Moved Harper and he is FREAKING out!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
We discovered a fire ant infestation in the backmaster bedroom where Harper was staying. Even had some in his cage, butno bites on him. I moved him into my bedroom for a few days, along withmy other cage of two guinea pigs, so that we can spray the room downand kill the ants.

He is in his cage FREAKING OUT. Thumping so loud, he's about to thegive guinea pigs in the cage below him a heart attack. And he's runningtrack, thrashing everything in his cage, and slamming himself into thebars. Then he stops and thumps as hard and as loud as he can again andstarts all over. I'm scared he's going to hurt himself, and he doesn'twant to be held.

Anything I can do to make him chill out?? :dunno
Wow...poor boy...change is so hard on buns.

My only thoughts:

Maybe offer him a raisin or two, or piece of banana (some kind of treat he likes)?

Would letting him out for a few minutes so he can check out the room bean option? Maybe when he sees there isn't any danger, he'llbe able to relax.

If I think of anything else, I'll post it. :)

Let me know how things go, ok? Poor Harper...things like that are so rough...
I gave him nose rubs through the cage bars, andhe calmed down some. He's still hunched in a corner, thumping likecrazy. He's obviously not very happy with me right now. :?

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