My Babies...and their babies!!

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thanks for all your lovely comments!

Haley..this is how i think i am distributing my babies lol...myboyfriend is having the brown pair, nick named the twins, he isthinking of calling them toffee and fudge but still hasn't decided fordefinate! My friend is going to have the little white and brown onewhich i have been calling baby freckles (imagenative i know!!) and theni will keep the one that is nearly all white (nicknamed pinky) s/he islovely, just has a fait line of brown on its back and a brown spot onits tail at the moment. and then i'll keep the light grey one(nicknamed minky) it has the fluffiest coat of them all and is a littledifferent! coz its got no brown in it. well thats the plan anyway. Myboyfriend wants the twins even if they are opposite sex, he said hewill get one neutered, he has his heart set on them! he got plans tobuild them a big fancy hutch and run.

anna xxxxx
CONGRATS!!!:great:OH MY!! I love the brokenone it's just too cute.& of course they are all so cute but i'mpartical to the brokens.Freckles is gorgeous. :inlove:

My aunt & i are first time bunny moms too with 2 little baby blues


They are 3 weeks.They were born on Halloween

Thisis Hannah she's the mommy she's a bluewe actually have thewhole familytoo.
Thisis Elliott he's the daddy he's a blue otter

Hannah originally had 5 babiesbut only the 2 little wonders survied.This is only Hannah's 1stlitter..

but like i said ur buns are so gorgeous..

Danielle~Cookie,Hannah,Elliott & babies

Thankyou m.o.d. your bunnies are gorgeous as well, thier fur looks stunning.

My babies are full of beans now. Ive been letting them downstairs intothe run the last couple of days as well as bringing them inside forcuddles. Their fur is so soft but very very thick, they have goodhealthy coats which is good considering how cold it has been getting!They are so hard to take photos of at the moment because they justdon't sit still!! But they are so fun to watch. They have startedeating solids now, well just about. It seems they are trying to nibbleeverything, just to see if its edible. Their favourite thing seems tobe sitting in the food bowl!! Pinky and Minky have got the mostbeautiful blue eyes which you can see a little in the pictures but itis difficult to capture just how lovely thier eyes really are. In thepics where they are in the run it looks really messy, i did spend aboutan hour and a half yesterday cleaning it all up then scrubbing all thetiles before letting it dry and having them down there, but as soon asthey went down so did a load of newspaper, sawdust, hay and straw plusginger goes to the loo down there, so basically it was clean and tidy,but in the pics it looks a right tip! looks like i know what i'm goingto be doing this weekend!!:foreheadsmack::)














Anna xxxxx
:yeahthatThey're all soadorable:heartbeat::heartbeat:.

I think the little solid White One is a little Character and looks tobe the most inquisitive and the bravest:bunnyheart :bunnyheart.

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Oh my! They are just way to cute now. They will grow to be such beautiful bunnies.

I love the blue eyes.

My last foster almost had green looking eyes. Really interesting grey/green colour.

ok heres some pictures as promised. not verymany, they are so hard to take pics of now! they just don't sit still.I took these at the weekend so are a few days old. I will take somemore this afternoon or in the morning and post them up tomorrow.
The little white one is very poorly, as you may have read in my threadin the rabbitry, so ive got everything i can possibly cross crossedthat s/he will be ok.
but i took them all to the vets today and the poorly one has had some medicine and they have all been wormed.
i'm going to try to attept to sex them this weekend, but im not sure how well i'll do!!








Anna xxxxx
star_girl wrote:
ok heres some pictures as promised. not very many, they areso hard to take pics of now! they just don't sit still. I took these atthe weekend so are a few days old. I will take some more this afternoonor in the morning and post them up tomorrow.
The little white one is very poorly, as you may have read in my threadin the rabbitry, so ive got everything i can possibly cross crossedthat s/he will be ok.
but i took them all to the vets today and the poorly one has had some medicine and they have all been wormed.
i'm going to try to attept to sex them this weekend, but im not sure how well i'll do!!


Anna xxxxx
OMG this one is gettin sobeautiful the fur is gonna look GREAT as it gets older it'sjust so cute i just wanna pick it up & cuddle it LOL! I'm gonnacome to the UK & steal this little bun it's that cuteLOL!
M.O.D....yeh thats baby freckles..the girl whowas supposed to have him has changed her mind and says she don't wanthim anymore...crazy girl. its ok thought he won't be homeless, myboyfriend is going to have the little guy!

The little white bunny that was ill is so so so so sooooo much betternow. i posted some pics of it on my post in the rabbitry if you wannasee!

I've got a few more pics of the whole gang, unfortunatly they arn't thebest quality because i took them on my boyfriends phone coz by camerabattery died.

