My Bunnies are?

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ahh, okay..
Why are ya getting all the bun's?? Were they rescued or something... They are all cute
Well it was just gonna be three of these buns, then I am getting 3 neutered mini rex buns *turns out I had the neutered buns wrong >_<*
And the person I was getting a Lop eared from decided to not wait a day or two and adopted out the bun. So my friend went and picked these guys up and they had one lil bun left that she snatched up too.

I am not getting them for breeding. Just Pets.
i knew that because they are mix breeds and dont want to do that... i was just wondering getting 4 buns in one day.... but congrats with 4 buns and have fun
Actually it will be 7 in one day :p

I was just mentioning that so no one here would ask.

I would one day like to breed (my aunt and cousins bred buns for years and I always LOVED helping with the baby bunnies socializing and such) but right now I think I will be a Slave to the buns and not worry about breeding them, since I am already breeding ratties.

I won't get them all here until the 23rd. so I am super excited. ^_____^:pinkbouce::pinkbouce:
How much do they weigh?
Brittania's only weight up to 2 1/2 pounds for bucks; and 1 1/4 pound for does. I don't think they're Brittania's. ;)
The little one could be a cross with Brittania, but not the bigger ones, I don't think.

I think they're just Heinz 57. ;) It's really hard to tell what breeds they have when they are mixed.... Really you can only classify them as Dwarfs, since they are small. ;)


ETA: Grammar
The black ones look like Tan,Britannia Petites..
But they dont have the ears of the britannia petites
I don't think their legs are long enough to be Brittania Petites or Tans. Both those rabbits are full arch breeds, meaning they've got very long legs that carry their bodies well off the ground.

Here's a Brittania Petite (note the length of her legs and the size of the gap under her belly):


Here's a link with pics of Tan rabbits that shows just how high that arch is (they wouldn't let me link the pics):

Your buns' legs seem to be average length. Odds are they've got some Netherland Dwarf in them, but other than that, you just never know!

Hope that helps!

I would say Dwarf mix too :)
Maybe they do have some Britannia Petite in them, but are definitely not pure bred ;)
That doesn't stop them from being adorable though!
LOL, I'm definitely going with the guess that there is no BP in them. I don't think BP are often bred for pets. They're a pretty vicious breed overall...even their breeders take pride in that.

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