Mixing pellet brands

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Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2009
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Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I've noticed that since I've switched Gus back to Martin's Adult Timothy pellets he is STARVING all the time. He's not really. He's not even close to being skinny!:p

But he's always begging for food, getting underfoot when the fridge or pantry door is open,even maulingthe kids (or hubby!) when they're on the couch witha snack.

He wasn't like this on Kaytee's timothy pellet! :shock:

The reason I switched him back is because Martin's costs less and is extruded (which I like for his teeth).

So I was thinking of buying a bag of Kaytee and mixing the two (probably 3/4 Martin's and 1/4 Kaytee) and seeing if that helps with his starvation issues.

What do you think? Is this a good idea or a bad idea?


I do it all the time. Martins, Oxbow, Zupreem, sometimes I add a fewalfalfa pellets. Bebe will pick out her favorite first, but in the end she will eat the rest.
I started mixing pellets so Bebe will have a variety of different pellets, and I wouldn't get stuck when the store ran out of a certain brand. Also I wouldn't have to slowly introduce a different brand if I had to switch over.
Yep, if your happy with both brands then no harm to mix them. With a 'I'm starving mum, haven't eaten for weeks' bun, you might find some more high volumne low calorie better though - fresh grass makes a good cheap tasty treat and once you've introduced it gradually they can have handfuls of the stuff :)
[align=center]Sabriel used to be like that ON Kaytee's timothy pellets XD
But we switched to Manna Pro cause it's cheap and I heard it does wonders for their fur and BOY! ALL of my rabbits LOVE it!
I'm bad and I just give pellets whenever. They practically get unlimited. But none of my rabbits are obese, or anything close. XD
I don't see a problem with mixing pellets =)
I mix pellets and it has always worked out for me. My local feed store recently had Mazuri timothy pellets on sale for $5 for a 5lbs bag. So, I picked up 4 bags along with my usual 14lbs of Purina Fibre 3. Sometimes I'll mix Oxbow into there, if I see a bag on sale. Luckily my rabbits do fine with a switch in pellets....I've never had to slowly switch.
Yep nothing wrong with it, long as your not mixing in another animals pellts in there.... i get so upset when i see people feeding bird feed to rabbits @_@

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