I'm gunna try and take a lot more good pics this week, because they aregrowing up so quick! The weather has just been so pants and i've beenso busy i havn't had time to sort out pics the last week.

Hope you like the piccies, its amazing how much they have grown i think!!






i also took a couple of christmas pics...but i'll save them to put in the Photo Philes Christmas pics section!!

Anna xxxxx
D'aww! Those're some of the cutest bunny loafs Ihave EVER seen! I so wanna bunny nap the little baby bunny with thelight orangy spots on her face. Just :bunnyheartso cute.*squee*

Well this week Ginger has been very ill. I had to rush her to the vetson wednesday morning. I thought she had lost a bit of weight but i justfigured it was because she had been feeding the babies and that,because she was her usuall self. But then wednesday morning i went outto uncover them and feed them all and she was just sitting there. hereyes were nearly closed and she was really cold to touch and was alltense. At first i didn't think she was alive, it was awful. But ipicked her up and her eys opened and i could feel her breathing. Shewas just so, i dunno, it was just like shed given up. so i got anemergancy appointment at the vets and took her straight down. The vetsaid it was lucky that i found her when i did (god knows what wouldhave happened if i'd decided to have a lay in that morning) but she wasstill in a farely critical state. So she was examined and the vetconcluded she had got something wrong with her digestion, which as youall know is common, and like the vet said its hard to know why rabbitsget these problems. So she has a pain killer and an injection to tryand get her system working again and an injection of baytril and i wasgiven some liquid recovery food for her. i had to feed her every houruntil the next day when she was to go back to the vets. So i did, ifeed her every hour, i massaged her belly and i gave her someelectrolyte hydration stuff (as recommened on this forum) I took herback on thurs and she was a little better, she had more injection, sameas the day before and i have to give her 0.5 mil of baytril twice a dayand feed her 3 times a day. Shes still not eating very well, and isstill not 100% herself, but she feels a little less bloated now andsome of the icky gunk seems to be passing through her body. But i thinkshes on the mend, its just gunna take a bit of TLC!
So thats what happened to ginger this week. Its also efected thebabies. They are 5 weeks old now, so they are capable of feedingthemselves and that the only problem that seems to be a problem iscleanliness. Since ginger has been ill they have had more dirt and bitsof poo in thier fur. Nothing terribly bad, but i've been trying to keepthem as clean as i can. its just round thier bums, little bits of pooare getting stuck in thier fur, not mushy or anything. But apart fromthat they are all very well and full of energy.
Freckles is also ok, hes got about two days of baytril left which hehad for his sneezing, which seems to have cleared up now. and hesbooked in for his neutering on weds.
And thats that...ok thats a lot of writing, but i suppose thats what ablog is for! Now for what you really wanna of thebabies!!


'cute enough to eat'


have a good look at the string on my camera!



Bunny flooooooop!!



'i'm taller than you!' 'NO, i'm taller than you!!'

Snuggle Bunnies

and heres a few nice pics i took of Freckles...


'you belong to me'

'what you looking at?!'

'you can't see meeeeee'

plenty there to keep you going!!

anna xxxxx

I'm so glad you where able to get Ginger into the vets on time!!

Have tried giving her some gas medicine? The liquid kind forbabies works well, I'm not sure what brands you have over there, buthere we use Oval. You want the Simethicone.

Give her about a dropper full every hour or so until she seems lessbloated. The Simethicone is not harmful, and as far as Iknow, you can't overdose them on it.

Also, if you haven't already take a look through these sections of the resource center:

GI Stasis:

And the babies look like they are growing up wonderfully!

Baby fur is so fine and fluffy that I find it picks up all kinds ofdebris. As long as they are not wet or have mushy poos stuckto them, they should be okay. And they will learn to groombetter as they get a little older.

aurora369 wrote:
Have tried giving her some gas medicine? Theliquid kind for babies works well, I'm not sure what brands you haveover there, but here we use Oval. You want the Simethicone.

Give her about a dropper full every hour or so until she seems lessbloated. The Simethicone is not harmful, and as far as Iknow, you can't overdose them on it.
Great advice from Dawn, Simethicone canreally help right offthe bat in these cases. You don't really have to worry aboutgiving themtoo much at once, they can'toverdose inthat respect, but there should only bea max of three dosesadministered a day, even if they're an hour apart.Igive my guys a dose every hour, but Istop at three.

I hope shebounces right back!

