Molar Spurs

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Thats ok. I would never of e-mailed you if i'd known what you are going through. At least he's eationg a little bit.
Hope he will still keep improving and sending Dusk hugs and licks from our crew :D
Thanks for asking :)

Dusk is now FINALLY back to normal. He ate his pellets by himself, and so I moved him back outside to get him back into his regular routine which helped even more. Once he has been settled for a few days I'm going to carry on with the bonding between him and Candyfloss.

I must say though, there is nothing like nursing a bunny to get you close to them. Dusk has always been a bit elusive to me because he's an outsider, but with him being inside and me spending so much time with him I feel so attached to him, and apparently he to me because he has developed a lovely little habit of needing a snuggle and going to sleep on me.

I've never had a bun act so low after a dental before, hopefully he won't have to have another one for a long time.

Thanks for the replies guys, especially you Jen for asking regularly :)
Hey, it's no problem, I was worried! :)

Hooray, I'm so glad he's back to normal now!

And his new habit of cuddling with you sounds so cute- it's great to have cuddly bunnies :D
I'm glad that he's better ; The only time I had differences in dentals with Beau was when another vet did it instead of the regular one.
the bad thing is that you will worry about the next one ;;

but for now I'm glad that he's back to normal
