My baby bun has a parasite

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Thanks everyone.

I see that okiron treated her2 month old with Albon but hers was a flemmie and mine is a dwarf. Toby is only 1.02 lbs.

My vet and the web dosage calculator recommend 25-50ml of Albon, and day 1 starts with a 50 ml dose for a 1 lb rabbit.

I'm not comfortable with giving him a whole 50 ml dose... I'm not sure how he will react. The vet really thinks it's fine to give Toby Albon at this point. She thinks he's between 2 and 3 months old and he is a real kicker. But I'm still not comfortable giving him 50mls. I think I will give him the 25 ml tonight and see how it goes first. Maybe in the morning I'll give him the rest if he is ok.

Toby is a really good eater. And I am pretty accustomed to when he poops now since I've been litter training him (it's been going really well) I should pretty much be able to tell if anything drastic has changed with him...

Thanks for all your input, everyone. I really appreciate it, more than you know. I am so nervous about the whole thing. My husband is away on business for2 weeksso I'm going it all alone, but it's so good to have you guys!:blushan:
ra7751 wrote:
I use Ponazuril against coccidial infections....including E Cuniculi. It is not an easy drug to find as it is used almost exclusively in theequine community. It only comes in large horse size syringes and it is very expensive. It is also quite a challenge to properly dose since it comes only in a paste. The first problem is that the paste must be weighed and then compounded....and that in itself can be a challenge. Next, it is possible to have "hot spots" in the paste. This is when an abnormally high amount of drug congregates in a localized location within the paste. With a horse, this isn't a concern since the entire syringe will be used. But with the small amounts used in small animal medicine, it is possible to get your particular gram or so of pastewhere there may be an excessive amount of active drug or a decreased amount of active drug. And very few vets are even aware of this drug much less how to dose it.

In the real world, the only true treatment is a strong immune system as it's the immune system that will eventually clear up the coccidia.

This is some really good info to know, Randy. Clearly there is not an abundance of horses in New York City so it's no surprise to me that my vet gave Toby some Albon and not Ponazuril. If only...

You're so knowledgeable. How do you know all this stuff? :)
tonyshuman wrote:
Good luck! Keep an eye out for diarrhea, and have you gotten some Bene-Bac to give to him?

UGH! Bummer I knew I forgot something!!!! I totally meant to buy it but I got so flustered after the vet's office that I sped right home.

Is the small animal one good for bunnies? I think I remember the dog one was good for bunnies but I can't find it on Petco's the only pet store I know that's still open. They close at 10. I can still make it!

This one?

By the way the vet said I shouldn't need to medicate Kirby. Kirby would only get sick if he ate Toby's poo. Toby's poo is no where near Kirby, so I think we are okie dokie in the Sir Kirby department. Whew. I can't imagine feeding Kirby this stuff. He'd fight me tooth and nail and I'd come out losing. :cry1:
Toby is even more hyper than Kirby when it comes to being restrained for any reason. Toby fought me about 10 times before I successfully burrito'ed him and let out just his nosey and his mouth. I got the syringe in about twice but only got 1 drop in before he flinched and got away. The third time I got the whole 25 ml in and he seemed to be... lip smacking... The vet said it was fruity tasting and rabbits generally like it. I bet he liked it and just fought mommy to give me a hard time :expressionless
Yep, it's the same! I actually give dog/cat one, but small animal seems to be the same. Petco should sell the dog/cat one in the dog meds section.
got it! 15 min to store closing LOL

How much do I feed a 1 lb bun? A tube it says! Is that right?

Do you think it's too much to give so much stuff he's never had before in one night?
I would give about 1/2 of it for such a little bun.

If your bun likes it you can give the whole thing but if it's going to be a fight just give what you can
my buns hate that stuff but some people have buns that love it.
Toby didn't like being restrained in a burrito but he wouldn't eat the meds or the benebac any other way. Once he was in a hold, he'd slurp down a few gulps. I think I got 1/2 to 3/4 of the tube in him. Poor thing was pulling ninja moves on me to get away. He's been through enough tonight I think. I'll watch him until I go to bed and then again in the morning I'll check on his poos and his mood.

He's wiping his face like nuts right now. Lick lick lick lick lick! I'm so in the dog house :pssd:

Happy Toby:


Toby now:

I know, it's such a shame. darn pet stores...

He's done grooming. Now he's gobbling up some hay. He's a good boy. :biggrin2:

If you want to see more pix, I just posted a new bunch of them on my blog.
Toby did not have any diarrhea. I changed his litter box last night after medicating and his poops look dry and about the same size and color.

I thought all this litter box changing would wreak havoc on our litter box training but he's taking it well and still pooped all but 1 poo in his box.

I tossed out the litter again this morning and gave him new litter. I didn't have time to go and do a whole scrub down the box but at least he doesn't have all that poo and urine in his box. I'll wash it down tonight.

I gave him the remaining 25ml of Albon from last night. He's eating well and drinking well. Fingers crossed, my baby will be ok.
Whew! Sorry I missed your dosing question. I usually give my guys a dime-sized amount on a craisin. Good to hear the meds went into him (albeit with a struggle) and others have done this w/o problems. Now just get better, little Toby!
tonyshuman wrote:
Whew! Sorry I missed your dosing question. I usually give my guys a dime-sized amount on a craisin. Good to hear the meds went into him (albeit with a struggle) and others have done this w/o problems. Now just get better, little Toby!

I don't feed Toby any treats yet so we are going to have to feed him by mouth. His diet consists of only hay and pellets and water at the moment, until he's a bit older and ready for vegs.

I am getting better at keeping him in a sturdy burrito. I fed him day 2's 25ml of Albon on the very first try. The trick is to make a burrito with a hoodie for his bunny head. Then he cannot wiggle out as the hoodie is keeping his head in place. lol So much better to do it with fewer tries. It's not so much the feeding as the chasing him around that is stressful for us both.

Toby is eating his hay and pellets, and drinking water very normally. It looks like he's doing well!!!

Should I give him half a tube of Benebac each day until all 5 tubes are done (coincides perfectly with his 10 days of medication)? Or should I be skipping every other day?
Toby's poop looks normal to me. I've been cleaning out the litter box nightly and the output amount seems pretty normal.

I gave him another half a tube of benebac this evening after the meds. He seemed to enjoy benebac less than the medication. Me, being butter fingers mommy, dripped a bit of it on his fur - right under his neck. He's been licking at it all night trying to get it off LOL I tried to help him wipe it off but he wouldn't have it.

It's funny to watch him stand straight up, and as he gets passionate about getting the stuff off his neck, he starts to lean backward... he toppled over once. It was classic. I wish I had it on video!

I did get this on video though! The last few seconds, he gives the camera some love. Wait for it!