyone says, don't count your eggs before they hatch, its not the heat its the humidity! hahaha. I live by those phrases.

Anyway, I wanted to point out, if you look at the second picture of my rooster, he has his right leg turned in a little. No one would have noticed if I hadn't said something, but that is the leg that got the brunt of the injury when he got attacked by a raccoon a year and a half ago. He has been favoring it a lot lately and I think its because of the rain. I've noticed that before it rains that leg starts to go lame a little. I'm not sure why he had it turned in like that, I think he was about to turn around and walk the other direction, I just got him at an awkward time. haha. I just wanted to share that tidbit of rooster history. Poor boy, he's been through a lot.
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I LOVE the movie Elf! That movie introduced me to Zoey Deschannel, and her awesome voice! Kids are hilarious! I swear, sometimes I just have to laugh at him. I find myself watching him with my mouth hanging open because I'm amazed at the things he does. He just runs back and forth and spins around and goes completely nuts and its SO funny to watch! I can't wait until he can talk. I know people say that and then they're like "omg, just be quite now!" but I don't think I'll be like that, I can't wait to have someone to talk to during the day. Maybe I won't post so much on here...hahahaha.

And no, I don't think it was pee on her foot. I put her foot up to my nose and smelled it and well, that didn't work but I think I would have smelled pee. Like I said, everything smells like hay to me. Its permanently in my nose.

She always sleeps next to or near her elephant and I think she pretty much loves it! Shes grooming it now and she makes sure its near her. She only sleeps in the box that the elephant is near. Its so sweet.

Ugh, I can't wait for my hair to grow out. If you guys couldn't tell, I'm having a totally weird and random day. I've barely gotten anything done today, my body is so tired but my mind won't give me a moment of rest! haha. Its awful. I just wish my hair was long again. I miss it so much.

AHHHH. I'm so done you guys. Well, not yet, I'm watching this comedian right now, he's hilarious! Its Jon Caparulo, don't watch if you don't like cursing. He's got a potty mouth but he is SO flipping funny! hahaha.

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Morgan, you have me in stitches although I must agree with these uploading sites. I spend hours at the end of last week trying to upload videos and the internet kept freezing every time it got near the end. I was so sick of doing it, I haven´t tried again yet...jeez these damn things are sent to try us.

I did so like the pic of your rooster, he is so good looking, I never expected him to be white and I hadn´t noticed the foot either.

I love christmas films and Elf is one of my favourites although I´m not a great fan of Will Ferrell cos he´s sometimes too silly but the silliness works in this film and I just love it.
My rooster is what you call a splash, technically a blue-splashed white. If you look you can see his darker feathers, that are a dark blue/slaty color. With him being a blue splash and the hen being a black color; the chicks should be the lighter blue color; the slatey color you see when you google blue jersey giants. Its all about genetics and trying to get the best colors. I'm looking to get the lighter color and only the lighter color and mixing the light and dark I get light. At least I should. Unfortunately I'll have to line-breed for a few clutches to get a better color, but I'll add another hen or another rooster into the mix sooner or later.
So basically I'm mixing and matching one color to another color and crossing my fingers in hopes that I get a decent color out of the offspring. Thankfully both of my chickens have a pretty good type and they should pass on the good body standard to the chicks, just the color is a guessing game. haha.
Your Rooster is soooo Man-pretty! What is his name?

haha, you should have said "get my chicks in a row" teehee.

AHHH! The Elf story was so funny, I frequently quote that movie. i love it. :inlove: I am a comedic kind of person and love love love Will Ferrell and secretly, Adam Sandler would be my other husband, not that good looking but his face is still pretty enough and I could live through his egg shaped head. I could imagine him joking all day! Ahaha! yep. That's our secret! Don't yall go telling Leo! ;)

I also loved Zoey's voice in that film, it's beautiful.

Hey what kind of toy did you buy Ellie? I wanted to get Buster one that makes him think and stuff and I didnt know which one to get and I remembered you talking about Ellie's.

