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Sorry, not a French Lop breeder... but I do know about rabbit genetics! :)

You can pretty much rest assured that they'll be about Momma's size...BUT if any of these babies happen to get bred to any dwarf sizedrabbits, then you could have a mixture of sizes on your hands.

They are all mine, MINE I TELL YOU! lol, thanksi think they are cute but thats just because they are mine! They areall named there are 4 boys, Tiny (the runt, who didn't look good tostart with), Casey, Kenzie and Sonny and 2 girls, Mischief andSquiggles :)and i am actually keeping them all, naming bunsis my favourite bit about getting a new one i think is that just mebeing sad lol

Wow i posted my first pic actually on here i'm so proud! i know its thesame one but i can tell u who is who... Mainly white is squiggles, topone is Sonny (i think although mischief is all black too and the onlyway i can tell them apart is by the colour inside their ears but as oneis being naughty by not being in the pic it must be mischief missinglol), and the black and white ones, left is Casey, middleTiny and right Kenzie. And thanks sunniebunnierabbitry sorry if thatswrong for telling me about the size genetics thats very helpful :D

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