Oh, I'm so sorry, Stephanie...it can be so hardto deal with the loss of a loved one from our lives. When I lost mymaternal grandmother she was 97 years old, she had lived a long, fulllife, and she had finally given up the will to live...she longed to go*home*. And she did so, just as your grandmother did...peacefully inher sleep. Yet her passing was so difficult for me. I think it'sbecause we come to the realization that we love them so very much andwant to have them with us forever. Yet, as I tell everyone I speak towho is dealing with the loss of someone they love, that person has nottruly left. In many cases they become even closer, at least on anotherlevel. They will appear in small ways...through thoughts, feelings,dreams...even small signs they may give to their loved ones. I feelvery close to my grandmother now...she passed away a year before I hadmy son, yet I know she sees him, I know she was there when he was born,and she has watched him grow up.
Another thing I believe, after having spoken to many who have lostloved ones, is that the person who passes on will actually reach outand communicate even before they have crossed over. I know of peoplewho described things similar to what you experienced...they had eithera dream or a vision of someone dying just before that relative passed,or even at the moment of their passing. At a soul level we are allconnected, and I believe when this happens, it is that person's way ofreaching out and touching the ones they love, the ones they are leavingbehind, to reassure them that everything is alright. I do believe thatmay be what your grandmother was doing for you. Her soul may haveconnected with yours in order to prepare you....such a loving gesture.
Please take care on your trip back to Vermont...and know that yourgrandmother is watching out for you. And when the time comes foryour own precious child to enter the world, your grandmother will bethere with you, gently embracing her great-grandchild...and hergranddaughter as well...
My thoughts are with you and your family...