Mr. Bunny making goose noises :(

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Feb 22, 2012
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phoenix, Arizona, USA
I have had my rescued lop for about a 2 years now. He has always been a happy playful bunny. But last June we moved and ever scene then hes been grunting at us. When I mean grunting I mean he sounds like a goose. He will let us pet him and he acts like he still likes his back rubbed, but he is making goose noises the entire time. I know he is upset, and i would like him to be a happy bunny again.
Currently him and Lenny are being housed in separate cages outside. Lenny loves it but bunny is still grunting. (they are outside because its been really nice out.) So I don’t know how to make him happy again. Help?
Has he been fixed? We had a grunter who was hormonal as anything.

Some bunnies are also just more vocal. Qtip grunts when she can't get to her food fast enough, or if she wants extra snuggles and I'm not giving them to her.
both the boys are not fixed. it costs $100 each. he only started grunting after we moved. and he hides in the corner and grunts and gets louder and louder. i can tell he is upset. :(
$100 a piece really is a great price.

As for the noise, it's happy hormonal grunting. My unneutered back Ripley does this too~I end up calling him "Goosey" much of the time.
well he has reaffirmed that when he grunts he is really upset :( . I had him with me in the living room and every time i moved near him he would tense up and start goosing. and when i tried to pet him he got louder and tried to run from me. the only thing i can think of that he could be upset about is when we moved. we could not pick him up then, so he had to be shoved into a carrier to then put in a car. but that was last june. we have spent hours with him scene and he is still upset :(
Im not sure if you said this, but i'm unclear if they were housed inside or outside before you moved. If they were inside before and outside now then that could be the problem. He could be stressed from being outside. It doesnt seem like the wire cage offers a lot of places to hind from the world at night so maybe it just makes him so uncomfortable that its transfering into other areas of his interactions. Thats just a total guess though.

You also mentioned that you couldnt pick him up before. I assume you have to lift him to transport him from his cage to inside the house so maybe thats what he associates being touched with. Again, this is just a total guess.
moved in June and they stayed inside until November. he has been upset from the day we moved. and we can pick him up now but he may try to make a leap of faith is he is held firmly. the other rabbit we have made the move with us and is quite happy. i posted a vid on this thread and it shows their cages. he used to love to play and be with us, he would run in circles. but the day we moved and i have to force him in the carrier, and he hasn't done it. he just cowers, and i try to bring him out and pet him and give him treats but he just sits there making the goose sounds loudly.
Mine does this noise whenever anyone picks her up or touches her. she was getting a little better (binkies, running about, ect) but since I got her a bigger cage shes been like that. She also runs from me and did the death scream when I got close today. Hormones or is she a lost cause?
They both look and act like they are cage aggressive. Most likely having them neutered will take care of that, along with moving them into an area where they are surrounded by humans most of the time.