New Member
Hi, I am new here. Last week I went and picked out my new bunny, a dwarf /mini rex mix. ITs a girl, and she was 7 weeks old monday. ANd i wanted to get a male, for her to grow up with. I work at a veterianry clinic and will have them spayed and neutered as soon as they are ready and old enuf. Anyway from everything i read, at such a young age, it should be very very easy to introduce them. SO i got a male mini rex today, only 6 weeks old, and the same size as her, and i let them lose together, thinking since they were so young, and havent been away from their litter for long thought it would be easy. I was WRONG!! The female, attacked him bad, hair flying, and squealing, and now he has some deep bad scratches, and a bad wound on his back. He is coming to work with me in the morning for the veterinarian to look. Is this normal for such a young rabbit? They were okay for like 5 minutes, and then out of no where she attacked him