My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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yeah, it's nice that she looks so different from Foo - really helps her to be her own bunny without being too much of a painful reminder.
... I may miss things because I'm in such a daze and that sucks. I'm trying to be so attentive to her, but its so weird. I'm glad she doesn't have lop ears.

I know that feeling. I got Baby about a week after Dash died cause I couldn't stand constantly looking over at Dash's cage to see if she was ok, and remembering she was gone, and the cage was empty. And I couldn't bear to just put the cage away. I just pushed through each day and tried not to think too much about her cause I would just break down crying if I did. Then I got Baby, but it was hard to bond with her because I was missing Dash so much. It did help to have another bunny around because I was busy taking care of her, but it was also hard in a way because I would see the things that were different between the two bunnies. I think you'll be glad to have Ellie, but it might be hard at times too. With Baby, I knew that she needed me, to take care of her, to figure out her problems, so I just kept moving forward, and gradually the pain fades and it's ok again. But there are times where I really miss her still. I'm glad I got Baby. I know that if anyone else had taken her home, that she probably would have died. I think you'll find that it does help to have Ellie, to focus your attention on and make sure her needs are met. I know it helped me.

I'm sure she's getting enough food. Pellets are just a more concentrated food, so they fill up on them faster and aren't munching other food as often. I actually like not giving my buns a lot of pellets, and having them eat more hay. They seem healthier, plus it helps them not get bored cause they are always wanting to munch on their hay.
Thank you Jenny, that does make me feel better.
Its just so different because Ellie is already so different. But she does do things like Foo too, but I don't know if they're just rabbit things, lol. Or if they were special to Foo.

Anyway, with the food. I'm sure she's getting enough food too. She is always eating hay. She likes to dig around in there and find just the right pieces. haha. She's silly. I was in the floor with her last night and she got an oat top from the oat hay, off the floor. She picked it up, I realized what it was a little late but she had spit it out already. She didn't eat it. I was a little surprised because she didn't eat it. Buns normally like the oaty part of the hay! lol She's kind of funny about hay, she only really likes the fluffy part of the timothy and really loves the stalky pieces. Thats how Foo was, she loved the stalky yellowing pieces of hay the best. haha I don't think I'll ever have to worry about Ellie's teeth getting too long or wearing down unevenly or something. Unless they're crooked and I don't know.
I did check Foo's teeth and they looked really good. They were worn down evenly and not long or anything like that. So I think all the hay really did wonders for her teeth.

I still can't wait for the pellets to get here though. I just feel like since she is a growing baby, she needs the extra calories and stuff. I think she's doing fine with just the hay and the few pellets she's getting, but the good pellets will make me feel better. haha. I'm having a crazy bunny diet few days I guess.

Oh, last night I was sitting in the floor feeding her pellets by hand. She is so food driven! She will stand up to get the pellet and she'll like sit back on her back feet and stay standing up to eat her pellet. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her, it was so cute. I like that she stands up and periscopes a lot, its a really cute thing. Especially, since she is so little sometimes she periscopes and falls over because she doesn't have very good balance. Sometimes she'll shake her head, like after cleaning and fall over too, I think its because her ears are so big. They're like half the size of her body, lol. Thats a lot of ear on a tiny baby.
I really like to see her clean herself too, its funny to watch something so tiny clean their face. I also like that she makes me feel a little less sad. :)

hahaha awh! She sounds adorable! Phoenix periscopes all the time but also looses her balance and she falls on her back :p
Silly bunnies!

It's great to hear you're taking the time to get to know her already and start on the bonding process. You're lucky you can feed her sherwood pellets, the don't even ship here :(

Try to get a picture of her cleaning herself, I want to see those uppy ears!! ;)
Aww, she sounds soo cute! I'm glad to here that she is helping you feel less sad :). And good luck with the sherwood forest pellets I will probably order some for Ash.
lol Come on down y'all! Welcome to the farm!

I'm going to try to get a picture of her cleaning and periscoping. Its really cute when a big bunny does those things, but I think its even more adorable when a baby does it! lol I've never really had a baby like this and I've never really seen it from such a tiny thing. I know she is like 7 or so weeks old, but she's so little. I think its kind of amazing how she is already a little bunny! Like has a big bunny personality in a tiny bunny body. I know it probably starts earlier than now, but it seems to strange and amazing to me.
I'm really trying to get to know her.

Michelle, I wish I lived closer to Canada, I would SO smuggle you in some sherwood forest food! lol
Thanks Lisa! I find myself singing that song all the time! I think you're the first one to catch that its the song! Thats too cool. I love The Oakridge Boys!

