Mini Rex questions

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I love my mini rex's!!!!

I also did alot of reserach before I bought - and I chose rexs for their soft fur & well known great temprement, I HIGHLY recommend them for a first-time rabbit owner! :)

I love my former lop too for his lap-dog like attitude, but he just can't beat seeing two full grown rex's racing around kicking their legs in the air atnothing! :)'Course abi got the best of both worlds, she loves to sit in my lap and be cuddled but she's adventurus & is known to throw a few "I AM A BUNNY!!!" fits :) (she's a lop x mini rex cross).

Which ever bunny you choose should reflect your own personality but I suggest going to a local bunny show or a breeder who specializes in a few breeds and just see what suits you best.



I almost didn't go back to my friends store today to look at the baby I fell in love with, was really busy, but around noon was driving by anyway so I stopped.

She was in this time, so I got to ask her about the breeder. She said it is a very good breeder with nice,healthy animals. She said it's the only breeder she buys from. She's known him for awhile.


Then I asked her, what breed the rabbit I liked was. as the sign mentioned Mini Rex but clearly there was only one Mini Rex left, due to fur type, and it wasn't mine. She said he is crossing PolishxMini RexXMini LopX Netherland Dwarf because he thinks they make nice pet rabbit. He is also getting into Lionheads but doesn't have any available right now.

So, I have a rabbit now. It's not home yet, I've got to set up a cage,etc..but I paid for him. Oh, and it is a buck. Which I'm kinda happy about because a few people said they'd prefer bucks for pets, and they are cheaper to have neutered.

You'll find out really quickly why it's good to get them neutered :D I suggest placing a piece of cardboard around the ouside of the cage, depending on how old he is - SPRAYING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

There is still some behind my toilet I can't reach :mad:


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