my bunnies are going to be adopted...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
... by my soon to be husband, Paul! We got engaged tonight :D Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae seem pleased at the prospect of having a permanent Daddy since up until now they've just been my bunnies. I'm so happy and rather surprised to be engaged. I love and adore Paul and I can't say how much joy this brings me.

I have to go to bed now because I have a really long day tomorrow, but I'll share more tomorrow night :blushan:
ooooh congrats!!!!!!!!!!! i was a lil scared to open this i thought you were going to say you had to adopt them out,lol, thank goodness it is much better news!!!!!!!! congrats to all of you
WOW! Another engagement on RO!!!!
CONGRATS To all of you!
At first I was like....... OMG MY RORY! What happened? LOL!
NO WAY!!!!


That's awesome news Shiloh, I'm so happy for you! You must tell me EVERYTHING! How did he propose, was there a ring? I remember you saying only a short while ago like I was before Steve proposed about how Paul didn't want to get married!

So great that the bunnies have some stability as well lol! :biggrin2:
wow! everyone's getting engaged/married! CONGRATS!
i was freaked out too guys-i was like "is/was she fostering or something? why isn't this in general chat?". LOL.
Thanks, everyone! Paul and I were trying to think of a good thread title and decided on that :D You know I'd never part with my babies, I'd have to be dead first!

Have to go to class/work now so no updates until tonight, just wanted to say thanks! But, yes there is a ring (think emerald and diamonds) and a matching pendant!
Congratulations, Shiloh & Paul :biggrin2:!

It is funny how there will be a wave of pregnant RO'ers and then a wave of wedding planning RO'ers, lol!
Phew Phoebe's not going anywhere! Thank goodness, you had me panicked for a moment haha.

But Congratulations!!! Tis the season to be getting married apparently!

The ring AND pendant sound great! Can't wait for piccies!

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