AHAHAHA your rant about tinypic and the PMSing sister photobucket lol!!! xD
Katie, the toy that I got Ellie is this
Its got three levels that you have to change. It doesn't look like much, but its pretty cool and it can be changed quite a bit. Ellie really likes hers, she mastered the second and third level in like 30 minutes. I fill it up with pellets and let her play with it.

My roosters name is Big Boy. haha. The hen's name is Hen. Not very clever, but it suits them. haha. He is a handsome boy and such a good rooster. He let me stay a few inches away from him today and let me crouch down beside him to take pictures today. He did every well, since we were face to face. No joke. When I just squat down, so my butt touches my heals, we were eye to eye. I'm 5'7", so I have to be over two feet tall crouched down like that. He's huge.
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I just had to post. I've spent a lot of time over the past two weeks reading your blog from the beginning, I can read books so much faster and can only read so much at a time because the scrolling makes me motion sick after a while.
Your rooster is so darn handsome. Never thought I'd say that about a rooster. I would love to see a picture of you carrying him. I just can't imagine it knowing the behavior of most roosters and not being a person that trusts birds much...simply because they give no warning signs before attacking, at least not that I am aware of.
Your son running around, zooming here and zooming there as kids do is just his version of a binky.
It has been nice to see another person that has several thoughts all zooming around at once. I can obsess over some things but most of the time I have several thoughts going on all at once. Sometimes my husband will ask me what I'm thinking and I'm just like blank...the thoughts move so quick that by the time he's done asking several have gone through my mind and then his question stops it and I'm left blank.
Kids can be wonderful to talk to, they have such a wonderful and amusing way of seeing things. As you can tell I don't get to talk to others enough either, I have three stepdaughters but usually two or all three are talking to me all at the same time so I spend most of it just listening.
Ok awesome I just ordered it and got him a hammock too. Aw crap now I remember what I was going to look for lol. AFTER I place my order of course lol

Haha Big Boy and Hen :) suits them.
Haha. Big Boy, does give a little warning before he attacks. I've had him since he was 6 weeks old and he's almost two. He is a week older than my son. haha. I know him pretty well and I can tell when he's about to come get me. He coos a lot and is pretty vocal other than crowing, he is constantly talking to me. But when he gets agitated his coos become angry sounding, then I know I should pick up a stick. haha. People don't give them a whole lot of credit for being smart, but I think they're pretty smart, maybe just misunderstood. I can make a loud kissing sound and he'll come right to me. I can walk out with a red or blue solo cup and he knows hes getting fed. He is also very aware of his hen. When she isn't around, he is TOTALLY different. I was able to be really close to him today without him attacking me because she wasn't right there next to him and he didn't feel the need to protect her. But as soon as I put my hand in the hen house to take a picture she growled and he puffed up a little. I told him to calm down and I backed away from the house and he went back to eating.
I never expected him to be nice, but I didn't expect him to be THIS mean. haha. Its my own fault though, I didn't pet them enough as babies.
But when these chicks hatch out, I will touch them every day to get them used to my company. haha.

My thoughts are like bubbles passing through my brain. I don't think that I have ADD or anything, I think its just a woman thing. I have a hard time doing stuff in my house because I start on one thing and end up in a totally different room doing something else not really knowing how I got there. haha. My husband stopped asking me what I was thinking A LONG TIME AGO. Half the time he doesn't want to know because its something silly like...why does chicken dry out in the microwave? Or its...where did I put my chapstick? I feel like I ask him that a lot. LOL

When I was a nanny, I loved talking to those girls! They were a blast. Kids see the world in a totally different light. Its amazing what goes through their minds too. Those girls would talk to me at the same time too and it felt like my head was going to spin off. haha. I would have to tell them to slow it down! They're the ones who made me love Phineas and Ferb, my new favorite show! I love it. Its sad that I know the whole opening song and I watch it when my son isn't around. Yes, I swear I am an adult, but its so funny! I don't think its made for kids either, they target those shows to adults too because of some of the cultural references. Like Dr. Doofenshmirtz said something like "oh, is he going to John Wilkes my Booth? What too soon?" hahaha. It was hilarious but kids wouldn't get that!
Wow, we went to the weird place again. I've been going in and out of the weird place all day.

