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Just adding these pictures of my cat because I think they're funny (and also because I want to test out my new avatar.:D)

Tokyo is trying to fit in with the bunnies, he likes to go up in their cage and eat their hay.:craziness Maybe he thinks I'll pay more attention to him if I think he's a bunny,hehehe.

"Mom, there's a cat in my cage!"



That picture of Tokyo and Apollo is too cute! I'm surprised she's so calm about it. My cats like to go into Ookpiks cage too, but Ookpik does not approve. lol
Thanks guys.:biggrin2: They are pretty tolerant of the kitty, there's just the occasional lunge/grunt from one of the buns when he forgets his manners..he is learning though.
About their cage..they keep it pretty clean, it's under the bed where the biggest mess is.:?
new Sophollo piccies! :p

Hi! you haz treat?

No oats in this box...why?


I iz a stuffy



Exhausted bunnehs are exhausted

^This is my firstEVER Sophie dbf picture!:biggrin2:

I finished making the bunnies' halloween costumes last night, I'm happy with how they turned out.:weee:I think I'll do a photo shoot of them in their costumes today, and maybe post one in the haunted bunny contest thread.:)

Awww! I looove their Halloweeny pictures! Your ladies are sooo adorable.

p.s....I hate that RO sometimes doesn't send me email notifications of new posts in the BEST threads...ahem...your thread, lol, because I miss out on all the cuteness!
:shock:I want!
I was too busy looking to read where you said that! Sorry. I just found it.

I think Apollo is just as cute as anything! and you making Sophie the bumble bee was perfect with her furry little self!
How do I manage to miss so many great blogs?! I love all the new pics.

This girl looks like Lucy's twin. Shes adorable (and probably not as mean ;)):


Your babies are just precious. Im so jealous of your halloween costumes. Next year you should offer to make costumes for bunnies- you could make some money, Id buy!

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