My Bohemian Bunnies part 2..2011

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Yes, that made sense LOL I was wondering about the Nic panels too but he is almost 12 lbs will it hold him? He will be four months old on the 7th of February, big boy!! lol
Thank you so much, Tris :) But only if you have time, if not, it's okay. I've been searching for "perfect" bedding for Kim, but so far the brand called " cat best" is the best for us,only annoying part is that, it turns into dust after a period of using. It just hit me tonight, when I told my husband that Kimiko's been sneezing since yesterday evening. Without any other symptoms. He asked me if it's possible that she got dust from something in her nose and it's tingling her. That hits me ! She's been digging in her litter box couple days. I hope this is it. I don't want her to get sick. :) Thanks again.

That dog crate looks great. I am glad you decided to get it. I imagine it helps the situation a lot? I had a New Zealand rescueefor a few weeks and I used NIC panels. I crisscrossed the cable ties to make it sturdier. :)You'd want to check the ties out regularly to make sure they aren't being chewed, making the shelf less sturdy, but other than that it shouldn't be a problem. I know others use dowels (long circular wooden poles found at the renovation stores) and put them right through the bars to hold up the shelf as an extra precaution.

I also wanted to thank you for messaging me. It was nice to know that someone was thinking of me. It came at a moment when it as needed. Thank you for that. :rose:
Thanks Sophie :pink iris: I'm definitely looking into a shelf thingie for my not so baby, baby boy!

I have so much joy right now..for the first time in forever, after I mentioned that his litter training is going awful.. he was out allll morning. It's 2 pm here now.. so for about 5 hours, he was out and playing and not.. one..poop. either YAY!!!!!!!!

he went back into his pen on his own and I left the door open.. and he went into the litterbox and did his biz. I am SOOOO happy right now!!


Hey woman! whats shakin with ur badself??.....
ive been away too long..i gotta catch up with everybody..first i was feeling kinda ...bleh...u know what i mean..just ...bleh....then i ended up getting busy with my business cuz Barrett Jackson car auction was in town..last year they televised me doin a job was INSANE!..i had no idea goin there that id be on camera thru the whole job...yikes...i STILL havent caught it on the speed channel barrett repeats not sure i wanna see ya gonna catch up my reading the forum...ill be back around..:):) .oh i did read about not being sure if ur giant can be in a NIC cage...both of mine are ..u just gotta build it sturdier ..ill show u how to do if u get some cubes...u build it like they do for a norm sized bunny but u have to add a few cubes in certain places to make it stronger....the only thing i notice with the giants is they make a poopload more noise jumping up and down off of those shelves....holy schmoly its loud! i try and set up their cages so their poop box can be jumped into from their makes it a little quieter..:):):) Ms Perty is my terror she doesnt like how i set up her pad so she DESTROYS it everynight...and after everything has been moved ...then she flips her food tray thingy thats ziptied to the cage..she flips it up over and over and over and over again..clank clank clank clank clank..everything in my giants cages has to be zipTIED DOWN...they are my destruction crew....everybody has a job here ..ull get a kick outta it when i tell ya..ill fill ya in when i come back ..i gotta make some dinner..later gater
LISA- omg! here you are! I have missed you! grrrrr..
Yes, I would love pointers on putting a shelf in badboy's abode.
and you're famous! where can I go online to view this?? if you don't want to watch, I will!! :)
I'm sooo glad you popped back on.. things aren't the same without my tribe around! Brandy needs to get back on this too!!
ohh... and I had a dream the other night about a guinea pig. I have never had a guinea pig before now I'm wondering if I should get around some to see why I dreamed about one. I know absolutely nada about them.

A few days after my dream, I went to a pet store that usually sells no animals at all. (I was there to check out hidey houses for BunBun).It has an adoption area though and I saw one little guinea pig all by herself. She was absolutely beautiful. I have not seen one upclose really.

She melted my heart and this was after the dream. Now, I can't get her out of my heart. Why oh why oh why do I fall so madly in love. Sometimes there is just that snap bond. I had that with BunBun.. immediately love at first sight.