I think I need to be done with sharing and the computer today. I'm going to pass the talking stick off to someone else now. Jeez, who allowed me to have technology.
I love your rooster and his posturing and prancing...he sounds absolutely great and to imagine you walking about with him under your arm....well, it´s just a classic, we´re back to you should have your own reality show.

I saw some of Phineas and Ferb the other day and it was so funny, I must get round to watching some more. Dr Doofenshmirtz reminded me a bit of Dick Dasterdly from Wacky Races, nothing ever goes right. And yes, sometimes these kids shows are targeted to adults as well, I supppose they´re trying to keep everyone happy.

I know what you mean by so many things going through your head. Do you ever drive along a regular route where you´re so of on auto pilot and are thinking of so many things when you´re driving that when you get home, you can´t having got there. Quite scary :scared:
Yes I have done that before. Many times. We live on the road between two towns, so we travel this same stretch of road every single day. Its like 20 miles of road that we travel and I would drive it with my eyes closed. I know where all the pot holes are, where to swerve and where to stay straight. haha. Its pretty sad. So when I'm in the car at night driving to the store or something I hardly turn on the radio, I just think about stuff and have some nice quiet ME time! haha.

I'm a little upset today. I was looking online trying to find a daycare to send my son to, for one day a week. I only want him to go a few hours a day, to like a Mothers Morning Out kind of thing from 9-12. So he can get some other child interaction and learn how to share and do what kids do. BUT the only daycare's that do that sort of thing are in churches and while I don't mind sending my kid to a church daycare, I don't want to be a member of a church. (No offense to anyone, but thats just how I feel. I have no interest in being part of that) Anyway, I called the most accredited daycare in our area and they only do like 2-3 days a week as a part time week. But thats too much for him right now. I think that he only needs one day a week and then maybe next year when he turns 3 he could move up to 2-3 days a week. Then when he turns 4 he'll go to pre-k. Its just irritating that I can't find something that works for me! I'm just being a spoiled brat right now, excuse me.
I think I'll probably go with the church one if I can find a church that I don't have to actually attend. Hopefully they'll be open to that, but lets face it; its a church they aren't open to anything but church things and that happens to be attending church. I'm not down for that party.

Anyway. My FIL got some finches, you know, the little birds. He got them from some one who bought them for their kids and then figured out that finches are not friendly little birds, you can't really pet a finch. They don't come to you or talk and they bite. They are for looks and thats it. I asked my husband if we could take them and foster them and he said no. Of course. I'm really scared for these little birds. My MIL is pissed because he got them and she wants them gone and I'm afraid that he will just let them go or something or stop feeding them or give him to his crazyass neighbor who will probably kill them and try to eat them. Some times I really don't like my husband because he can be so unreasonable. Like, him and his mom have very little care for animals and its really irritating. His mom cares even less than my husband. We only have animals because of me and my husband could care less more of the time, I'm the one who cares for them and does everything. He pets them and stuff and manages when I'm not there. But its all me. Anyway, I'm scared of what will happen to those poor little birds and scared because my MIL probably won't care and my husband won't care enough. He won't even let me keep them for a few months so maybe I could take them to the chickenstock I'm going to and try to find them homes there. He's just so unyielding sometimes. I don't like birds, that is not what I want in a pet, so its not like I would keep them, its just to keep them safe. He's such a jerk most of the time. Poor birds.

I'm feeling a little over emotional. I'm having a hard time. I'm upset about the birds and everything else. Ugh. And my head hurts, yet again. And now I'm done.

