Minnesota Madness

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I read the whole thing about Jay Jay yesterday and I think you did the right thing, such a difficult situation! A trade is a great idea. Rose looks like a beautiful bun and I think you two will be much better suited to each other. Hopefully Jay Jay can find a home with someone who can handle him fearlessly and love him and work with him.
silvermoon wrote:
I read the whole thing about Jay Jay yesterday and I think you did the right thing, such a difficult situation! A trade is a great idea. Rose looks like a beautiful bun and I think you two will be much better suited to each other. Hopefully Jay Jay can find a home with someone who can handle him fearlessly and love him and work with him.
Why thanks a bunch for you kind words, and support

AND thanks you everyone else too...u all r great!!!!
So Rose and Monty r doing great today. I have my food mixed with oats at the moment to fatten Rose up. But how can I do that when she doesnt eat the oats. I saw her dish when i woke up this morning all the food was gone and the bottom was covered in oats lol

So just to b on the safe side I have a vet appointment for her tomorrow night after i get done with work. She seems fine but I would feel more at ease if I got her a once over by a professional.

ETA: spelling errors
Good for you Fancy. You made the best of a bad situation.

I'm not sure from the pics, and I'm no Tony, but if ya think see needs to put some weight, perhaps a little alfala (i don't know how to spell it). Just mix some in with her hay for a little while. Maybe a 90% hay with just 10% that stupid word I can spell. Not too much, but just a little extra to help her put on some weight slowly.

I also limit the amount of pellets that I give mine - perhaps some extra pellets might work too. Again, not too much, just some extra.
Torchster wrote:
Good for you Fancy. You made the best of a bad situation.

I'm not sure from the pics, and I'm no Tony, but if ya think see needs to put some weight, perhaps a little alfala (i don't know how to spell it). Just mix some in with her hay for a little while. Maybe a 90% hay with just 10% that stupid word I can spell. Not too much, but just a little extra to help her put on some weight slowly.

I also limit the amount of pellets that I give mine - perhaps some extra pellets might work too. Again, not too much, just some extra.
Shucks I knew I forgot something at the store today...Alfalfa. I had it on my mind also to try... I will get it later now. I did get her and Monty some toys tho..the things that were not at the top of my list lol

I am free feeding her. she seems o only eat when she is hungry and not eating all day, but I want it available there foe her when she wants it

this bunny went from rags to riches in a matter of minutes. this bunny, Rose just jumped right out to you. see, bunnies do pick there owners at our rescue. JJ is good. he is not JJ the Jerk yet, but the name is in holding.:apollo:
gbread wrote:
this bunny went from rags to riches in a matter of minutes. this bunny, Rose just jumped right out to you. see, bunnies do pick there owners at our rescue. JJ is good. he is not JJ the Jerk yet, but the name is in holding.:apollo:
LISA??? I just figured this out OMG i had no Idea u r on RO
SO I took Rose to the vet. I needed to change my pants after I paid the bill though...Not expecting 75.00 for a check up.

I do like Pet Medical Center it is just the cost to me is unGodly.

So the checked her for skin parasites, fleas, ear-mites. Other stuff like looking at her feet and nails, eyes, and looking to see if she was dehydrated i guess. The vet stuck this thing in her mouth to check all her teeth and she said they look good, but if she had to guess the wear pattern or something on the teeth, she thinks Rose is 3 maybe...the teeth look like that in rabbits from the ages of 1-3.

they also took a stool sample...they will call me with the results. She told me 3 times what she was doing with it, but do u think i can remember.

The vet also shaved her area to see if she was spayed and she is not, so they were kind enough to give me an estimate of a spay...282.17...OMG i almost fainted. SO any way. If I decide to get her spayed it will not b for a while since I want her to settle in and gain weight b4 I decide anything.

I have yet to tell John about the cost last night...ha ha ha dont tell him, its our secret lol He never asked either...which is very odd for him. But he is elated she has a clean bill of health
SweetSassy wrote:
I'm glad she's healthy :)

She's young too. You/Lisa thought she might be older. How is she doing? Is she getting use to everyone?
The vet said it would b easy to assume her as an older rabbit cuz of how she looks.

she has started to sprawl out in her cage...so that makes me think she is getting a bit more comfortable. But she is still so nervous and scared. when we go near her cage she moves to the farthest corner, or if I let her out to play, she always has a watchful eye and will run for her cage if we get too close. She needs a lot more time.
