My Bun Stopped Eating

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
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Antioch, California, USA
Harley is usually a big eater, especially treats... he did well yesterday morning, but by late evening when my son gavehim his usual dinner he turned away from it. I did notice that helitter box had not been used, but there was a small pile of loose(diarrea poop) mixed with what looked like his normal re-digested poopsout in his play yard. He doesn't seem too spunky and this morning hedidn't come up to the cage door to get his normal baby carrot andromaine lettuce. Should I just wait and watch his activity or scoop himup and make for the vet ..Please if anyone here can offer me someadvice ....I'm so worried about my baby


I'm going to bump up a post called, "GI Stasis, Tucker's having aproblem" On page 10 it has a list of things you can try toget his system moving again. Cecotropes that aren't ingrape-like shape is a sign of diarrhea. Be very careful thathe stays hydrated.

The first things I check forwhen they stop isto seeifhis teeth are bothering him and give him some freshpineapple juice and canned pumpkin.

Dehydration can quickly kill a rabbit, so be sure he stays hydrated -even if you have to syringe feed him. A product calledNutriCal would be very helpful for him in keeping vitamins andnutrients, boosting their immune system, stimulating an appetite, andmaking them go to the bathroom. I'd highly recommend you lookinto it. It's primarily known as a supplement for cats anddogs, but it's very helpful for rabbits as well. Pedialyte issomething you might wish to look into as well.

Check outof the post I've mentioned above.

Keep us posted.

Copied from page 10 of the post I mentioned. My post goes into more detail about it.

What I used to get Tucker out of this war with GI Stasis.

Simethicone: It's an infants' gas relief drops and you canpurchase it at a pharmacy. The price I paid was $5.27. This helps thegas within the hairball to break down.

Pedialyte: In the baby section of a pharmacy. This helps prevent hydration. I paid $5.53

Papaya Tablets: Has to be the tablets. Papain is the ingredientyou most want from the tablets. You can get these tablets at manygrocery stores, a pharmacy, or a health food store. I paid about $5

Tetracycline: An antibiotic for the bacteria that can build as aresult of the blockage. It can be purchased at a Tractor Supply Companystore for $5 and change. You can get it at feed stores. It's claim tofame is an antibiotic for chickens, cattle, sheep and bees.

NutriCal: A dietary supplement that will keep your rabbit'snutrient supply going while he/she's not eating. It can be purchased atthe same place as the Tetracycline usually. A feed store, TractorSupply, or something of that line for about $10.

Fresh Pineapple Juice: Canned pineapple juice won't do the jobof breaking down the hairball with the acids that fresh pineapple has.Grocery store, of course.

Canned Pumpkin: It has to be canned.

Syringes: At least one 3 cc syringe purchased at pharmacybecause chances are, you'll have to force feed many of the above.

You can use a meat tenderizer that has less sugar, but more salt.You'll find that if you ask 5 different professionals, they're advicewill overlap and what one says isn't what another agrees with.

In the end, it's your call. As Pamnock said to me, you just have togather all the information you can, think of the research and make adecision as to what treatment you'll use.


Is this a large rabbit or a small one? (Small rabbits are generally more prone to bloat)

Carefully palpate his belly for indication of blockage. Doesthe lower belly feel empty or can you feel any type of mass?Is the belly bloated? Does the belly sound like it's filledwith liquid if you gently rock the rabbit back and forth?

A blockage or bloatof the GI tract is cause for more concernthat the rabbit possibly suffering a virus and just being off it'sfeed. We've had a number of both incidents. OurDwarf Hotots are more prone to developingbloat during GIstasis. The recent weather changes have cause a number of ourrabbits to go off feed any where from 1 day to nearly 2 weeks.

When our rabbitsare off their feed, I immediately begingiving them Nutri Cal for dogs and cats. Grated carrots canbe tempting as well as small pieces of apple or parsley.These foods will also supply needed moisture. Avoid the lettuce andalso provide hay. Quaker oats or shredded wheat (with nosugar) may also tempt him.

Thanks to all of you for your quick response ...that's what I love about fellow bun guardians, we all love our buns andcare about others. I will try your suggestions ... and keepyou all posted.

He is stretched out on the floor of his bunny condo right now ... he isdue for his annual check-up next Friday. I have always taken him for ablood work-up since we adopted him (mainly because I lost another bun)and it scares me to think that I might not catch something in time andHarley would suffer the same fate as Bugs. I know we have some feedstores over in Oakley, CA (since we are partialy rural back here). Iwill also get him in to see Dr. Lori this morning as soon as they openup shop.

I almost feel frozen in time ... I wish he could tell me what isbothering him ... I feel so helpless I need your prayers for my littleone.

