My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Yes it is a funny comparison when you see Ellie and the size of the spoon :) I love that little stuffed elephant she's got in there.

Seems like she is just a very happy and healthy young bunny and you are both lucky to have each other. She is very comfortable around you.

I got Peter at 8 weeks of age but where he was from he was tormented Nya ton of hands so he was petrified of everything. He didn't start to display behavior like that until about a year later of having earned his trust so great start for you :)
On a chicken related note. My rooster has been crowing every few minutes since 5am. I think I'm about ready to strangle him. He's having a mega hormonal day today I guess. He's feeling extra manly and has to crow about it! Today is the day that I go outside and he sneak-attacks me for just walking out the door. Or he stands 5 feet away from me and crows while I'm on the phone with someone important or something. Which HAS happened.
I was on the phone once with some company complaining about their sub-par product, I'm sure. And he was like 10 feet away from me crowing. Tell me you guys wouldn't be taken aback if it sounded like there was a rooster on the phone with you? The woman I was talking to at that moment was like "uhm, is everything alright?" Like whispering to me like I don't know there's a rooster staring me down. lmao. The same thing has happen whilst on the phone with my son's doctors office. They just pause and are like, "hmmm, you have chickens?" haha. Nope, I sure don't, that's my dog barking! Yep, that's what happens at my house. Its a strange life.

LOL I've had that happen where the buns are rattling their cages while I was on the phone and the rep pretended not to hear it but his tone of voice completely changed
Wow thats a long time to earn his trust! I know that some bunnies take a long time to trust people, I really lucked out with Foo and Ellie.

The only thing about Ellie is, she doesn't really like to be pet. She likes to be near me and she likes to be on my lap, but when I pet her she sort of hops away. Foo loved to pet, she would lay down and let me love on her for hours, she would freak out if you picked her up though. Ellie doesn't mind being picked up, I find her a little odd.
LOL I've had that happen where the buns are rattling their cages while I was on the phone and the rep pretended not to hear it but his tone of voice completely changed

hahaha. He probably thought that you had a person in a cage, not an animal! To hear cage rattling, that would be a weird noise to hear. At least with a rooster, you know what it is, lol.
Wow, Ellie is a lucky girl, love the cage set up and that box is so big, surely her butt has to stay in it now lol. Mine can´t have plastic bowls as they´d tip them about all over the place, mine have heavier ceramic so they can´t lift and throw. Houdini´s is attached to the cage, he would try and lift anything. My friend´s sister bought mine a stuffed toy the other day, well it´s a cushion sort of thing that looks like a dog and they´re really liking it. Ellie may like petting more as she gets older. I think when they´re younger, they´re so active and inquisitive that petting is just too long for them to stay still. Apart from Snowy, none of mine are cuddlers but probably because they´re always off to find things to do.

Great to see Zeus´s poops looking so good, I´m sure he´ll get used to the no pellets and if it makes his poops like this all the time, then that´s an enormous plus.

It is strange having animals who interrupt phone calls and make you feel as though you have to give explanations. The number of times I´ve suddenly left the phone to go and sort out the bunnies who were up to no good and then get back and try and explain my sudden absence, good job most times it´s with friends and they´re used to these episodes now...

The Wonder Years, my goodness I remember that series, it was really funny....makes me feel old now as I was a teenager in the seventies....yipes :foreheadsmack:
Here are some pretty crappy action pictures of Ellie from last night.
Okay, so they're not edited again, my computer is on the fan because its trying to over heat. Also, in the pictures there is a weird glare on my floor, it looks like mist or something, but its the flash reflecting off the bottom of Ellie's cage and creating that strange misty glare. Its either the reflection or the ghost in my house, who knows.
Oh and there are some poops, they're right next to the litter box, she was eating hay outside of the box and pooped on the floor like a brat!






They're not all great, but some of them are okay. Hope you guys enjoy!
I'll work on the videos and see if any of them are good enough to post.
That looks exactly like Monty's litter box that I got from Target, which she now completely fills. It's gotta be funny to see little bitty Ellie in hers. And Monty totally pulls the eat-hay-while-standing-next-to-litter-box-and-make-a-poo-mountain trick all the time. Brat! I like the first pic there Elvira's little butt is up in the air. Her tail is so itty bitty! Monty's is as long as one of her own hind feet.

