My Bun Stopped Eating

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BunOne2 wrote:
Question about the pumpkin ... do you dilute it down with a little water or just syringe it like it is?

Don't dilute it. Put it into the syringe.


Heseems to like the pineapple juicealone rather than the pumpkin and it combined. I not sure who has morepumpkin on them, him or me. Is it ok to let him have pellets if hewants? I feel guilty trying to force pumpkin down him when he will willeat what pellets are left in his food bowl. He used his litter box acouple times last night ... we all rallied around as he sat therestaring back at us, as if to say ... "yeah, so you never seen me usethis thing before."

What about giving him plain water with the syringe as well as the juice??

Gotta go get ready for my 8 am dental appointment .... I probably sleepthrough the whole ordeal. Check back with all later ... Oh,before I forget ... while I was giving him the juice, I thought I hearda girgle as he was taken it .... not sure if that was just the liquidgoing down into his tummy or what ... he is kinda funny when he drinkswater on his own anyway. He holds his head down inthe bowl and youthink he wil never come up for air and then you hear this girgle soundwhen he had enough I guess ...
Be careful not to syringe feed him too fast. You can get water in their lungs.

No need to give him water if he's getting hydrated with the pineapplejuice. Definitely let him eat his pellets if hewishes. Let him eat his hay or whatever he'll take.The reason for the pumpkin is to give extra fiber which will help pushthings along. I'd continue to give that to him for anotherday at least.

Let us know how he's doing and if he's pooping more normal sized poop.


Harley is back in the "pink." The last time I sawhim he had his head down in his food bowl. I have started seeing somehair in his poops and it looks like he is back drinking water again. Ipurchased a bottle of papaya tablets and gave him one TODAY ... afterhe devoured it he looked at me to say "Is there any more." I know he'son the mend ... my little piglet!!

Thanks so much to you and all the good folks who frequent this forum... there is so much love. I hope I can return the help to some oneelse some day ... My Harley means the world to me ... in this crazyworld we live in, he is what keeps me sane.

That's great to hear :D. I've been following thispost and I'm so glad he's back to his normal self now :D. Well done toboth of you for making it through.

I love the wayyou called him hairy beast Harley, the imagethat conjures up in my mind of him makes me smile. I hope he continuesto live a long and happy life :).

Great to hear Harley is on the mend, they tend to scare us from time to time these rascally rabbits don't they :)

take care and hope he continues to improve :)

I can appreciate the comment, "In this crazy world, he's what keeps mesane." Can't tell you how many thousands of times I've felt the sameabout my little ones.

* * * * *

Yay, Joyce! :dude:

Little Mon is coming back! :)

So glad to hear he had 'stringers' (poops that are attached by hair).I'd give him the pineapple juice another day, same with the papaya andpumpkin - just to be on the safe side.

My heart skipped a beat when I read about Harley. Do keep us posted on that little trouble bubble!
