Thats fine, its your fish that are dying, not mine. Enjoy your goldfish.
It's extremely common for Betta owners to do 100% water changes and recommended when the fish is being housed in an non cycled environment to keep water quality good. Of course precautions must be taken. You must remove the Betta fish. The water needs to be the same temperature, as in it registers on the thermometer as the same. I dechlorinate my water using Prime - I absolutely love that stuff. Let that sit for a few minutes. Then you are good to go.Betta tanks, no matter their size, require regular cleaning. In an uncycled betta tank, one must do 100% water changes. This means emptying all of the water in the tank, washing the tank and all decor with hot water, and replacing it with fresh, clean, dechlorinated water. In a properly cleaned betta tank, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate should all be 0 parts per million (ppm). Test your water often.
Cleaning Schedule by Tank Size
1 gallon -- 100% water change every 3 days
2.5 gallon -- every 4 to 5 days
5 gallon -- once per week
(In a large, cycled tank [established, not currently cycling] you should change roughly 20% of the water weekly using a gravel vacuum, and test your water parameters often; ammonia and nitrite should be 0 ppm, while nitrate should be kept at less than 10 ppm.)