I am not sure Brenda if she does or not. i havent seen her, but things have been rearranged while I gone..who knows lol
Dave...trust me the thought crosses my mind...but i will need your help with time management lol
OK so I have a confession/omission to make. I have been spending a lot of spare time looking into hairless dog breeds. I am a greyhound person at heart, and hubby likes Labs (which everyone and there brother has one here)
But I was watching Animal Cops Phoenix and fell in love with one of the hairless Mexican chiwawwas lol they rescued from a hoarder, so i am just having a hard time getting them out of my head. But like everything i want MN doesnt provide, I was looking at rescues, but that means i have to flipping drive cross country to get one...so I am up a creek. Even breeders are no where to b found...which a puppy...no way i hate potty training. OH well I guess