Well-Known Member
The good thing, Raspberry, is that marriage is apartnership. When one is down, the other takes up themantle. Love makes sacrifices easy to make andbear. I thank God for you that you have a husband that iswilling to step up to the plate and provide for his family.So many women are married to "hot house plants" who find hard work toomuch for their delicate sensibilities. :X
Believe it or not, I've found that it's the hard times that strengthena marriage that is built on a solid foundation. It just makesyou love and appreciate each other all the more.
May I make just one little suggestion (and you're probably alreadydoing this)? To help ease his load as he's easing yours, justmake your home a safe harbor for him. When he gets home,greet him at the door with a smile and a kind word. Have ahot dinner waiting for him. Inquire about his day.Many women frown on this as a hold-back from the 50's, but I've alwayssaid, "If you didn't love the man, why did you marry him?"And if you have a good man, he definitely deserves this type oftreatment.
I'm really going to be keeping up with you about this. Wishing you both all the best.
Believe it or not, I've found that it's the hard times that strengthena marriage that is built on a solid foundation. It just makesyou love and appreciate each other all the more.
May I make just one little suggestion (and you're probably alreadydoing this)? To help ease his load as he's easing yours, justmake your home a safe harbor for him. When he gets home,greet him at the door with a smile and a kind word. Have ahot dinner waiting for him. Inquire about his day.Many women frown on this as a hold-back from the 50's, but I've alwayssaid, "If you didn't love the man, why did you marry him?"And if you have a good man, he definitely deserves this type oftreatment.
I'm really going to be keeping up with you about this. Wishing you both all the best.