Miffy just loves a good blanket!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
At night (or in the morning for that matter)when I let her out, I always end up covering up with a old blanket, theonly word I can use to descibe it is fuzzy on both sides.Well, Miffy just loves it, she will always go under it, lay down ontop, play with it with her teeth (not eating), and it is so funny whenshe is standing on top of it then jump straight up into a binkydance! It drapes off couch and she will go underneaththentunnel out, I always think that she should have one inher cage but I don't want her to eat it so it is a treat when she comesout.

Anyone else have a bun who is in love with blankets?
Yes! I have a gate that separates playareas. I just started putting a towel underneath it becausesomebunny was marking that area. :mad:

Anyway, I left the towel lying in Toby's area one night and he spenthours playing with it - digging at it and making "holes" he could hidein. It was too cute. He never plays with toys, soto see him playing like that made me really happy.


All of our bunnies have (and LOVE) blankies...


YES! Cookie has a blanket that I drapeover the seat of a kitchen chair so it's a 'cave' underneath and theexcess blanketpuddles on the floor. He goes intothe blanket cave and spends hours rearranging the 'puddle' of blanketjust to his liking and then sleeps in the puddle for the rest of theday.

I get in trouble when I touch it. I've been smacked forit...
Sparky and Scooter have their own blankettoo. Scooter loves to arrange it "just so". As soonas she gets it arranged to her liking, I spread it back out so she hasto start over again. I just want to give her something todo. Sometimes I really get the evil eye from her!
Loki will sometimes dig and arrange a towel onthe floor, especially if it is in his way. Mocha lovesblankets. She likes to lay on them because they aresoft. She likes to arrange them just so, and she loves whenthe blankets hang over the edge of my bed so she can play in thetunnels. She can spend an hour playing under theblankets! Sometimes Loki will get in on the fun, too.
MeatHead is boarded in our bedroom so when hecomes out to play he goes under the blanket that lays to the bottom ofthe bed to the floor. Sometimes I would not be able to find him. Now Iknow to lift the blanket up and there he is. Dad gave us a indoor doghouse that was used for their pommie and I decided to give it a trywith meathead durring floor time. It is a winner. I will post pics.
They do look very much alike, but I thinkWildfire is much smaller. She's only about 3-3.5 pounds, Ihaven't really weighed her, but all the wieghts on her pedigree aretiny, an she's not very big. So I know she's tiny.

The colour of their fur is identical though!!
Pictures are so adorable!

I don't think Emmy is fond with blankies. She LOVES wickerbaskets though! You should've seen my mom's face when she saw all themissing wickers in the basket. It was hilarious. But hey, what can yousay? lol

Snap, I just remembered I have straw mats? I think that's what there called? 99 cents at Big Lots.

What is the best material for a bunny blanket?Is polar fleece safe to leave in their cage 24/7? We have massiveamounts of this in my house, and I thought it would be nice to put itto good use. If fleece isn't safe, then what material could I use foran in-cage blanket?
My buns don't have blankets (yet), but it'sfunny, I just caught Tumbleweed on my pillow. It fell on thefloor, and she's like, "Ooooh, what's this big squishything? I like, I like." It's so funny to watchher climbing all over it, digging into it, burrowing underit, hopping over it, and racing around the room and pouncingon it again, lol. She's still at it as I type. Thecat is just looking at her like, "Have you lost your ever-lovingmind?" :D


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