Anyway, I left without filling out any papers or talking to the woman about adopting her. I was quiet the whole drive home which hubby would tell you, is just NOT normal for me LOL

I've been looking at some pics but none have popped out at me like this little girl. In my mind, her name even popped in.. She would be Isabella Marie. Don't ask me why.

oh me, why oh why. My hubby said I would run out of arms to cuddle them all. Animals calm me down.. well unless you have a BABYBOY who is badness personified but he is such a puppy how could I not be completely in love.

He and BunBun are my world. well my kids are too but you know animals don't really talk back.. not mine anyway ;)

ramble ramble.. sighh.. isabella marie. why did I have to go to see hidey houses and find her instead.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Tristana, nice cage.

Do you have any of the NIC panels? You can make a shelf out of them and attach it with the wire ties. That what I do in mybunny cages. I then cover them with a type of board and then use a "Binder Clip" to keep the board frommoving. Geez am I making sense here.:?



Cute Cute Bunny.
Exactly what I was going to say. I also put a doll rod under the center of the shelf and attach it with wire/cable ties. It provides some support.
I just got an almost identical pen to what you just got. And it's for my flemmie ;)

I had to put a shelf in there too, because Muppet LOVES to be up high and we have heated flooring. So I wanted to get her off that too.

We took a piece of plywood and put two dowels underneath it for support. And then my hubby jammed it in there really good so it wouldn't go anywhere. Here's a pic where you can kind of see it:


It works great for Muppet, and then she has the run of the playroom when we are home.

I hope you are finding yours works well too! ;)Best of luck!
Isabella Marie? that is a very ritzy name for a piggy:):)
so where is Miss Isabella?..still waiting for her momma to come get such a bad influence:)
LOL !!
I'm still waiting for a yes from hubby.. not an "ok" not a " do what you want" I want a yes. Plus, I'm doing mucho research first because I have no idea about the needs/care of guinea pigs. My house is noisy through the day and Phin and BunBun totally don't care about the noise. Phin THRIVES on it..BunBun lays down in the midst of it except when he is bounding through the house like the horse he thinks he is.
A guinea pig? I don't know if she could handle it. I don't want to stress her out.

The kids are everywhere. They play in my bedroom, the livingroom, my daughter's bedroom. They are everywhere!!! so.. miss bad influence..I can't remember if you have guinea pigs, I know Brandy does but she hasn't been around for awhile...can you give me any info?
Im excited about today, I'm going shopping for the bunnies!!
I want to Boho up their spaces. I read it's not a good idea to paint anything because of toxins :( I was going to paint Phin's shelf this nifty multicoloured pattern so that's out.

I've been looking at pics of houses( cages) for them and soome people have them looking so beautiful. but I had hoped to get out a glue gun and put on some material hanging down a bit off the front of the shelf I'm getting, but I thught that won't work either because what if they pull off the material ( because they both tug like crazy on anything) so that's out too :(

I wanted more mats in there too. Phin ( like Tahli did) loves his mat. Bun Bun just wants to ball his up with his paws.

So, any ideas on a unique looking safe non toxic space for my bunnies?
after the quickest adoption process ever which included simply a call to our vet to verify we had one I guess and a call to two references.. I introduce you all to
ISABELLA... ( don't panic about her abode.. hubby is gone to get everything for her new real cage, he's gone right now YAY! this set up in only until he gets home.)


TICKLED I AM!!..AWESOME! shes a perty thing...and i know NOTHING about piggys but i do know of a fantastic piggy forum..i get alot of info for buns off of it too.u will love it..ill find it and post later:)..
i hang material off of all my buns shelves so they have privacy works great when its hot weather cuz its too hot for them to go into a cardboard box or someother kinda hidey hole thing...they just run behind their curtain and they THINK they are safe...i cut a few holes in the material and run a ziptie thru it and ziptie to the shelf....since ur buns arent fixed yet they will LOVE LOVE LOVE the material hanging down ..unfixed bunnies make love to the material..they stand up and rub all over it looks like their dancing..its stinkin cute..:)..all my buns did it before the fix...but only Flashie still does it a little bit now...:)..soo ur gonna hafta fill me in on Miss Issys personality...they say piggys are full of it..but ive never known a pig...:)
Thanks Lisa! she is gorgeous. her personality right now is timid. really timid.. she doesn't take food from my hand yet and she only made a few little sqeeks this morning because she wanted veggies, she only had her pellets and I guess I spoiled her yesterday. ;)

I will totally get the material. THAT is good news, we'll all be happy :) I'm psyched to start the project which got put aside yesterday for lots and lots of reasons. One was making sure Isabella wasn't too scared and also not lonely.