Those babies are waaaay too cute!!

thanks dawn and sas for your advice onsimethicone i'll see what i can get hold of over here, get some to keepin just incase.

she seems to be on the mend now, she isn't bloated anymore, shes stillreally skinny and isn't eating as much as usuall, but is certainlygetting back to normal.
i could tell she was ill because she didn't kick up a fuss if when itwas time for her to go back into her hutch for the night or when i tookthe little white baby inside for its medcine, and even when i took herto the vets. she is usually full of attitude, everything is on HERterms, shes the boss! each day she is getting a little bit better andeach day its a little more difficult to give her her medince, i holdher tight and she just moves her head round so i can't get the end ofthe syringe in her mouth! shes a right little madame! but i'd rathershe was like that than ill, she may be a pain in the bum but i love herall the same, if anything had happened to her i would have bee gutted,especially after she has brought all my babies into the world and caredfor them so well, she is very special to me.

there was a frost last night, first one we have had this winter as faras i know. i got in home about midnight and the frost had already setin, and was a little worried about my bunnies outside but i had wrappedthem up extra tight, went out this morning and they were as bright andcheerful as ever. they do have very very fluffy thick coats though andthey all snuggle together in the covered end of the hutch, if im oputthere when its cold and i put my hand in to get one out i feel likes imgetting chill blanes its so warm in there when they are all together!

so all is good

anna xxxxx
omgosh i havn't posted on this blog sincedecember 10th! I've been rather busy with uni, they give you all theassignments from jan to easter, don't get a minute to do anything else!!
Anyway since december my bunnys have all grown a lot! Frekles has beenneutered and is now back living with ginger. I had no trouble at allputting them back together, it was like they had never been apart! Theywill both be a year old in about a months time, they are both veryhealthy and happy!
As for the babies i took them to be sexed at the vets at the beginning of january and i was told that...
Biggest brown one = Female
Baby freckles = Female
White one = male
Little brown one = male
Grey one = Male

So we split them accordingly BUT when i double checked them all a fewweeks ago, because obviously its easier to tell when they are a littleolder it turns out that the grey one and the little brown one are alsofemale which means the litter consisted of 4 females and 1 male and the1 male happens to be the little white bunny who was very very poorly,i'm not sure if that bares any significance??

I dont blame the vets for getting it wrong because it can be difficultto tell. The way they are split now is that the grey one and the whiteone live together (well will do once the white one has been neutered)and baby freckles and the two brown ones live together. But as you mayknow if you read my post in the main section of the forum i've beenhaving problems with those three and have decided to take out the bigbrown one as she appears to be bullying the other two.

And of course they all have names now!

White one is called Skye because of his blue eyes
Grey one is called misty (was origianally called Earl grey tea...when i thought she was a little boy)
Brown ones are called Toffee and Fudge
Baby Freckles is called munchkin but we call her munchie for short.

What do you think, good names??

I've got to decide what i'm gunna do with toffee (the brown one who wasbullying fudge and munchie) but i am definatly getting her spayed asap.

Skye is booked in to be neutered on wednesday and after his toughtstart in life with his illness he is still smaller than all the girlbut he is very healthy and happy and certainly enjoys his food! I havea huge soft spot for him because of what he went through, hes my baby!!

I have moved them all today to their summer positions. In the winterthey are up on the slaps near the house where it is more sheltered andi dont have to trek across the garden when its cold and wet and muddyto see them! They are now out in the sunshine (with shade provided ofcourse) hopping around quite happily!

I have a few pictures of them, but most of them are on my othercomputer so i'll have to post them up another time, but heres a littletaster for now!!



Ginger at the tp and freckles at the bottom. Looks really mucky there ifeel awful! Doesn't usually look like that we had had a spot of rainand it made verything mushy! I took these when i was cleaning them out!!

Misty, see how much she has grown!! and below is munchikin waiting for her food and a cuddle!!

Then theres toffee, the bully, but she is still lovely.below


Then this here is Skye who was the poorly baby. He was all white whenhe was little but as he is getting bigger he has got two grey spots onhis nose which you can just see and a fait greyey/brown stripe down hisback.
I havn't got a picture of fudge on here, but like a said i'll post morenext time i'm on my mail computer as i don't store much on my laptopi'm on now.

I have some bunny unrelated things to share as well if you don't mind, but they are pet related!

First thing i have got budgies in a aviary in the back garden who havehad baby budgies, which are very cute, ive got a little picture toshare...

we knew we had a male and a female budgie but never dreamed babieswould appear because i have read so many times and been told thatbudgies are really hard to breed and take a lot of work. well i didnothing because i didnt even know they were there and they areperfectly healthy little birds!

Second off me and my boyfriend got a dog in january! His name is Jackand hes a dashound/terrior cross, again i must share a picture becausei'm sure you will agree he is totally adorable!


and thats about it from the last few months! Sorry its been so long!

Anna xx
