My adopted Rabbit gave birth!

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Sorry for posting here but I have a question for Aurora and her pics....what technical color is that "brown bun"? I have one the exact color and Im at a loss as to what to call it agouti? Thanks. :biggrin2:Again, Im sorry for butting.
whaleyk98 wrote:
Sorry for posting here but I have a question for Aurora and her pics....what technical color is that "brown bun"? I have one the exact color and Im at a loss as to what to call it agouti? Thanks. :biggrin2:Again, Im sorry for butting.
I believe Aurora's bunnies are Mini Rex, which would make the "brown" bunny a castor. If your bunny isn't a Rex/Mini Rex, though, then it probably would be an agouti. :)
The bunny in the top picture was a little foster that I had for about a week. He was found in a water pipe and had a really bad upper respiratory infection. Unfortunately, the little guy didn't make it, I was really sad because I was hand feeding him and he was doing so well. But he went down hill very fast.

So that little guy would have been an agouti.

The last picture was another litter of fosters. They where half angora and half rex. Two had rex fur, one had long fur, and the rest had normal fur. So I guess they where castors. I still have one of the little brown rexes, he's my big boy Zeke. I failed at fostering with him, I just couldn't let him go. We now have a very special bond.


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