Spring wrote:
It's going to be very hard for me to notbe strict. I'm already overprotective and my child isnt' evenborn yet! hahaha
I just don't think you don't even know who YOU areat thatage. What business do children have dating? I wishmy parents enforced more rules with that. It would have savedme a lot of hurt. Sure, it's hard to enforce those rules, butif you do, the kids will thank you later.
Thanks.Your going to make an awesome mom Lissa!. I agree, datingyoung just gets you hurt, most times nothing gets anywhere anyways.
I just don't think you don't even know who YOU areat thatage. What business do children have dating? I wishmy parents enforced more rules with that. It would have savedme a lot of hurt. Sure, it's hard to enforce those rules, butif you do, the kids will thank you later.