Most embarrassing moment

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I was babysitting this reall cranky ten month old, I had the baby monitor in the room I was staying in, I heard a bang and crying so I went into her room she had hit her face on the bars of her cot and a big bruise was on her face, it seriously looked like I punched her! It was so embarassing explaining it to her mam, she was pretty understanding but I wasn't asked to babysit again :DOh well she's cranky anyway!
Oh I got another one, although it wasnt exactly me it was my friend. We went to this store and its got an "island" in the middle with all the other stuff at the sides so everybody can see you, no matter where you are (the island is tiny). Of course my friend being herself started making fun of stuff and pulled something off the shelf and was about to shout "hahahaa, look at this", I turned around and EVERYTHING fell off the shelf or was at least tipped over, I couldnt help but laugh and everybody laughed with me. All the guys were laughing and I guess it just got too embarrasing and she stomped out and walked home - havnt spoke to her since actually lol :p I would have died there and then if that happened to me!
My most embarrassing moment has nothing to do with kids but hey...

So me and my friend decide to go on a bike ride. I was too lazy to get dressed properly so I'm wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms which are really big and baggy for me. We are cycling along this very busy but very country road, which has no paths and has forest on either side. Where the road meets the edge of the forest the tarmac just kinda ends and there is a little ditch a few centimetres deep. Enough to not be a problem but you still kinda have to avoid it because if your bike wheel gets caught in it you will end up falling off...

So we are cycling along and I'm in front. Of all a sudden I get a fly in my eye. I try to brush it out and as I do I lose the handlebars and veer off into the ditch. The bike falls over, the handlebars twist and get caught in the waistband of my trousers. The bike falls to the ground pulling down my trousers AND my underpants. I'm standing there on the side of the road, my underwear tangled in the bike and just at that moment about 10 cars decide to all pass me at the same time...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
My most embarrassing moment has nothing to do with kids but hey...

So me and my friend decide to go on a bike ride. I was too lazy to get dressed properly so I'm wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms which are really big and baggy for me. We are cycling along this very busy but very country road, which has no paths and has forest on either side. Where the road meets the edge of the forest the tarmac just kinda ends and there is a little ditch a few centimetres deep. Enough to not be a problem but you still kinda have to avoid it because if your bike wheel gets caught in it you will end up falling off...

So we are cycling along and I'm in front. Of all a sudden I get a fly in my eye. I try to brush it out and as I do I lose the handlebars and veer off into the ditch. The bike falls over, the handlebars twist and get caught in the waistband of my trousers. The bike falls to the ground pulling down my trousers AND my underpants. I'm standing there on the side of the road, my underwear tangled in the bike and just at that moment about 10 cars decide to all pass me at the same time...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
This is so funny.
I feel i should be able to come up with loads of more embarrassing moments (having the kids and all) but I seem to have blanked them all from my memory. Some to horrific to remember:(
This one has to do with bunnies :)

When I was in high school I worked at a pet store. They sold critters there, and there was a man who was interested in a rabbit. I had just finished my spiel when the bunny got loose from his grasp and jumped to the floor (he was already kneeling while holding the rabbit, so it wasn't a far drop - about 12-18 inches). I had been standing and when I saw the bun scramble free, I squatted down really fast. I heard this horrendous ripping noise and instantly knew what happened. I tore out the entire backside of my khaki pants (I had maneuvered down to the ground funny). I pretended like nothing happened and picked up the rabbit and gathered the items for the rabbit set-up. Luckily, our work shirts were very long and covered it. As we were leaving the small animal room, he leaned over and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" and winked. Being that he was an older gentleman, I just burst out laughing. We had a good laugh, then I had to go home and change (I walked to work, and it was Winter OF COURSE!).
kherrmann3 wrote:
This one has to do with bunnies :)