Edit: found a pic

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Morgan, they´re so cute, love the first one where she´s disappearing behind her castle and her back legs are stretched and the fifth with that back left food a little bit out. I just love seeing thumpers stretched on any bunny. She´s growing so fast but her litter tray suits her.

Monty has got such a big tail probably trying to offset those massive ears...just love them both.
Monty's tail is as big as Ellie! I love Monty's tail! Ellie's tail is tiny. I think she's growing some white fur on the tip of her tail. It looks like it, but the fur is a little sparse, lol.
Morgan, can you believe I scrolled through all the pictures just to check but couldn´t see it, probably the angle. Now you´ll have to post one where we can spot it lmao
I probably wouldn't be able to get a picture of the white, she has like 5 white hairs that just stand out against the black. I don't know if it will grow into more or if its just a baby thing.
Ok, I think that rooster would drive me crazy too! I have a hard enough time sleeping, let alone having a rooster around trying to wake me up. I don't foresee any roosters in my future.

Great Ellie action shots! My babies are like that too. Happy little things running around binkying, popcorning, being curious. They are even more like that if they are together or I'm with them. It's so cute, when I come into the room where they are playing, they get so excited and will start circling me, I feel so loved :) My babies(except for Roo) didn't really like me petting them at all when they were younger. They were all too busy exploring to want to be slowed down by me petting them. As they've gotten older, they seem to like it a little bit more. I'm sure as they grow up, they will like it as much as my other rabbits. Toby's the funny one. He's sooo hyperactive that he needs lots of stimulation, including when I'm petting him. All of my other rabbits like a nice gentle nose rub. Not Toby! I have to give him a very vigorous body massage to get his attention enough to hold still. If I just try a little nose rub, he's looking all over the place for something else to do. I'm sure as Ellie gets older and her attention span gets longer, that she'll start enjoying pets too.

I am pretty glad about Zeus' poops looking better. I may try one more kind of pellet after a while, but for now I'm just sticking with hay and veggies, and just a few pellets as a treat, as he seems to be doing ok with it. My next health project is Toby. I'll see how he does on the sherwood pellets for a few weeks, then I think I'll try just hay and veggies with him too, to see if his poops improve like Zeus'.

I used to watch the wonder years too when I was younger. I loved the kid from it when he was in the princess bride. It was one of my favorite shows back then, still like it.

Wow Monty, what a long tail you have!
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I'm glad that its just a baby thing to not like being petted. Sometimes she'll tolerate it sometimes, but most of the time she just wants to run around and act crazy!

I hope that you're able to find a solution for Toby's tummy too. It really sucks they're born with that, to start out at such a young age with tummy troubles has to be so difficult. On him and you. Poor baby. I hope that Zeus' poops stay normalish like they are now.

I let Ellie out this morning and I kept hearing this strange noise. It was her, she was running around the kitchen like a crazy bun! She was even on the side of the kitchen that isn't "her" side. She was under the island. hahaha. The other night I was washing dishes and I put her food bowl on the other side of the kitchen. She stayed on that side and ate and I put down a water bowl for her. She explored that side while I was washing dishes. She seemed to like having the whole other side of the kitchen. haha. She is so silly to think she can't go over there.

I think this week will be the last of her getting a mix of kaytee and Sherwood. She is doing better eating the Sherwood. She ate more pellets yesterday than she has eaten in days, which is good. I think she's going through a growth spurt or something. She is only getting a few kaytee pellets anyway, its more just to make her feel like she isn't getting the rug jerked out from under her, lol. So I think by like Saturday I can take them away. It will probably be a little sad seeing her searching for the kaytee and its not there. hahaa.

