Molar spurs!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Scotland, , United Kingdom
Hi guys , so my bun Alfie went in today to get his molar spurs done. We couldn't get them checked prior to actually anaesthetising him cause he is very stressy and last time it took me 3 weeks to get him eating after going for an injection!

So anyway the vet said these were the worse molar spurs they have ever seen!! and they were growing the oppisite way to what they normally do. They actually cut one off and kept it for us as it was that long I will post pics when i get it cause Bruce left it in his van and his friends got it!!

They don't know if its enviromental or genetic so i will keep an eye on the other buns from that breeder but 1 of them i got from him is 2 1/2 now and she is absolutely fine. Alfie has never been a really great hay eater and i know that won't help him.

He is fine and perky but i haven't seen him poop yet he had a nibble at a couple of yogurt drops so cross your fingers that he starts eating pretty quick!

I will post the pics as soon as i get the spur back
Hi Polly,

Molar spurs are always a challenge. Noah has them...her jaw was broken when she was hit by a car. If your vets didn't offer pain meds, I would give them a call and insist on them. In this case, metacam would probably work well. We have found they tend to be a little sore since the mouth is so small and the analgesic helps get them back eating quicker. Most likely, either a pellet slurry or greens will be the first thing to be eaten.

Is Alfie a dwarf? They seem to be more prone to molar spurs.

Definitely ask for pain meds if they didnt give them to you already. I would also try switching up his hay- try mixing different kinds or making it fun for him to eat (like stuffing it in paper towel rolls).

Hope he's well soon!
They gave him a pian injection before they let us take him home and we have metacalm in the house so i will give it if he is bad he is fine at the mo.

We have :litterfew:not many but a few he has eaten half a biscuit and drunk some water seems pretty happy at the moment but quite sleepy.

He is sitting watching Ugly Betty at the mo!!

Haley i will totally try different hays i did get some to tempt him but he must have been to sore, and i do the toilet roll thing.

I will keep you updated and try to get a pic tomorrow of the spur they cut off (thought it might be quite interesting for people to see!)
Haley wrote:
Is Alfie a dwarf? They seem to be more prone to molar spurs.
Most of the tooth problems we see are with those darn dwarfs. Usually not the "false dwarfs"- I'm talking the two-pound Hotots, NDs, and those LOPS. It's apparently because of the shortened nose.

The worst are the Holland Lops. I know a breeder who had to completely discontinue a fantastic show line because of those genetic problems. Fuzzy Lops, too, but Holland Lops are the worst, in my experience.

Back to underailing the thread, I hope that Alfie comes out of this okay. Most do well, and you seem to be doing everything you can.
I'm not understand in which direction they were going :pI feel dumb. Lol

Anyway, I really hope he gets better soon. I am glad he is eating and drinking though, that's a good sign. Can't believe he was so stressed for 3 weeks! :shock:Sheesh poor thing :?

Ivory, what is a "false" dwarf?
Miss Binky a false dwarf is a rabbit that petshops ca;ll dwarf but they aren't really.

Ivory he is a true netherland dwarf.

Oh the spurs grow bottom in towards the tongue and top teeth out into the gum but Alfies were supposedly growing the oppisite way. the spur we got home is 17mm long or 3/4 " not nice in a little dwarf mouth:(
I broke off a tooth the other day (actually a filling came out) and it's really rough...... I feel so sorry for bunnies who have that problem.... I have been in pain from the constant rubbing on my tongue.
here are the pics of the spur they gave back to us! i tried to get it beside a ruler hope you can make it out!



No wonder he wasn't happy! you can see the point on it!
Wow! Dallas has no teeth! The breeder he comes from wont admit he has a problem that we know of there are 7 rabbits from him that had to have there teeth removed.

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