'My' 4th Rabbit?

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Haha! I had a few tame wild rabbits around here, but they disapeared :(. That's so funny that he'll follow you around!

I know, I was lookign at his eyes too! They almost look like cats in a way :shock:
Here is another link on the White-tailed Jackrabbit...

And some pictures I posted in another thread...

This was in February 12/06.
Pet_Bunny Wrote:
Almost every morning I see them (Hares/Jackrabbits) in the field in front of our house.
One morning I counted 7 all together.
Last week my son said he saw some smaller ones surrounded by the adults.
They do turn white for the winter, but with the lack of snow, they are easy to spot.
But during the day we never see them (good hiding spots).
They are wondering, "What is that crazy guy running around flashing a camera in the dark?" :wiggle





I'll take my camera with me to work tomorrow and take some new pictures of the wild rabbits in our neighbourhood.
Rainbows! :bunnydance:
Here are some pictures I took this morning.

Sometimes I seealeast one every day.
Saw four of them today.
I just snapped the pictures from my car window.

These two were together. One seems quite fat.




Rainbows! :bunnydance:
The rest of the rabbits were by themselves.

This one was busy munching on clover.



He has two ears.... one wascame down, as I took the picture.


Big eyes. You can see they are still greyish and haven't turned brown yet.


Rainbows! :brownbunny
Maaybe!? Hmm.. Well you'll know soon if in a couple of weeks you'll see itsy bitsty buns hoppin around :D. Wouldn't that be cute.. I love baby buns :D
Wow Chester is a stunning rabbit,i have never seen a wild bunny that looks like him,the suburb where me and the kids deliver the paper there is a big reserve and there are heaps of little wild bunnies running around,we don't deliver until night just so we get to see them,but these bunnies are only little not sure what kind they are though they are not big like Chester,but we just love seeing them running so freely:)


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