Mocha might be blind or getting blind in one eye

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
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Mostly, I think I just want to hear informationfrom you guys to compare with what the doctor will say when I go(because if I haven't said it already, there aren't any good rabbitvets here). There's a cloud of brown color at the back of her right eyeand the pupils are not aligned when I'm looking from in front of herface. I suspect she's been this way since I got her but I cannot besure. I hate to think it was something I did that caused this becauseI've always been very gentle with her. She was too small and hesitantto touch when she was new to me so I could not be thorough in checking.She also used to bite. Heh.

What could it be? If she really is losing her sight, I suppose thiswould explain her going around her cage once or twice before realizingshe's missing the door. I thought it was an excess in energy she had toshake off (as she gets really REALLY excited during feeding) beforesettling. My heart is breaking. She's so tiny and fragile.
IF she is, what typical meds would be prescribed? How oftenadministered? What can I do? Will it be stopped or will it getprogressively worse? What will happen if she loses her sight? Will shebe able to interact and run around normally?

Again, still seeing the vet. I just need points of comparison to judge whether I'm getting the right treatment, if ever. Thanks!
I had a dutch girl many years ago who had an eyewith a milky white bunch of blobs growing in the back - is that similarto your rabbit? It's hard to explain what it looks like though. I tookher to the vets and he had no idea what it was but she was blind inthat eye. Happily she went on like normal and never had any accidentsbecause of it and didn't seem to be in any pain - however - she was anoutdoor rabbit and didn't have a complicated hutch or anything. I'd saythat as long as there doesn't seem to be any indication of pain and sheisn't smashing into walls constantly she'll still be a happy bun ;). Isit one eye or both do you think?

Good luck with your bunny :pinkpansy:
This link has a lot of good articles on eye problems and their treatments:

I don't know a whole lot about them so I can't really say what it couldbe. It might be one of several types of cornea problems, orsomething else entirely.

Although I do know that blind rabbits can live long, happylives. You probably shouldn't move things around to much orshe'll get lost, but rabbits are very good at memorizing where thingsare and can still navigate really well without eyesight once they learnwhere everything is.
my Lulu girl was diagnosed as being blind lastyear,it broke my heart to pieces because she was my smallest bunny,sheis a minilop and she is my baby.

Before i found out she was blind she started to act strange,she wasjust not herself,when i call my bunnies they always come running to mebut Lulu would run in all directions looking for me,she could hear mebut she couldnt see me,i noticed she was also starting to bump intowalls,this was not Lulu,so i took her to the vet who checked her eyesand he gave me the horrible news,my Lulu was blind she would never seeme again:(,the vet also gave her a diabetes test to see if that was thecause,but it came back clear thank god,i went home and cried for mylittle girl.

It had taken her a while to get used to the different way of living,buti soon learned that she did pretty well for a blind bunny,i keepeverything the same way for her so she knows where everything is,ifsomething is moved she gets confused.

When she hears my voice she will make this crying sound like a babybunny looking for its mummy,sometimes she will stand on her hind legsand try to look around but she just cannot see anything,sweet girl.Sheis a good girl and has adjusted to a new way of living,as long as ikeep everything the same way for her.

there is no medication for blindness,the best medication is a lot oflove that you can give your bunny,your bunny will also in time prove toyou that she is still the same bunny that can do the same things,itwill be more harder on you than it will on her,believe me they do sowell even when blind,if you have another bunny that other bunny can bethe blind bunnies eyes.My Lulu is completely blind in both eyes:(

This is a picture of Lulu,you can see the white in her eye





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