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The good thing, Raspberry, is that marriage is apartnership. When one is down, the other takes up themantle. Love makes sacrifices easy to make andbear. I thank God for you that you have a husband that iswilling to step up to the plate and provide for his family.So many women are married to "hot house plants" who find hard work toomuch for their delicate sensibilities. :X

Believe it or not, I've found that it's the hard times that strengthena marriage that is built on a solid foundation. It just makesyou love and appreciate each other all the more.

May I make just one little suggestion (and you're probably alreadydoing this)? To help ease his load as he's easing yours, justmake your home a safe harbor for him. When he gets home,greet him at the door with a smile and a kind word. Have ahot dinner waiting for him. Inquire about his day.Many women frown on this as a hold-back from the 50's, but I've alwayssaid, "If you didn't love the man, why did you marry him?"And if you have a good man, he definitely deserves this type oftreatment.

I'm really going to be keeping up with you about this. Wishing you both all the best.
You are so kind.:)I don't think of that as old fashioned at all. That's howI've built my family. Though I'm surprised at how many of my children'sfriends families don't live that way. I'm already trying to remembersome of his little nightly chores, it's a little difficult, he's beendoing them for 12 years! Thank you again. My Mom haspassedand I needed words of wisdom and supporttonight.


Good luck with that Raspberry, It may be hard, but at least he is a responsible loving man who wants to provide for his family.

I start my new job next week... and unfortunatly I work second shiftwhile my fiance works first. And I have to work weekends andholidays. I am just glad I decided to move in with him so atleast I get to snuggle with him at night. Its going to behard to be only seeing him one day a week, but we are in a tight spotwith money these days as well.

The saying Love Conquers all is true. I am sure once everyoneis on their feet this will all be a memory. But you have allof our support, even mine although I dont have as muchexperience. If the second job still bothers you, it neverhurts to lay down all the cards on the table and have a good olddiscussion about it. dont keep it pent up

::hugs:: Just cuddle Sebastian and his little girl when you start getting down... that and chatting to us bunny nuts =)

Melissa, Guinevere and Gir
Bunny Mommy and Raspberry - your outlook on lifeand marriage is wonderful - a shame more aren't like thattoday. John and I used to work opposite shifts, and rarelysee each other. We used to leave notes on a board in the kitchen. Inthe end I changed jobs and got something with more regular hours. Ihope your husband doesn't have to do this extra job for too long, andthat things can get back to normal for you soon- Jan
Oh, Luvabun! How sweet!!!! I love the notes idea.

Yes, I firmly believe that if you loved a man enough to marry him thatyou should love him enough to continue to take care of him and let himknow that you love, respect, and appreciate him. So manywives want the husband to sacrifice and do everything for them, butthey don't want to extend themselves to the husband. Beingfair to one another works two ways. :)

I, too, am happy to read that there are others who feel the same way that I do.
Dearest Raspberry Swirl,

I just read this post.?

BunnyMommy was so right in how she said that when one partner?is down,the other picks up the slack.? You will have?an opportunity tocontribute more as you and your doctors get a better handle on the?WestNile Virus.??

You have to remember that you do support your husband aswell,?emotionally and physically; besides that, You're the Love of?hisLife and he?couldn't ask for a better mom to his children.? Youropportunity to help financially will come.??In the meantime, you canonly do the best you can with what you have.?

Keep your watchful eye on him.?? If he can't handle it or it'supsetting everyone too much,?he can make an adjustment.?? One can loadup a donkey as much as they want, but when the load gets too heavy, thedonkey will sit down and not budge.? Same goes with people.? Thank Godhe has you to watch over his health, well being, and his children. He'sin good hands.

I'm sorry you have to be apart at this time.? ? I think that's thehardest part and there's nothing to be ashamed of for wanting to bewith your husband.? God Bless You for it.? So many don't appreciatewhat they have.??

I'll pray that God helps you with this sooner rather than later.? Remember the?Serenity Prayer.?

You know how to reach me if you need to talk.? I'm always here for you, day or night.?

Much Love,

Carolyn, you are so wise. You always know just the right thing to say.

It really brings tears to my eyes.

Dearest BunnyMommy,

I was thinking the same thing about you.

Raspberry, a "good" man recognizes a "good"woman, when he has one. I suspect that is why he is able totake on the awesome burdens he has chosen to take on. I thinkhe knows full well what he is doing and I know you will do your levelbest to ease his cares in any way that you can.

You know, this is one of those times that we anticipate, or should,when we took those vows to love one another, " sicknessand in health, and for better or for worse." Your husband isman enough to step up to the plate and live up to thosewords.

It is hard sometimes, to let others love you when you believe you arethe reason for their discomfort or overwork. I know, becauseof all that my wife has done for me during recent bouts withillness. Let yourself be loved and do be appreciative for hisgenerosity, as I know you will be.

You, your concept of family. and your values regarding so many thingsare a breath of fresh air to an old codger such as myself. Itis reassuring to know that people like you, and your husband, are stillout there in this day and age.

My prayers go out to you and yours, that all may have the strength todeal with what has been placed on your plate at this time.What goes around, comes around, and someday you will be repaid inkindness for all that you have done for others and each other.

God bless!

I've been readingyour posts all day. I've been so touched that I didn't even know whatto say. And you guys know that for me to be at a loss for words is abig deal! My burden feels so heavy right now. I'll try not to drag on,but part of my worries are that my husband is a serious diabetic. I amaccustomed to watching out for and caring for him. Since he has beenself employed all these years, I just dropped everything and wentwherever he was when he had an insulin reaction or when I needed tocare for him. Sometimes it's so bad he can't even tell me where he iswhen he calls. It's so hard for me to let go of "being there." I'm soscared about him being around people that don't know how to take careof him and about him driving home at 2:00a.m. - When I add all that toworrying about him working all day, then working all night, missing himand our family life changing....I just feel sorry for myself....isn'tthat pathetic?

You guys are the best. I wish you allwere right here in my little town. I wish we could all sit around onthe porch and talk the evening away....Thanks for being such goodbuds!

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Mr. Sebastian wanted someattention when I was on the computer today. I believe the fact that thebag of craisins were on my desk helped matters out a little bit! I havea recliner next to my computer desk and he has recently discovered thathe can get really close to me if he hops up on to the recliner. Hetried begging first, it was pretty cute!






How does your Sebasatian,(I hoped I spelled itright.)poseso good for pictures,he sits long enough forpictures.It looks like he likes his picture taken.My Pepper doesn't sitstilllong enough for anything,everytime we put him on oursofa he jumps right down on the floor and away he goes running around.
He probably thinksmy camera is just another part of my body! :? I don't know.I've been taking pictures since he was a baby. I take pictures ofeverything, it's really quite pathetic. Since I have a digital I cantake dozens and keep the good ones. But he so much enjoys being aroundthe family he just hangs out and doesn't seem to mind it at all!

That's more picture and I'm on the next plane to Kansas!

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