My bunny Baby died last night

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I so agree peapoo... gosh, she was just sobeautiful, I can't get over it. How heartless do you have to be to dosuch a thing? Kids like that are the ones who grow up to be on the newsfor drowning puppies and bar-b-cuing kittens.

*Shakes head in dismay*
Andrea wrote:
Isthere ANY legal action that can be taken? anything at all? Police?SPCA? there has to be something!
no i dont think that there would be anything i could do,unless i gotthe vet to do a autopsy on her,but she is buried and settled now:(

My eldest son Anthony who is also 15 and goes to the same school justkeeps getting in his face saying "what did you do to my mum's rabbit"wejust wannna know!,but Anthony says he just wont say a thing,he keepsquiet:?

Myboyharper,she was just the sweetest thing,watching her grow up fromtheday she was born until she was a year and a half old,ienjoyed every bit of it:)

This is another baby picture of Baby and her sister Charlie,Baby is the darker one

they were just over 2 and half weeks old,



MyBoyHarper wrote:
I so agree peapoo... gosh, she was just so beautiful, Ican't get over it. How heartless do you have to be to do such a thing?Kids like that are the ones who grow up to be on the news for drowningpuppies and bar-b-cuing kittens.

*Shakes head in dismay*
i agree wholeheartedly with both MyBoyHarper and peepoo,kids can be just so evil sometimes,what must go through their head:?

To have your bunny taken and killed and thrown over a fence,you have tohave some pretty demented thoughts going on in there somewhere:?

I am so sorry that your neighbors don'tunderstand why they should value the life of your Baby. I get so upsetat people who can't "think outside the box" when it comes to pets.People don't understand that she is a creature who is loving and a partof your family. I hope you get the answer you deserve about whathappened to your beautiful Baby.
Does that boy have no guilt? Doesn't he takeinto consideration about how he's affected someone elses life? I thinkhe's a phyco.. they don't feel anything.. Why can't he just fess up anddo what's right? He's already caused you and your family so much pain.
Oh, I'm so sorry about your Baby. :tears2:

Our thoughts are with you, Cheryl. :rainbow:

I'm just so shocked and angry at that boy, andthat his parents didn't have the decency to come and apologize or takeanyresponsibility for what happened.

I hope you and your family are doing ok Cheryl, you have been in my thoughts all week. :tears2:
daisy..i agree with you,but i dont think i willever know what happened,just knowing that she was thrown over the fenceis enough for me:( it doesn't seem he has any guilt at all,if he did he never would have done it in the first place:(

Bunbuns..thankyou:) has hit me the hardest,but im doing ok..thankyou:)

it's been five days now,can you believe it!:shock:,and in those fivedays i have done nothing but miss Baby,it's been pretty awful.I havebeen thinking and thinking "why"

over and over,for all the years that i have lived next door to thesepeople i have never ever had any trouble with them,they are nice peoplebut they are not the "sensitive" type to give a damm about arabbit,they are just ignorant,i understand that to them a rabbit isjust a rabbit....but they could at least just have a bitofcourtesy towards someone that has lost her beloved pet,evenifher pet was a bunny:(

i just dont know what to really think...but it doesn't matter now because nothing is going to bring her back.

Baby died for absolutely was just senseless:(

I justwant to say the biggest thankyou to everyone as well:group


Ohh i am missing Baby so so so much,i keepthinking about her and i keep thinking about the way she was justthrown over the fence like rubbish,i keep crying when i think aboutit,i have never had such an awful thing happen before likethat,after losing Lollipop two years ago i hurt so bad that it hadtaken me months to get over her but then i never really got over heranyway,and i just never thought it would hurt so bad like thatagain,but it is hurting me so much,i just feel so sad:(

As you have probably guessed im a very sensitive person and i find ithard to deal with death,i seem to dwell on it for a long time,but mybunnies are my babies,i treasure them i spoil them and i just lovethem,even when they have chewed something that they shouldn't have,ijust love them with all i have.

I have passed the neighbours a few times in the street while i wasbacking out of my driveway and they were driving down,i couldn't lookat them,i don't want to even look at them anymore,i just drove straightpassed them and just looked ahead,iv'e never been a rude person likethat before,but i have a right to this time.

Anthony doesn't speak to Brent(the kid next door)anymore,he say's thathe cannot speak to him anymore because he took my pet and did god knowswhat to her and then just threw her body over the back fence,he took adefensless animal from her home and from the people that loved her.

I just don't know after all this time why he chose to do something like that

I just miss Baby so much,ya know:(


I am so sorry to hear of your loss... I've lost3 bunnies over the past few years and feel your pain... it's even moresenseless that it happened because of someone else...only time willheal your heart... all three of mine were due to inept vets and all Icould think of was how to make them pay for what they did... don't letthe anger grab hold of you... mourn the loss of your Baby.. it takestime... God Bless..
Thankyou AshtonCasey,im sorry to hear that youlost three of your buns due to the vet,that is just sad:(,it's justreally hard for me at the moment because the culprits are just nextdoor and i justcannot get away from them,i just hate seeingthem at the moment,i stillhave these mixed emotions where ifeel sad then angry.

and welcome to the forum AshtonCasey:)


I'm not sure, but I think you said that the boytold you that his dog killed your Baby? Were there any puncture markson her body? I'm guessing that if you can prove that their dog killedyour rabbit, that dog might be considered a dangerous animal to notonly pets, but to children as well. I'm not sure about the laws in yourcity, but if that were to happen where I live, they would quarantinethe dog, and also consider putting it down. Its next victim might be achild. Stupid people.