OH. I posted a separate thread about how much I don't really like the Sherwood Forest food anymore. Ellie has lost some weight and I think its because of the food. I need to find her a different food. I'm not sure what to do really. I don't like oxbow's prices, I guess I have to order it in bulk or something. I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out man!
I'm thinking that I might change my buns over to a different food too, which actually makes me a little sad cause it's been a lot less smelly with my rabbits on sherwood. I told you about the fur chewing with 2 of my rabbits, because they weren't getting enough nutrients on limited sherwood pellets. So I put everyone on almost free fed, but then I encountered a problem with that. Dakota is moulting and because she has been on unlimited pellets, she's not eating much hay. So the other day I saw some of her poops strung together with fur, which is pretty normal in a moult and I don't usually worry about it, but they were a lot smaller than her usual poop, so that means she's having a gut slowdown because she's not getting enough hay now. So I've had to decrease her pellets again cause I don't want her getting stasis. Soooo.... It's just annoying cause I like their pellets not having sugar, and I like my buns being less stinky, but I just keep encountering problems with feeding this food. I wish they would come out with their concentrated pellet, then I wouldn't need to free feed pellets, and my buns would be able to eat lots of hay without it causing nutrient deficiencies.

I'm not sure what I'll switch to yet. I may just get something from the feed store. You could probably get a bag of alfalfa hay and feed some to Ellie to help her put more weight on until you get her switched over to a new pellet. Since Ellie still needs an alfalfa based pellet, you could just pick something up at the feed store. You probably don't want a 50 lb bag, so maybe see if they sell something that is 25 lb. or less. You'll want something that doesn't have corn as an ingredient either . I've heard good things about Pen pals. I would try it too but we don't get it here. I don't think that Ellie's growth is stunted though. She was a little runt when you got her, so she may just stay on the small end of the average size for a dutch. And if she was going through a sudden growth spurt, that would leave her looking a little skinny too. Try the alfalfa hay and she should plump up right away.
I´m looking at pellets as well cos the ones I´m feeding them I can´t hold of over here and although I can get them from the UK, I was gonna order the same brand but the higher fibre ones. The ones I feed at the moment are fruit and fibre nuggets, which have around 15% of crude fibre but they do love them. The same company do a junior and dwarf rabbit pellet which has 17% crude fibre and 36% beneficial fibre. They have had this before but I had to change them cos I couldn´t get it out her and started on the Lifelong fruit and fibre nuggets. Do you think it would be best to order the same food they´re on or change to the other. I´m gonna order from amazon as they deliver free to Spain if I spend enough
I probably will get some alfalfa hay. I haven't fed her any since I sent that stuff back to kaytee, because she is eating sherwood and its alfalfa based. I'm going to look on TSC to see what they have to offer in my area. I'm not that happy about having to switch, but the longer I feed it the less I like it. I mean, she is eating like 2 cups a day. That seems totally insane! I just opened the last gallon bag of feed I had in the fridge so I need to make my feed choice soon so I can transition her properly.
This might sound terrible, but what about Small World rabbit food from walmart? Its alfalfa based right? And its so cheap! haha. I don't really want to feed oxbow because I think its stupidly expensive. My husband isn't going to want to pay that much for the bags and then for the shipping. He wasn't totally happy with the sherwood but because the shipping was only $6 it was okay to him. lmao. He's crazy about shipping costs. I guess its because he has to ship stuff everyday and its so expensive.
I'm having like an all around food crisis for this rabbit. My bale of coastal isn't getting any greener and we're still months away from our first cut of grass hays. The timothy I'm feeding her is TOO green, I mean WAY TOO GREEN! Its also like 3rd cut, so its stalky and leggy and filled with seed heads but Ellie really likes it. I'm just afraid of how green it is, I think they dye the hay. I'll have to take pictures to show you guys. Its kaytee. I noticed she wasn't eating as much hay and I finished my bag of pine valley from VA, so I got her a bag of kaytee from walmart and its so crazy green I almost hate feeding it to her. But I can't call kaytee again and say your hay is too green when I called a few months ago and said your hay is too brown! haha. That would be ridiculous. HAHAHAHA.
I have to get a bale bag before I get a new bale of first cut.
I don't know much about the kind of rabbit food you have available to you in Europe, so maybe just go with what looks best to you, but do keep in mind that some rabbits can be picky about liking a new kind of feed. You will need a couple of weeks worth of their old food though, to get them transitioned over to the new food, so they don't get any digestive upset.

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