Joyce :(

I'm not sure what breed of rabbit he is ... itnever really mattered ... I just love him. He is on the medium side ofsize I guess. He was a liitle over weight last year ... he went from 9lbs. at his Feb. check-up to 11 lbs. in July when I took him to his vetto check on his eye that was runny at the time. Since then he hasgotten back down to about 8 lbs. or so. My sons were worried that hemight loose too much weight. His shredding has gone down alot lately... he usually has enough hair every day to make another rabbit. LOL
Well, I went out and purchased a bottle ofPedialyte and some Baby Anti-Gas drops. He was in way ready for me toput a syringe in his mouth ... he's very sensitive about the area ofhis body. I managed to get about half a baby syringe of the Pedialyteeither in his mouth or on his fur which he licked off. I also got adrop or two of the anti-gas medicine down him. I have a vet appointmentat 10:45 am today ... he seems to be acting better. I rubbed his tummya little and when I open his cage door for him to go down into his playyard ... he scampered down a usual. I have seen a few scattered (verysmall poops) around his play yard. They were'nt there yesterday. Ihoping the vet agreesto at least an x-ray to make sure there isn't ablockage of any kind. On the positive side ... he just flopped over inhis paper bag ... he loves hanging out in it. Keep all of you posted.
Letting him get some exercise is a good idea aswell, Joyce. Never underestimate the power of massageeither.

I'd definitely have some NutriCal on hand. I wish everyone that had a bunny had it.

Please keep us posted. I'll be following this thread for updates.

You and your little one will remain in my thoughts andprayers. By the sound of it, he doesn't seem terriblyuncomfortable because he's stretching out and flopping.That's very encouraging. Glad to hear that he pooped - evenif it is just a little, also glad you got him some Pedialyte.

Keep up the good work. :)

Hey BunOne2!! I got you Email late and responded.I knew you would take advantage of the knowlege of all the good folkshere, so I came on to check.
Even tiny poops are WAY better then no poops! Shows the system is working somewhat!
Glad you got an appt for the vet.
Keep us posted! Praying for that old Hairy Monster of yours!
Gotta get me some NutriCal, too.

I looked at PetSmart the other day, but couldn't find it. I should haveasked someone that works there. They probably have it with the dog/catstuff.
If you cant find the Nutrical at Petsmart....Most vet offices have it for sale. also has it online for 6.50.

I just got a whole baby syringe full offresh pineapple juice down Harley ... he doesn't like at the start ...never has liked anyone bothering around the front of his face, butapart from that he does have sweet tooth and once he started to tastethe juice, he like it and couldn't get enough.

I've had a headache most of the day ... I have diabetes and whensomething emotional happens, I sometimes use track of my own health.... I tried to eat a little something around 3 pm or so. My bodyfinally said "enough is enough" and I took my comforter and pillow andcrawl up next to Harley's playyard fence.

I was awakening by the sound of "crunching." I raised up and foundHarley up in his cage mucnching on his pellets ... I think I startledhim, but he did the same to me. It's funny (kinda) since he usuallygets fed around 5 pm every night ... and it was 5:15 exactly ...

The vet did an x-ray and found a large fur mat and a small pocket ofgas ... more worried about the fur. She told me to give him pineapplejuice and Stage 2 Strained mixed baby food vegetables. I think I willgive him some more juice before I retire for the night and maybe alittle bit of the baby food. Still no poops or urine in his litter box,but more sightings of micro-poops around his playyard. She also told meto start using the papaya tablets that I took him off of ... A staffperson at the Richmond, CA Houise Rabbit Society had told me that thetablets contained alot of sugar .... I can see that, Harley loved them.She told to instead use a power that would work in much the same way,but none of the sugar .... unfortunately, there is none of theingredient in the pappya in it either. We were worried about his weight... When adopted him 6 years ago he weighed in at about 7 lbs. sincethem he has gotten to 11 lbs. at his highest weight and I was worriedabout him being able to do what he needed to take care of his health (Ithink most of you know what I'm referring to). So we took him off thepapaya tablets, added this new stuff, up his intaken of hay and darkgreens and he is now back at around 7 lbs. with a fur mat in his tummy... go figure ... I guess we need to leave well-enough alone sometimes.

Thanks for all your help and time that you have given me and my hairybeast, Harley. I think he's on the mend, but I am still cautious!!




The best thing you can do for Harley now is syringe feed him some freshpineapple juice and a syringe full of canned pumpkin every 4 hours.

The pineapple will break down the hair, the simethicone, as given inpost mentioned above will help with the gas, and the canned pumpkin isfilled with fiber which is what he needs very badly right now.

Hate to tell you because I know you're exhausted, but set your alarm toevery 4 hours for the next 12 hours and give him at least those twothings. GI Stasis doesn't sleep, unfortunately. Do the papaya pill, asrecommended, and don't worry too much about the sugar at this point.You need Harley's system to start moving again. Once it does, then youcan cut back.

Good news ... the little devil is back eating hispellets and lots of hay. He used his litter box and gave us a smallhandful of normal sized poops. I will however gave him the juice andtry some pumpkin before I go to bed. Thanks for the advice ... I knowthings are looking good now, but they can go south quickly, if not notkept checked.


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"

* * * *

Sounds great! A bit of fresh pineapple juice and a dab of canned pumpkin should get him through the night Just Fine.

Thanks for the Good News!

Rest now. I think and will pray that everything's going to be Okay.



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