Well-Known Member
So I've had 2 dwarf rabbits before in my life. One was very calm and nice, the other was a rescue so a bit more aggressive but they were both not anything like the bunny I have now. I got a lop back in January 2016, and she is just a menice. I need answers. First off, she loves destroying her cage. Throwing things around, at first I had bedding in there but she kept kicking it out of her cage. So it said online she might not like it, so I removed it but she still dumps or digs her litter out of her litter box, and flips her hut, she used to dump all her hay out but in the pet store they said to get her smaller pieces and that works. Another thing is I buy her food with multiple different things in it like pellets and dried fruit and seed, corn. Etc. She has always left the pellets behind, every time I get a new food she'll eat them for first couple days then leaves them and if I don't refill her bowl in hopes she will eat them, she dumps that too. She is such a cutie and a sweetheart, always licking my face and running around binkying. She hates being taken out and being put back in her cage but I have to so she doesn't become even more of a menice. So my questions are: why does she not eat pellets, why does she dump her litter and pees and poops where the litter box was with no litter, why does she destroy everything make a mess, why doesn't she like being taken in and out of her cage, yet despite all this she seems happy as **** lol it doesn't make sense to me.