Hi stopwarownarabbit,yep that is what the boynext door says but i have searched all along the fence but there are noholes for her to have gotten through i even got down on bunny level, iwas determined to find a hole,i was puzzled why he said that in thefirst place,we did check her over and that just broke my heart to tinylittle pieces i didn't want to look at her but i knew i just had tothis time i had to close her eyes for her as they were halfopen

but there was nothing at all to suggest a dog hadgotten her,there was no blood no bumps or dents in her even her fur wasok but it was a bit damp by being thrown over the fence and in thepaddock at the back of their fence,i know she could of had aheartattack from seeingthe dog but there is no way for her tohave gotten over there,anyway the boy next door was so stupid that hedidn't even get his story right in the first place
1..he says the rabbit got under his fence and his dog killed her,but where's the hole!
2..he says he wasn't sure who's rabbit it was:shock:,but he has alreadysaid that she got under their fence!!!!:?i don't know weather to laughor cry at this
i just dont understand how he got his story all mixed up,ifthebunny got under his fence then obviously it was my bunny:?
Brent used to be a good kid once until recently he has started to hang around the wrong crowd,he has just changed so much.
im thinking they were trying to pull some stupid game,because he hadanother friend with him,peer pressure can do a lot to a youngboy,anyway i think the prank went wrong and Baby died somehow,and hegot scared and just ditched her body,maybe they were just teasing herwith the dog and she had a heartattack,im just guessing thats all.
OR they just plainly set out to hurt her on purpose,i will never knowwhat happened to her but there is no way she got under their fence andthe dog got her i just don't know but i know it makes me feel sick wheni think about it,i sooo wish i could have gotten a autopsy done onher,and i would have my proof and i could have done something aboutit,im so stupid
yeah we also have very strict dogregulations here,a dog canbe put down if they attack someone ,but im not sure what would happenif a dog attacked another animal:?
to most people a dog or cat is a proper pet,anything else is justuseless and a rabbit is just a rabbit and they don't care what they doto them, to most people they are just pests,the people next door wereok people but they are not bunny lovers at all,their saying is ohh wellit can be replaced,a lot of people say that,but you cannot replace thatspecial little personality of that bunny,that's why i thinkthe parents didn't do much about it,now if that was mykid.................my kids would never ever want to do something likethat
and thankyou stopwarownarabbit