I'm so sorry.
Hi stopwarownarabbit,yep that is what the boynext door says but i have searched all along the fence but there are noholes for her to have gotten through i even got down on bunny level, iwas determined to find a hole,i was puzzled why he said that in thefirst place,we did check her over and that just broke my heart to tinylittle pieces i didn't want to look at her but i knew i just had tothis time i had to close her eyes for her as they were halfopen:(but there was nothing at all to suggest a dog hadgotten her,there was no blood no bumps or dents in her even her fur wasok but it was a bit damp by being thrown over the fence and in thepaddock at the back of their fence,i know she could of had aheartattack from seeingthe dog but there is no way for her tohave gotten over there,anyway the boy next door was so stupid that hedidn't even get his story right in the first place

1..he says the rabbit got under his fence and his dog killed her,but where's the hole!

2..he says he wasn't sure who's rabbit it was:shock:,but he has alreadysaid that she got under their fence!!!!:?i don't know weather to laughor cry at this

i just dont understand how he got his story all mixed up,ifthebunny got under his fence then obviously it was my bunny:?

Brent used to be a good kid once until recently he has started to hang around the wrong crowd,he has just changed so much.

im thinking they were trying to pull some stupid game,because he hadanother friend with him,peer pressure can do a lot to a youngboy,anyway i think the prank went wrong and Baby died somehow,and hegot scared and just ditched her body,maybe they were just teasing herwith the dog and she had a heartattack,im just guessing thats all.

OR they just plainly set out to hurt her on purpose,i will never knowwhat happened to her but there is no way she got under their fence andthe dog got her i just don't know but i know it makes me feel sick wheni think about it,i sooo wish i could have gotten a autopsy done onher,and i would have my proof and i could have done something aboutit,im so stupid:(

yeah we also have very strict dogregulations here,a dog canbe put down if they attack someone ,but im not sure what would happenif a dog attacked another animal:?

to most people a dog or cat is a proper pet,anything else is justuseless and a rabbit is just a rabbit and they don't care what they doto them, to most people they are just pests,the people next door wereok people but they are not bunny lovers at all,their saying is ohh wellit can be replaced,a lot of people say that,but you cannot replace thatspecial little personality of that bunny,that's why i thinkthe parents didn't do much about it,now if that was kids would never ever want to do something likethat

and thankyou stopwarownarabbit:)
Hi cheryl:imsorryto hear about your baby bunny the kids next door 2 u should be shoot in the head.

Hi Cheryl,

I hope you are doing ok :hug2.

I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be told by the boy thatyour bun got into his yard through a hole, when there is no hole.

This may be astupid idea, but could you maybe ask theneighbours if their son could kindly point out wherethis holehe mentioned is, as you would want to fix it so that none of your otherbunnies get into their yard through it? Maybe the boys parents willrealise how suss his story is when they realise there is no way yourbun could have gotten into their yard on it's own.

Thinking of you,


Eve wrote:
Thismay be astupid idea, but could you maybe ask the neighboursif their son could kindly point out wherethis hole hementioned is, as you would want to fix it so that none of your otherbunnies get into their yard through it? Maybe the boys parents willrealise how suss his story is when they realise there is no way yourbun could have gotten into their yard on it's own.

I've been thinking of you and I hope you're okay. I can't even imagine having something like this happen.
Maybe onemiraculous day, the boy will grow up and be mature enough to tell youexactly what happened. Until then, don’t expect any truth from thelittle snot.

Something tells me that this kid willspill the beans to a trusted friend at school. Eventually, he and thefriend will get in to a stupid argument about something childish, andthe kids friend will tell your son what he heard- just to get back atthe guy. You know how some kids are. Friends one day and enemies thenext.

Please don’t put any blame on yourself.You did nothing wrong. You sound like a very caring and responsiblebunny lover. How were you to know that your neighbor was a psycho kid?Nobody expects kids to harm animals, but the ones that do usually growup to be sociopaths. Scot Peterson’s parents were in denial about theirsons “condition” until he was incarcerated. If this kids parents don’ttake their sons actions seriously, they will have to deal with a wholelot more than a dead bunny when he grows up. This kid needs therapy.Killing animals is a serious cry for help.

I really believe you will find out whattruly happened. Not to say that knowing the truth will heal your heart,but the closure it brings will soften the sting a little.
I am so sorry for you!!I never thought someone could become soo attached to a pet until I got my 2.

I know you said Baby didnt have any marks on her, but cant you reportthe dog and say that the IDIOT BOY told you the dog did it? I wouldguess they would be investigated and then maybe the parents wouldnttake it so lightly? I dont know how it would work but I thought I wouldsuggest it!!

I dont like the thought of that scumbag getting away with it. he should pay!!
Great idea Eve! If the kid was lying, it'll puthim in a situation he can't get out of unless he tells the truth. Evenif Baby did get under the fence, and the dog did attack her, I don'tthink anything could happen because in the eye of the dog, a rabbit isa prey animals and it's just their instincts.

Has your son talked to the boy that was with the neighbours? He mightsay something that he didn't think was important that the neighbour boydidn't say that might help? Damn kids.. acting like flipping jerks. Icould smack them till their black and blue!

Are you doing any better Cheryl? If you need any help with anything,just post it. We all share your pain here about what your goingthrough, and it might help you cope with the loss of Baby:hug2

Your still in my thoughts Cheryl, and I'm hoping time will ease your pain a bit

:pink iris:

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