When I was in high school I worked at a pet store. They sold critters there, and there was a man who was interested in a rabbit. I had just finished my spiel when the bunny got loose from his grasp and jumped to the floor (he was already kneeling while holding the rabbit, so it wasn't a far drop - about 12-18 inches). I had been standing and when I saw the bun scramble free, I squatted down really fast. I heard this horrendous ripping noise and instantly knew what happened. I tore out the entire backside of my khaki pants (I had maneuvered down to the ground funny). I pretended like nothing happened and picked up the rabbit and gathered the items for the rabbit set-up. Luckily, our work shirts were very long and covered it. As we were leaving the small animal room, he leaned over and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" and winked. Being that he was an older gentleman, I just burst out laughing. We had a good laugh, then I had to go home and change (I walked to work, and it was Winter OF COURSE!).
Oh my !
Well, there was the time I walked out ofa public restroom with the back of my skirt caught in the waistband of my pantyhose. I knew there was a good reason I don't wear skirts anymore!
slavetoabunny wrote:
Well, there was the time I walked out ofa public restroom with the back of my skirt caught in the waistband of my pantyhose. I knew there was a good reason I don't wear skirts anymore!

i did that one time at church, only it was the bottom of my undies. it was a knee lenght skirt and i walked through the whole church building before i realized! lucky for me the only guys there are either 5, 11,14 or 15, onlythree of them were there(5 and 14) and theirall like brothers(and didn't see, i'm hopping!). it was awful! oh, and one time when i was maybe 9 me and my friend were goofing around and we fell down and my dress came up and her brother(my crush at the time)was standing right there! he said nothing and looked at the ceilling, but still.........! and another time my then 8 year old sister screamed for everyone at the store to hear "step right up and kiss my sister!" :shock::X

and then of course there's checking my blood sugar in public, that's a weekly embarrassment, esp. when the people stare! i was in a pediatricians office a few months ago and we checked my BS and this teenager and her mom(when do people grow up and stop, i wonder?)sat there and stared!

those are some of my worst:)
Yours reminds me of some things that were embarrassing to me around guys I like. One time we were at camp and my best buddy was a guy and we were always competing and goofing off. As we were racing to get in line I slipped on some wet grass and really hurt my elbow. But of course my friend laughed so I didn't want to act like I was hurt. Of course, considering I could barely move it it didn't take long for him to figure out I was hurt and so he walked me to the nurse.

Another time I was riding a bike and there was a ramp and a guy friend was like "Ha, you can't do that!" So of course I did. Then when I tried to do it again I went head over heals off my bike. Ow.
I have one involving a bike! :D My cousin (kind of, we're not related, but he is related to my half sisters) and I were bike riding while camping up in Door County, Wisconsin. We were riding along the road and we saw a nice whitetail buck. We took off full speed on our bikes after it (I don't even know why) and a stick got jammed in the front tire of my mountain bike. I remember feeling the bike lurch forward, then I was on the ground and the bike flew ahead of me. I thought I broke my face. It hurt so bad. I dusted myself off and went to move the hair out of my face, and I realized that I was "missing" a finger. It was right-angled. I turned around (still in the middle of the road) and there were a TON of cars behind me and a bunch of guys on motorcycles. I wished I could have just crawled in a hole and died. I got back on my bike and rode back to the camp site. That was fun :grumpy:
You'd think so! lol I never felt it. The road-rash on my chin hurt and heels of my hands hurt worse! It didn't hurt either time I've broken my finger(s)!
LadyBug wrote:
and then of course there's checking my blood sugar in public, that's a weekly embarrassment, esp. when the people stare! i was in a pediatricians office a few months ago and we checked my BS and this teenager and her mom(when do people grow up and stop, i wonder?)sat there and stared!

Oh I know how you feel on that one, my best friend has diabetes and has to check her blood sugar several times a day and before each meal. So if we are in a restaurant booth, she will check it in the booth quickly and once a woman with children stared and said loudly 'what nerve for people to be using drugs in public and especially in front of children.' My friend was very embarrassed and I couldn't believe this woman's ignorance. No one asks people to look, eh? I think most of the time they do know what you are doing and are interested in how it works. Often people will ask my friend when they see her poke her finger 'but doesn't that hurt so much every time?' and she just smiles and tells them that it in fact doesn't anymore, lol.

My earliest embarrassing moment was when I was 5 years old, it still stings hah. I had the habit of rolling up my pant legs which REALLY bugged my mom. She would say 'pull your pant legs down'. SO anyway I was at the playground with all my local relatives and classmates when she yells 'pull your pants down! PULL THEM DOWN RIGHT NOW!' I was so confused that I pulled my pants down (more then just the legs) in front of everyone! But my mom is getting payback now that she is starting to have 'senior moments' haha. I am sure she will embarass me many more times though!

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