Miranda And Her Babies

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I swear those buns just get cuter by the day! :bunnyheart

The dark one looks so much like my Mocha- I want him so badly! But she'd kick the living snot out of him!:(
Did you decide in names for the black one yet?

They are so cute!
Cute cute cute!!!

I love your babies!! Mama is so beautiful, too!!:) I just love her mottled color! And her babiesare so sweet! :)

Aww...I'm in love...with yer foster bunnies...:)
The babies will be 7 weeks old tomorrow.



Does this bowl make my butt look big?


I'd thought the little black one could be "Madmartegan" , so "Maddie"if a girl or "Marty" if a boy. But just today, the name "Darcy" seemedto fit. Oh well, if I can't settle on a name, I'll just have to keepthe sweetie until I can. (Hmmm...)

Look how big they are!


After a scary episode of nest building, Miranda is back to being a good Mama Bunny.



Sometimes my camera just isn't fast enough.


Aww those babies are gorgeous!,but boy do babybunnies grow up fast,it's good to hear that Miranda is being a goodbunny mum again:)

i love the colour of Mocha,what a pretty little bunny:)



Some updated pix- (before the separation by gender)

Family togetherness

Snuggle Time



Madmartegan and Miranda (Talk about a snuggle bug !!)

Gossip Time

Miss Mocha



Here's a last family group photo before the separation. Mocha looks like she's doing sunrise salutations.


Here's the most miserable boy on earth (after the separation). If youlook closely, you'll see silver sprinkles in his fur. Madmartegan stillhasn't decided what color his fur will be.


Here's his new friend.


Mocha and her toys


(With the help of the HRS's local chapter's president) Miranda andMadmartegan have an appointment next Monday for their spay and neuter.I'm absolutely petrified !

Any advice for post op care?

You know, we haven't had an update for ages. :waiting:

How's everything going? Do you still have them or did they go back to the shelter to get adopted?
Miranda has been spayed and Madmartegan has beenneutered. They both had minor complications with their surgeries, butare fine now. ( Skin nicks which split and caused larger than plannedincisions.)

Madmartegan and Mocha are now 4 months old. I've lost my baby bunnies- they've been replaced by teenagers!

Madmartegan ( His fur has been changing colors- He has a kind of grey skull cap in these pictures)


Cilantro is his absolute favorite.


Mocha ( Look at that dainty nose!)



Miranda and Mocha ( Mocha's almost as big as her mom!)


They were working on a project , yesterday. I had left the newspaper just a little too close to their cage.






My little family is still in limbo. Technically, Miranda andMadmartegan could go on the adoptables list, but Mocha is still waitingfor her spay. Is 4 months too young?

Of course, the real question is are they really fosters? Sometimes, theonly thing I know for certain is that they won't be going back to theshelter. Either they will be listed for adoption with the HRS(with me as the foster home until they are adopted), or this will betheir home.

What sweeties! I've really missed seeing them (and you)!

Mocha is almost old enough to spay, and she could be done if the vetwas okay with it. My Mocha was spayed when she was 4.5 weeksold and she weighed just under 2 lbs.

Are you thinking of keeping them then? I know you weren'tsure if you wanted to keep them or let them get adopted and take onmore fosters. Either way you're helping needy bunnies.:)
Part of my ambivalence is linked to my thinkingof them as a "family". I hate to think of them being splitup.

I don't know if long term the group would be stable. I don't know ifthe groupshould be consideredbonded at this stage.I've heard of sister/sister and brother/brother and even brother/sisterpairs, but I've never heard of a mother/daughter pair. I could onlykeep them if they could stay together as a group- I don't have thespace for 3 different setups. The boy/ girl split is enough of astretch as it is.

Madmartegan is still separated from the girls and is very lonely. It'sbeen a month since his neuter. I don't know if I should/could put himback with the girls or if he should be put up for adoption as a single.

I just don't know what would be best for them. I wish I knew more about group dynamics and bonding bunnies.

Any advice?
Wow they are just so beautiful, it must be sowonderful to watch them growing up!!! What a good Mum she is, lots ofextra treats for her :D!!
Have you read up on bonding yet?There's lots of info in Bunny 101. Mother/daugher pairs arepossible. I think Michaela has a mother/daughtertrio. I've also seen a few mother/daughter pairs onPetfinder. It might be possible to rebond Madmartegen back tothe girls. 4 weeks is long enough for the last of his spermto die off, so it should be safe. It might be easier to bondthem after Mocha is spayed, but it is possible to bond unspayed girls.

My question is- how good is Mocha with her mom? She should bea "teenager" right now, so I'm curious if you've noticed personalitychanges and whether she's still friendly with her mom or having littlearguements. If she's in pubertybut is still doingwell with her mom then I'd say go for bonding them. If she'sacting out against her mom, I wouldn't recommend stressing them byrebonding Madmartegen with them.
Forgot to say, it would be a good idea to talkto someone from the HRS about this. They may have somerecommendations and might be able to help you with bonding them.

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