Hi everyone, I am new to the rabbit world, but I have dealt with a lot of animals so I am an experienced keeper. I just got a new rabbit (his name is Rick Rabbit) and he has been happy and healthy since I have had him. I give him fresh greens (kale, bok choy, cilantro, turnip greens, romaine, etc) everyday, plus he has rabbit pellet food (Kaytee Rabbit Food) and he has fresh water everyday in a bowl and in a bottle. I also supply unlimited timothy hay. He has a very roomy cage and he gets to come out and spend bonding time with me everyday outside of the cage. He is most of the way litter trained now. But starting this morning, I noticed he didn't have much poop in his litter box which is unusual because I normally have to clean it out everyday. I did my usual care taking of him before going to work and when I got home this evening, there was one (1) pile of very wet poop on the floor of the cage which naturally worried me. I cleaned it up and checked on him and he was acting okay and was bunny napping. I made sure his pellets were fresh and then I cleaned out his litter pan and put clean litter in it since he had filled it with pee (which let me know he is peeing fine). I've seen him eat pellets, I gave him his favorite greens which is the bok choy and the cilantro and I have seen him drink water and eat lots of timothy hay, but I have not seen him poop his normal pebble poops since this morning!!! Just that one pile of wet poop (which hasn't happened anymore). I was giving him yogurt treats, but I threw those away when I did some research on them so needless to say he won't be getting those anymore. He has one little piece of apple this morning but no more than that. So to sum everything up, he is eating and drinking but no pebble poops yet thus far. I would have a better clue if he was refusing food and having more diarrhea but now he's normal and just not pooping. Please if anyone can give me any suggestions as to how to make him poop or what to do, it would be greatly appreciated. I love my Rick Rabbit and I want to see some poop by morning or sooner!