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I just wanted to say that Clare came to meyesterday and said, "You are not going to put her back outside, areyou?" and I said "I don't think so" and she said, "I don't mind as longas she is good, like she has been". Yeah!

I think she probably got the hint when I cleaned out Clover's outdoor hutch and put it in the shed. :-D

Cocoa has a bit of growing up to do as he peed on the blanket on thecouch last night. Not a good move for him, but he is only 3 months andwill probably be better after his snip at 6 months.



Yeah Clover! Way to win mom over. Oh sheis just so so cute. She is such a doll. Cocoa is a cutie pie too. I betCocoa will do awesome after his nueter. I am so happy for you.

I love that you put the hutch away. Very ingenius lol. I am sothrilled for you and for Clover. Very sweet name by the way.

Adorable!! I'm hoping the neuter helpsmine in the litter dept...they are using it some, but not as much asI'd hoped!
p1rat3 wrote:
Amy, I was serious in the first few posts. Thenwhen you started talking about 11 house rabbits, I got a little bit offtrack. I did reallyfind it amazing that you have 11(soon 12 rabbits) though, as pets!

I also find it hard to read peoples emotions in e-mails orforums. It can get out of hand if someone is joking andsomeone else takes it too serious. You should try working inEngland (I am originally American). They are very dark withtheir humorand I read it wrong a few times and got in acouple of e-mail fights at work!!

Tina, I think I will do both. Create a website and post tothe forum with pictures. That gives me somewhere to post themfrom. Watch for the budding starlet's thread soon..;~)

(yes you can call me Jay :)

lol i have a great tip for this being totally english. if i thinksomeone may misunderstand what im saying i dont email i ring them, i'mforver gettin in trouble too, least that way they have nothing writtenagainst u hard copies!! :)

back to needing a hutch or a cage though...

Jack has a hutch and hetti has an indoor cage but they both have alarge room totally for them and they prefer hiding under the spare bedlol.

Indoor cages are easier to clean and any wee that would soak through awooden hutch u dont get that problem in a plastic cage.

The wooden hutch u need to spray down when u clean and the cornerssometimes leak but both jack and hetti seem to prefer the wooden hutchwhen they are not sleeping under the bed. I think this isbecause there is no where to hide in a cage but the hutch they can hidein as they seem to like the dark

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Adorable!! I'm hoping the neuter helps mine in thelitter dept...they are using it some, but not as much as I'd hoped!

we had jack neutered cos he started weeing on everyone. Itstops the wees but u still get the occasional pellets as its a way ofmarking the territory it can still take time for them to learn wherethe loo is and sometimes (like kids) they can get caughtshort. u should have seen jack when we first let him come outthe back room down the corridor to the front room and the way hebinkied his back legs to get back to his hutch in time - hilarious!

Potty training hetti was an amusing story.. we used to put newspaperdown in the small run we gave her to stop her weeing on the carpet gaveher a toilet in the hutch and out of it but she would only go on thenewspaper. Everytime i layed down a new bit and put some ofthe soiled in her loo she would go and wee on the fresh newpaper. inthe end i gave in and took away the newspaper and it stopped - shestarted going in her cage instead. Very odd bless her touchwood she's been good as gold since.