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Charlie girl is saying noooo,noooo i dont wanna go inside

I missed the baby! Those babies are probably thecutest things I've ever seen! Oh man, I sort of wish they stayed thatsmall.. Aww.. I want baby bunnies :(.. Joking lol.

Pet_Bunny anymore pictures of any bunnies? I love your photos...espicially of Pebbles! I love her!! I think she'd be agood friend formy bunny, Pepsi :D
Hehe thanks! :) He is completely blind soyeah its hard handling him sometimes, esp. when he gets scared. Thereare more pictures of him in my bunny blog:D

Spring wrote:
:shock:What a big bunny! So cute! I want a bigbunny :) Dont' you have a hard time handlimng them? One kick and I'dprobably be dead.. Lol! They're like miniature horses! :D