My Buns

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
, New Brunswick, Canada

I would like to show off my buns. Rexy won't let me take hispick alone, but I have a pic of them together and some of Harleyalone! Does anyone use any photo enhancingsoftware? I would love to put Santa hats on the pics withoutactually getting bit!! I would love to get some photosoftware any suggestions?




Thank you guys. My guys definetly loveeach other. I can't imagine life without them. Itis amazing how much personality 2 rabbits can have...who would everhave suspected it. I am actually suffering rabbit math...Iwould like to ad another rabbit to my family, but I am not sure howeveryone would get along. I think I would get anothermale...just because I have had 2 males neutered and I am a little learyof any of the vets here spaying a female.

Some opions and breed suggestions would be awesome.

Shannon and the gang!

I wouldn't recommend another male.You'reky the two you have get along. It's veryunusual. You'd really be pushing your luck withthree.

Why don't you try to adopt an already spayed female from a shelter or humane society?


Wow, such handsome boys! They arereally gorgeous. I don't know what to tell youabout getting another bun because truly there is just no way of knowingwhat might happen...if they'll all bond, or if you'll have to keep thenew one separate, or if bringing a new bunny in might even mess up thebond that these two have. Just my personal opinion, but withthese two so in love, I would leave well enough alone. :)
Yes I think I have come to the sameconclusion. I would hate to mess up the good relationship Ihave with them and the one they have with each other.

Thank you for the kind words about my buns!
:love:A siamese sable lop... so cute. I love the coloring! The rex is cute too but I'm a suck for lops.

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