Ugh, so sorry, been meaning to respond to this.
You can't see molar spurs with a visual exam, especially with the far back set of teeth.
They told me Pipp didn't have spurs,she wasn't presenting with the usual symptoms like drooling,odd mouth movements, etc. She would, however, pick up a piece of food and take a bite and drop it and hop away.
She'd ALWAYS eat oats and banana, though, and usually pellets. She just stopped eating veggies. (She never did eat hay, which is probably why she had the spurs).
When she started eating fewer pellets, I insisted on xrays, and voila. Spurs.
She first got them when she was about a year and a half I think. They came back six months later, then started coming back every six weeks.
I started giving her a huge variety of veggies -- hard ones like kale, and stemmy ones like carrot tops.. as many different textures as I could muster. I also started with three different kinds of pellets, including the hardest ones I could find, and tried to get her to eat grass (although she'd always go for the seeds, not the blades).
She also got a few sunflower seeds, a littleflax,whateverI thought took a good andvaried amount of chewing. (She also got three different kinds of hay, although never did eat more than a strand or two).
It did work. The spurs seemed to be delayed. She totally stopped eating once right before a long weekend, the vet couldn't do surgery, but I got some Metacam, and that started her eating again. And amazingly enough, she kept eating. The spurs must have broken off. (I've managed to do that three times now I think).
This last time I tried it again, but it didn't work. I opted for Metacam instead of a vet appointment, but I had to syringe feed her all weekend, she never started eating on her own. When she had the surgery, turned out she had a pretty bad lession on her tongue.
I wouldn't worry too much about taking Morgan back unlesshehasmore of an appetite loss, but if that happens, don't leave without a dentalxray. You may also want to check and see if your vet has a dental xray machine and if they use a sedative (mine uses Domitor) as opposed toan anesthetic for the procedure. That's safer and less intrusive.
Hope this helps!
sas :bunnydance: