This one has to do with bunnies
When I was in high school I worked at a pet store. They sold critters there, and there was a man who was interested in a rabbit. I had just finished my spiel when the bunny got loose from his grasp and jumped to the floor (he was already kneeling while holding the rabbit, so it wasn't a far drop - about 12-18 inches). I had been standing and when I saw the bun scramble free, I squatted down really fast. I heard this horrendous ripping noise and instantly knew what happened. I tore out the entire backside of my khaki pants (I had maneuvered down to the ground funny). I pretended like nothing happened and picked up the rabbit and gathered the items for the rabbit set-up. Luckily, our work shirts were very long and covered it. As we were leaving the small animal room, he leaned over and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" and winked. Being that he was an older gentleman, I just burst out laughing. We had a good laugh, then I had to go home and change (I walked to work, and it was Winter OF COURSE!).