Well-Known Member
Milu is such a pretty boy! Does his name mean anything? I love all the pictures of him. My favorite is the one of him standing in front of the gray wall. Very cool. Of course I like the one of his long tail too. My Rory has a super long tail and it's good to know there are others like him
How is Milu's weight doing? Would it be possible to supplement him with food? Like crush up pellets until they're really powdery, mix with water, and syringe into his mouth so he doesn't have to chew? Or feed him Critical Care? If you can't get Critical Care in Brazil, I'm sure someone would be willing to ship some from you.
Oh and Fedorento was a cutie too! What kind of art do you? The foot kind of freaked me out when I didn't know what it was. It sure looks realistic!
How is Milu's weight doing? Would it be possible to supplement him with food? Like crush up pellets until they're really powdery, mix with water, and syringe into his mouth so he doesn't have to chew? Or feed him Critical Care? If you can't get Critical Care in Brazil, I'm sure someone would be willing to ship some from you.
Oh and Fedorento was a cutie too! What kind of art do you? The foot kind of freaked me out when I didn't know what it was. It sure looks realistic!