She is a sweet girl and I think she is going to be a really good bunny. I have a good feeling about her. I'm trying really hard to be strong for her, but sometimes its so hard.
She is already so friendly and so eager to get out of her cage. I guess she's like Foo in that sense, she doesn't want to be caged. But unfortunately, I can't let her out all the time because she's too small. AND my cats think she is prey and one of them wants to hunt her. She doesn't understand that she is a tiny bunny, not a big bunny. So I have to monitor her all the time she is out. Which is a pain, but its good bonding time. I kind of can't wait until she's bigger and she can put that big cat in her place!
She sounds absolutely gorgeous and some dutchies are really good jumpers and quite mischievous, I think she´s gonna be a bit of handful like Houdini, if there´s on any noise going on in this house, it´s usually him. He periscopes all the time and stands on his hind feet if he wants to get a look at something.

She´s going to give you some purpose now and to give you lots to keep you busy. She´s such a lovely little bundle I, for one, can´t wait for all these funny stories you´re going be telling us quite soon I think.

Here´s Houdini, she does remind me of him personality wise and he´s a clever little bun..

Thats EXACTLY how she was sitting last night, eating her pellets from me! How funny! He is so pretty, I really love his color. It kind of looks like he got into a fireplace and has soot on his face, I love it. I think she's going to be pretty mischievous too. Hopefully not too bad though.
I just love him to bits and he´s such a rascal, he´s always doing what he shouldn´t be and he´s a champion chewer. He had a bit of a light coloured face when he was a baby but he´s gone darker but I love it cos it´s such an unusual colour. Here her is as a little bun and on the back of the sofa. I´m sure if Elvira gets the chance some day, she´ll be up there too.



I kind of imagined Elvira doing that, I think she´ll be a lot like him in size and character. I´ll think of her as his adopted little sister as I always wanted a little girl but after Bandy turned out to be a boy, I couldn´t take on any more in my place as it´s too small for any more.

I am so looking forward to watching this little lady come of age.
Oh my gosh. The cuteness is overwhelming. I think we need another photo update. Right now. She's so adorable. Babies washing faces is the cutest thing. Wait for baby binkies...that may have been my favorite part of having a baby bunny. So nice to bond with a baby...I've found that having a baby bunny vs. getting an adult bunny is really, really different. I loved having stand-offish, shy rescue buns, but there's something different about raising one who thinks of you as the only mommy its ever known. Need more pictures!!
I don't know whats going on right now with the rabbits, but I think the Rainbow Bridge has gotten so many of our rabbits in the last two weeks. There were two added today. Its so heart breaking, I just don't know what to think. I hope its over for now!
I feel so sad for Little Marge, she was so pretty. That poor bun lived such a terrible life until she went to Silent Tears. I am so happy she made it there and got to know what real love was like. She stayed around to feel what it was like to be loved. She knew she was loved when she went, so that makes it a little better. But its still so sad. So so sad.
Thank you Tippy's mom for reading! Ellie is a precious little thing, she's funny too. Its completely different having such a tiny bunny. Its kind of nice. I expect her to be a good bunny as she grows up. I'll post some more pictures later today. I'm going to try to take a picture a day until she's fully grown, so everyone can watch her progress. Although, everyday pictures you can't really tell. But who doesn't want to look at that little cutie. haha.

She really likes to be out of her cage. She is good at looking so cute staring at me to let her out. lol I'm going to try to get some pictures of her periscoping and cleaning. You guys are going to fall out of your chairs if you see it, its so precious. I'll be honest, I probably scare her a lot because every time I see her cleaning her face I make this little 'eeekkk' sound because it makes me so happy to see it. lol So she jerks up to look at me and she looks startled. haha I feel kind of bad when I do it, but I can't help myself.

I'm going to let her out while I was the dishes and clean my kitchen. Hopefully my cats stay away from her, they don't know what to think about her. Even my fat lazy cat was like "hmmm, you're little and interesting". Not that she would have done anything, but she does out weigh Ellie by like 30 lbs. lmao And hopefully I can get some pictures!
Okay, somehow I completely missed page 2 of your blog yesterday?? UHg, I blame the flu....

Anyway, that is so cute she licks you. Agnes STILL licks and grooms me. I love it :) I wonder if it's when you get them young they kinda replace their mom with their human. Agnes was like 7 weeks when I got her. But she still licks my face all the time. It's the best.

I love the Oakridge boys too! I used to watch them on TV with my dad, I've liked them since I was a kid. Some people think I'm a lkttlenweird for liking them but I can't help it. Their harmony and songs are so catchy. So your blog title rocks. I get a little oakridge boys fix every time hahaha
Thanks Lisa! I even watched it, because I love to watch it. And I'll be honest, I love Joe Bonsall's mustache, its amazing.

Here are some pictures that I took a few minutes ago. They're not great because Ellie is a squirmy little thing. She just bounces everywhere and all over! She was chasing the pellets I was feeding her, she thinks their treats!

I managed to get a few of her periscoping and a few other pretty cute ones. She is very difficult to photograph. My camera also has a shutter delay and I don't know how to adjust it. haha
I don't know how people take pictures of their rabbits, like show rabbits. That must take a lot of conditioning. lol



Bunny butt!

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