My bunny has diarrhea :( HELP!!

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New Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Fort Myers, Florida, USA
My bunny Dorriswhich I've got from thepet store a little over a week ago has diarrhea. She's a baby (thebunny you see in my avatar), I recently switched her food and thismorning she wasnot feeling well, then I found some liquidyfeces in her cage. My other rabbit Christopher who's also a baby thateats and drinks the same as her seems to be fine. He's flopping andrunning and everything. But Dorris looks really sick. She can't bedehydrated because I always see her drink plenty of water.

I tried calling all the vets I could find, and no one is open todaybecause it's a Saturday, and tomorrow is Easter so they won't be openuntil Monday. I called the emergency line and they said "they don'tknow much about rabbits" and that was that. She's a baby and I don'tknow if she can wait :?I feel really bad just seeing herunmotivated and unhappy.

Does anyone have ANY IDEA why Dorris might have diarrhea? What should Ido till I can schedule an appointment with the vet? Any suggestionswould be fine. PLEASE HELP!
They were feeding her a certain kind at the petstore. When I brought my bunnies home, we gave them a differentkind.They seemed to be just fine. Just about two days ago Ibought the kind that they gave her at the store. And this morning shestarted showing signs of diarrhea. I don't understand why my otherbunny is fine and she's not. She's not moving, she's just been sittingthere all day.I don't know what to do :/

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