When I look over the local rabbit for sale ads, I see a lot of misidentified breeds and crosses advertised as purebreds. Shelters are the worst offenders. The biggest shelter for rabbits in my area advertises ALL shorthaired, medium sized, erect eared rabbits as "Americans". Americans are a rare breed and it's highly unlikely that any shelter's rabbits would all be of that breed. I also see broken coloured rabbits advertised as "rare English Spot" by both private sellers and shelters. Any rabbit with agouti colouring and weighing 5 lb or more is advertised as "Flemish Giant". And of course, ads selling "Netherland Dwarfs" that don't even resemble Netherlands are extremely common.
I even see plain dwarf-medium sized lops (probably Holland crosses) advertised as English Lops (large breed, very short hair, very long ears) and French lops (basically a giant breed, largest lop breed).
I see a lot of ads for lionheads, they're popular because they're cute and fuzzy as babies. Sadly, many end up in shelters because of their grooming requirements, or because fuzzball babies grow up to be "not quite so fuzzy" and of course they shed all over the place. My Zelda is a lionhead cross, so even though her hair is a lot shorter than a standard lionhead coat, it's a constant battle to keep ahead of her shedding, both by grooming and cleaning up the balls of shed fur.
One trend that makes me uncomfortable is the extreme miniaturization of certain breeds. In my area there are a couple of breeders who brag about their (grossly overpriced) "fancy" "teacup" Netherlands and lionheads. This can't be good for either breed. I've always been opposed to the whole "teacup" nonsense, it causes horrific birth defects and suffering for the poor animals created by greedy people who think of living things as wind-up toys.