Thats all I've got for now!
On yet ANOTHER chicken related note!
I was putting my son in bed to take a nap, I looked out the window and saw my chickens out in the compost garden. I noticed the hen was laying in the dirt and the rooster was standing next to her. I put my son down and waited until the chickens walked away. I went out to check to make sure my hen hadn't gone rouge again. (back story: last summer, she decided my front flower bed made a better nest box than her actual nest box. I would go to water my butterfly bushes and pick eggs out of the mulch. lol, it was annoying, but funny. She went rouge.)
I saw there were no eggs in the compost garden and saw she was just dust bathing in there because there were several holes where they had been rolling. I walked to the coop, which stinks to high heavens! But I looked in to see if there were any eggs and I found...16. USUALLY hens stop laying in the winter time, the days are shorter and its cold out. She went through a molt at the beginning of the winter and and stopped laying then. But I guess 16 days ago, she decided it was as good a time as any to start laying again. I'm really glad I checked though because the eggs would have gotten crushed by my fat ass hen.
So now I have to float test them to make sure they're all still good, but they probably will be because its been cold outside and pretty cold at night.
Hopefully I just gained 16 free range-50% grain-free-cage free-fat ass hen-organic eggs. I love them! They're the best eggs ever. I swear, the hard boil better than any egg I've ever eaten! The whites are so firm and lovely. I love that fat hen, even though her hus-roo is a big jerk.

As it turns out, I think she likes hay better to nest in than the pine bedding. She had a lovely little nest made from the hay. I can't wait for summer for her to go broody!
How I´ve just laughed at that Morgan. The 16 free range´re sooooo funny you know. I love coming on here cos I do laugh so much at things you all so and it so brightens my days and nights.

I buy free range eggs but there´s nothing like freshly laid, a friend of mine sometimes gets some from her son´s friend and always give me a couple...yummmy nothing like them.

Jenny, haven´t had any photos of Roo for ages, I want to see him again, bet he´s grown quite a bit that little fluff ball.

And Morgan, I need a photo to prove she´s got that bit of white fur on her little tail.......I am so loving everything she does.
I'm glad that you laugh at me! hahah. I think its awesome!

I agree, Jenny, we need more pictures of Roo! So lady, you better post some soon!

I'll try to get a picture of Ellie's tail. I might have to pick her up to do it and she won't be happy, but I'll try!

Today, I took a nap while my son took a nap and I took the baby gate down between the kitchen and the living room. I totally forgot that Ellie was in the kitchen out of her cage. She didn't come out of the kitchen, but when I woke up I was a little scared of her being out! haha. I called her and she came out from behind the hamper. What a good girl to stay in the kitchen! I think that I would have lost her if she got into the rest of the house. lol
Yes, but I laugh at you in a nice way with you rather than at you.

How good is Ellie, she´s such a good little girl, I told you she was so smart and she really is proving it being a good girl while mommy takes a nap.

I believe you, I´m sure she´s got the white peeping out now and it will probably get more noticeable as she grows. I don´t you making her an unhappy little bunny just to take a photo for little old me hahaha.
I think that chicken's a keeper :) That's pretty good to be getting that may eggs out of her in the middle of winter. My sister in law doesn't get any out of her hens until closer to spring.

It was kind of sad for me too, to take two of the bunnies off the last of the sherwood and see them searching everywhere for those old yummy pellets, but they're getting used to it, Ellie will to. Plus pretty soon she'll be old enough to start getting fruity treats :) Unfortunately for poor Toby, the only treat he'll ever be allowed to have are green veggies.

Lol, Ellie is such a cutie! That's so funny that she is feeling so much more comfortable in her little world to do zoomies around it. Roo's kind of the same way when I bring him to play in the living room. He'll run all around the living room and will peek around the edge into the next room but won't go in there.

Ok, Chris and Morgan, your wish is my command :) A new picture of cute little Roo!

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Lol, just kidding, though I did think it was cute. He was right in my face trying to figure out what that camera thing was :)
Ok, here you go. Roo checking out the christmas tree, and Roo and Libby during playtime. Roo LOVES Libby to groom him, and Libby loves chewing poor little Roos wiskers off, haha. He's grown sooo much. He's not a little runt anymore. He's nearly as big as Libby now. Libby is almost 2 lb.


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Aww they're so cute! I just love Roo's speckles! Look at Libby's tiny little ears, i love hotot ears. Thanks for the pictures Jenny! :)

My hen IS a keeper. She goes broody only once a summer. Unfortunately a snake got all but 2 eggs last summer. One didn't hatch and the one that did had mareks, so he passed after 3 days. She's going to be a good mama hen this summer, even if i have to buy her some day old chicks that aren't really hers!

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