Today, back to business. I have GOT to post a picture of the size of my not BABY anymore babyboy.. omg he is huge already at 4 months EEK.

I'll look into those sites you gave me too!! :) :hugsquish:
she has every right to be timid...most people treat piggys like a field mouse(not that i would ever harm a field mouse)..but im sure once u start giving her one on one luvin shell blossum..:)..her eyes are really pretty.they look like their light colored.
I know this is a bunny blog but I had to say that Isabella is completely and utterly the most amazing little thing. we chilled out on the couch watching cake boss bahahhaha. she was in my arms her little head all tucked into my sweater and she was cooing like a dove. I have never heard that sound before.
She now comes to me when I have food for her. A big change since yesterday.
This morning was hilarious. The boys take their turns out to run around. Babyboy is first because he hates to be in the crate worse than bunbun hates to be.
Sunday is MASSIVE animal cleaning time. I change the litter three times a week but I scrub and vaccuum and vinegarize the cage bottoms on Sundays. I change the kitty litter completely after having scooped all week.. it's a busy sunday morning every week.
Well, the cat ( Manu)decided I didn't get to it quick enough today and she decided to poop NEXT to the box. It was not a dirty box since I scoop but it was after ten and she knows it gets down at 9-sh.
So, I clean her poop up.. gag..and I carry on with the cleaning.. and she watches me like a hawk.
As I am doing this Phin starts smashing his body against the cage because HE is late getting out LOL what do they have watches on them or something?????
He has a full blown tantrum.
SO, I finish the kitty stuff. Put Manu in the bedroom so the bunnies can have their time..
I let Phin out and he is like a horse! he is galloping through the livingroom jumping as high as my four year old's head.. She starts saying.. " umm mama, mama.. MAMAAAA" I go look and she is sitting on the floor with Phin flopped on her like a lazy dog. She is scared to move because he " likes it mama".
HE ROLLS ON HIS SIDE ALMOST HIS BACK.. and he lays there. She tickles his belly and I have never known a bunny to like this but then again I haven't got much experience and he is in his bliss.
He then takes off again, knocking over candle holders, making rugs scatter, throwing colouring books in the air.
I was laughing so hard I was crying.
Finally, he settles down. I snap some pics which I will post and after a longer period, I put him back in the doggy crate that I have to go into and sit in to vacuum all the loose poops. His cage is clean and sparkling but he gets mad because his mat is missing ( I needed to wash it)
So he has another tantrum and I ignore him and like a kid, he sulks and then does the dpf.
Then BunBun gets out and he does his typical racing course through the house, he goes the same way every single day. He goes around the room clockwise then down the hall then into the bathroom then back out again. I clean his cage, it takes forever because I have a four year old " are you done yet mama"? grrrr
So after BunBun has worn himself out and everything is nice and sparkly, I put him back in with a fresh piece of wood he loves to lie on and I sit down in my fav chair with a cold coffee ( i was too busy to drink it) I snap on the tv and I hear " coo coo squeak, squeak". I turn the tv off. the coo coo stops, I think,, must be the tv. I put the tv back on and I hear it quietly in the distance again. I turn it off and I can still hear it.
I go into my bedroom and see miss isabella with those baby blue eyes peeking out of her hidey house.. she had veggies, clean water so I picked her up and she did not run away or even try, I could sense she was so happy and thankful.
she is so incredibly vulnerable and this is part of what makes me so protective of her. She is just the best.
so I pass her to my oldest daughter and they chill and I take up the towel I am using for bedding. I read it was the best for them ( if you change it everyday). I shake it off into the garbage ( guinea pigs poop looks weird lol) and I soak the towel in vinegar and I put it in the wash. I replaced the towel with a beautiful pink one, which complements her colouring if I do say so.. and I am SO happy.
Nothing makes me happier than clean cages and happy animals.
life is good in the Boho home.
Pics coming tomorrow! must show off my babies :) :inlove:

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