Miffy does not like Woody Pet...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
So I bought a 30lb bag of Woody pet and cleanedout her messy cage and replaced CareFresh with WoodyPet and now she isnot using it?:? Do buns take some time to get used to thisstuff, I know when I changed from Yesterdays News to CareFresh she hadno problem with that. Do you think that she just does notlike WoodyPet?:shock:And if so, any suggestions on what to do with thisstuff now? She has peed in two seperate corners and there wasalmost a little pile of poopies in the middle of her cage lastnight. Before this she always peed in her litterbox.

Any suggestions for me? Thanks alot!

My rabbits wouldn't touch the stuff either:?You can try making a really slooow switch and hopeshe becomes accustomed to it. I ended up just giving them what theywanted - newspaper. Strange rabbits...
I rrrreally hope JimD doesn't see this.

He'll be devastated to hear a bunny doesn't love WoodyPet.

I switched to Woody Pet about a month ago and mine didn't like it at first, either.

Is there any way you could mix it with what you were usingbefore? If not, just keep picking up the poopies and puttingthem in the Woody Pet. Maybe she will get the idea.

Woody Pet does have a strong smell and I imagine that's the turnoff.

I'm thrilled with the Woody Pet.I haven't even puta dent in the bag I have. Ijust barely cover thebottom of the litter box with it because it expands so much whenwet.

Good luck!



Tucker also didn't like WoodyPet at first, but he got over it. It took a couple of days.

The others give you a great suggestion by starting to mix the otherbrand in slowly with it. Hopefully she'll take to it within aday or two. How long have you been trying to use it withher? Rabbits can be very stubborn when it comes tochange.

Hi Debbie!

Keep the Woody Pet and exchange the bunnie! (jk ;))

You could try mixing a littleWoodyPet with the CareFresh and then gradually increase until it's all Woody Pet.

It could be the odor or the consistancy. Miffy may not understand what the Woody Pet is for.

Put the "out-of-pan" poops (and anything she peed on if possible) into her litter pan and she may pick up on the idea.

I was using CareFresh before switching to WoodyPet. At that time noneof our buns were litter trained and we used the WoodyPet in the droppans under the wire bottoms. When I litter trained the buns I put someof the soiled litter in their pans and they got the idea right away.


Carolyn wrote:
He'llbe devastated to hear a bunny doesn't love WoodyPet.

I was pretty dissapointed too, the lil' bums. I tried everything :X. It just wasn't worth it after awhile...
It has only been one night, so I will keeptrying. Unfortunatly I am all out of CareFresh. Andshe loved that stuff, she would go in there and start pushing it aroundand the some of it would go flying! I do have a little ofYesterdays News left so I will mix some of that in and spray some wateron it to soften it up a little bit. I really hope that sheends up liking the Woody Pet, you cannot go wrong paying a little over5 dollars for 30lbs!

Again, thanks for the suggestions, now I have to go and clean up her cage little and add the yesterday's news.
JimD wrote:
Keep the Woody Pet and exchange the bunnie! (jk ;))

I had so many litter boxes around Pebbles when she first litteredtrained, she probably got confused with the differenttypes. She didn't mind which one as long as she found a boxto sit in. At one point I probably had five different littersmixed in one box. :pSo lucky for me, Woody Pet was not difficultat all. :D

Rainbows! :)

I had one bun that kept looking over the edge ofthe pan like the Woody Pet was going to eat her! I covered itwith a layer of timothy hay and....well you know buns....the stomachwon and she hopped in and started using it. I think I alsoput a paper towel with some of her urine in the box too.........

Good Luck - I love the stuff!