Moment of Silence Today

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His Journey's Just Begun

Don't think of him as gone away,

His journey's just begun.

Life holds so many facets,

This Earth is only one.

Just think of him as resting,

From the sorrow and the tears,

In a place of warmth and comfort,

Where there are no days, no years.

And think of how he must be wishing,

That we could know today,

How nothing but our sorrow,

Can really pass away.

And think of him as living,

In the hearts of those he touched,

For nothing loved is ever lost,

And he was loved so much.

- Author Unknown
I'm wondering if we should have another momentof silence and then a big chat tomorrow morning at 11:00 EST.That's the time of the memorial service and Carolyn said it's supposedto be followed by a party (I think a chat is the closest we couldcome), that's what Buck wanted. We could share Buck memories.

There will be an announcement made today at theServices about what happened on this forum at 3:00 yesterday.I'm certain that nothing like this has ever happened on any otherforum. At least, not to my knowledge or anyone else I'vespoken to. From the avatars, to the poems, to the Moment ofSilence, to the gathering of all of his advice - it just isoverwhelming how incredible you are.

Once again, Buck breaks new ground.

Much Love,


I just read this thread.

Oh, Man... :tears2:

I don't know what to say.


I'm glad you PMed him, Jim. When I signed onto the forum from hiscomputer, it went automatically into his login, I saw he had 1 unreadmessage. I smiled and thought, how sad. I hope that person knows thathe can't get back to him. And left it to logout and login under my name.

Amy and Jen, I was choking back tears and stunned at the signing of everyone's thoughts...then I got to your poems.

I haven't been able to read poems, but I did read those tonight andit's exactly what I needed to hear.

Thank you somuch,Everyone. Godand Buck HAD to have heard and felt that force beaming up to them.

Buck always believed and said it often, "What goes around, comes around." You will get your just rewards.

God Bless You.

?God Bless You, Carl Lewis

*Bump* for Bobalop.


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