New Member
Hi there,
I'm a new rabbit owner and would really appreciate your advice. I've had my two mini lop boys (Bill and Ted) for about two and a half months now. They are brothers born on 9 Jan 2014. They used to cuddle, groom each other and play really well together. I got them de-sexed about 3 weeks ago and yesterday evening, out of nowhere I heard a rabbit squeal and when I ran to the noise I saw my boys fighting viciously. Ted's hair was everywhere and he now has quite a bit of damage to both ears. Bill seems OK physically but definitely on edge. I've also noticed quite a bit of territorial urinating. I've separated them by adding a wire divider to their space and they seem to live harmoniously whilst being able to see each other. I've read a bit about re-bonding but would like some more information.
Do I need to separate them completely, like in different rooms?
I don't really have a neutral place to re-bond them, is that critical for the process? I could go to a friend's house.
I'm doing my best to treat them the same so neither feel like 'the winner'. How can I help them sort it out themselves without the viciousness?
Is re-bonding always possible? Does it make a difference that they are brothers?
I've attached a picture of how they used to be and also a picture of the cage space I'm using now.
Any other advice?
Happy to answer any questions
Thanks so much for your time, it's so hard seeing them like this
Kind regards,
Worried bunny mum.

I'm a new rabbit owner and would really appreciate your advice. I've had my two mini lop boys (Bill and Ted) for about two and a half months now. They are brothers born on 9 Jan 2014. They used to cuddle, groom each other and play really well together. I got them de-sexed about 3 weeks ago and yesterday evening, out of nowhere I heard a rabbit squeal and when I ran to the noise I saw my boys fighting viciously. Ted's hair was everywhere and he now has quite a bit of damage to both ears. Bill seems OK physically but definitely on edge. I've also noticed quite a bit of territorial urinating. I've separated them by adding a wire divider to their space and they seem to live harmoniously whilst being able to see each other. I've read a bit about re-bonding but would like some more information.
Do I need to separate them completely, like in different rooms?
I don't really have a neutral place to re-bond them, is that critical for the process? I could go to a friend's house.
I'm doing my best to treat them the same so neither feel like 'the winner'. How can I help them sort it out themselves without the viciousness?
Is re-bonding always possible? Does it make a difference that they are brothers?
I've attached a picture of how they used to be and also a picture of the cage space I'm using now.
Any other advice?
Happy to answer any questions
Thanks so much for your time, it's so hard seeing them like this
Kind regards,
Worried bunny mum.