I tried..i tried so hard to help Daisy..i just couldn't accept the vets diagnoses,i didn't want to believe him,somehow in my mind he was wrong..and when he said that there's nothing that can be done for Daisy,i didn't listen,i didn't want to listen,the tears just fell and i cried "no"
Like i said before,he said it's probably best to put her to sleep there and then,i have never felt so selfish beforeby taking her home with me,the vet reluctantly let me take her home though.
I still kept thinking that the vet was wrong,and that Daisy just had a bad infection or something and the Dr just got it wrong.
On the way to see Sally that day,i kinda prepared myself..well i tried to prepare myself..but i know i got my hopes up to high as well.
I stood in Sally's loungeroom that day and cried,because i had nowhere else to turn to,this was it...i couldn't do anything more for Daisy
Oh gosh i somehow drove back home,i felt like i was all alone on that road,even though it was busy,i couldn't stop thinking about Daisy.
So that was it,nothing i could do
My son Anthony was home yesterday,he's the one who took the pictures,we took so many of her..and Anthony kept saying 'come on,we have to go','just a few more' i kept saying,i was finding it very hard,i just didn't want to let her go.
You know it was very hard yesterdaymorning..Daisy was with Sunshine as usual,and i had to find the strength in meto pick her up and take her away from Sunny,i cried and said 'i'm sorry Sunshine..so,so sorry'

Sunshine won't sit with any bunny at the moment,she's just sitting in the spot that her and Daisy would be,i think she's sad
I know while i was going through this with Daisy,my posts must have sounded like i was going crazy or something,i guess you could say that..i was desperate for Daisy just to be ok
:bigtears:i'm feeling this tremendous sadness at the moment.